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Posts posted by Mabawsa_Ritchie

  1. To answer your question,Freemasonry is an entirely different organisation from the Orange Order. There are however members of both organisations although Masonry is inclusive of all religions as long as the Mason has a belief in a Supreme Being,whichever Supreme Being they worship. Religion or politics however is not or should not be discussed at a Masonic meeting.

    Do people really believe this p*sh in the 21st century?? :lol: :lol: You can belief in any 'Supreme Being' you like as long as he's male and called King Billy. :lol: :lol:

  2. Rangers have not released any season tickets yet, just the price that will be sold at as soon as the powers that be grant the licence and transfer the membership

    Dont worry tho I am sure we will pass your teams sales so far with in the 1st 10 mins.

    Arrogant as ever, no wonder fans of SFL clubs hate you lot. Why don't you just p*ss off to the Third Division forum where you diddy clubs belong. :lol: :lol:

  3. Good man ... If only all Rangers fans were as clever and rational as you are. thumbup2.gif

    On the bright side for all fans of "The Rangers FC" you still have Ibrox Stadium & Murray Park and your new club have no debts. All "The Rangers" fans should be eternally grateful to all of the UK's P.A.Y.E. taxpayers and the 300+ bumped creditors who payed for Ibrox Stadium and Murray Park ph34r.gif

    Apart from the £3m they owe UEFA for football debts and the £5.5m loan they owe Chico Green. :lol: :lol:

  4. Ahh the most satisfying moment of my life today, I was introduced to a guy at a meeting and over the coffee break and the usual small talk I asked the guy who he supported " I'm a rangers man" he said proudly.

    Without missing a beat I shook my head condescendingly and said " no I mean WHO'S YOUR BIG TEAM " I was still chuckling for the full 3 minute ensuing lecture about their triumphant spl return capped off with regular champions league wins as they're now debt free !!!

    Ahh man I'm gony enjoy this 3 season holiday

    I hope you reminded him about the £5.5m they will owe Chico Green? :lol: :lol:

  5. Yes, the club can be punished for what (allegedly) happened in its past. The transfer embargo, assuming it is finalised, is proof of that.

    The transfer embargo is the penalty for the 'bringing the game into disrepute' charge, nothing else. The EBT penalty will be stripping of 'tainted' titles given the fraudulent use of dual contracts. Please keep up, mind you it is difficult given the number of offences the club formerly known as Rangers has committed. :D

  6. Cheers mate. I honestly expected to hear more from a 'silent majority' of decent Rangers' fans throughout all this. But there seems to be a collective denial of the reality of what's happened. The club I've always thought of as my club now seems to be run by ultra-Unionists and BNP types. It embarressing. I've no idea how these people managed to take over. They don't speak for me.

    "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke). There's your answer M8.

  7. Tut tut Mr.Gilmour

    Gilmour condemns "horrific" newco vote

    SIMMERING Stewart Gilmour last night let rip at the lower league clubs who tossed Rangers to the depths of the Scottish game ... sparking fears of mass redundancies at St Mirren.

    The Saints chairman was left stunned yesterday afternoon when news broke from a Hampden summit that the 30 SFL clubs had decided to block the admission of the Ibrox club's newco to the First Division.

    By an overwhelming margin of 25-5, they voted to banish the liquidated Glasgow outfit to the Third Division and, in the process, cast Scottish football into a whole new crisis.

    Chairmen of top-flight clubs are now bracing themselves for a doomsday scenario that could see big-money

    commercial partners, such as Sky television, pull out of their SPL deals.

    And Gilmour who was enjoying a sunshine break in Spain when yesterday's vote result was announced admits dark clouds are already looming as he fears having to axe many of the club's loyal staff.

    In an exclusive interview with Express Sports, Gilmour said: "This is horrific news for St Mirren Football Club. The consequences are terrible catastrophic even.

    "What happens next? Well, there is an SPL meeting on Monday and we will need to see what is said then and take it from there.

    "The St Mirren board will meet in the days after that SPL meeting and decide what is the best way forward but we are already looking at major redundancies."

    Yesterday's vote came just days after SFA chief executive Stewart Regan drew up a masterplan aimed at enticing the SFL clubs into backing the First Division option.

    Despite promises of a 16-team top division within two years and enhanced cash handouts for all of Scotland's 42 senior clubs, the 'sporting integrity' argument won the day as Rangers were exiled.

    But Gilmour insists an opportunity has been missed and a blunder has been made that could send a number of clubs into the same financial abyss currently occupied by the Govan outfit.

    He said: "To be fair to Stewart Regan, the document he released last week was a good document.

    "It set out changes to Scottish football that would bring in a fairer structure, fairer distribution system, fairer everything.

    "Unfortunately, the people in the SFL have not bought into that. I just hope they realise the damage they have done to Scottish football.

    "Five clubs in the SPL could be in administration within weeks and we will have to do everything we can to avoid being one of them."

    Rangers last night issued their own statement which claimed that, following talks with SPL chief executive Neil Doncaster and Regan, they believe plans for SPL 2 which would include Rangers could now be put in motion, with existing Division One members invited to join.

    However, Gilmour can't see such a set-up getting off the ground.

    He added: "The SFA and the other bodies are already talking about the options and that could be decided on Monday.

    "As for an SPL 2, I'm not sure that is any better than letting Rangers back into the top flight."

    What a load of bollocks. Gilmour must be on holiday with Kenny Cameron of ICT. Seriously, I thought Saints were debt-free? Are we really saying that a loss of one, maybe two, home game(s) against Sevco Scotland plus TV money leads to redundancies at St Mirren Park (although I did hear rumours of redundancies at St Mirren a few months back from one of our stewards whose firm also stewards there)?

    Stuart McCall of Motherwell was saying similar things on BBC Sportsound earlier whilst also saying that his Club had made a profit in the last couple of years (plus they are in Europe this year). Load of tosh I think, or are these SPL Clubs really run on such an unstable business model.

  8. If the SPL cut off the payment to the SFL due to Rangers being in Division 3, then surely there would be a TV deal of some sort for SFL coverage which would be worth at least £60k to each club?

    Another bluff by Doncaster. The payment made annually to the SFL is not termed the "Perpetual Agreement" for nothing. It is legally binding on the SPL. If SPL plc say they can no longer afford to pay it, then it is obvious their outgoings must be exceeding their incomings - ie they are effectively insolvent - and the SFL should apply to the CoS to place the company (the SPL) into administration. How sweet would that be? :lol: :lol:

  9. f

    OK but does that mean that they would grant them a license to play in the SFL? If so, on what basis? Surely the grounds for granting licenses are the same across all divisions?

    Although many of the licence conditions will be common across all football leagues (including junior and amateur), in Sevco's case there is the 'sins of the father' factor. In other words, the SFA will not grant the SPL a licence if they vote to let Sevco back in because of the misdeeds of the now-defunct Rangers FC , but would in all probability grant the SFL their licence if they allow Sevco in - but is the SFA view First Divsion or Third?

  10. Oh Cappie still singing the same tune. Keep practicing practising, and get a wee dug dog and start collecting shrapnel because you're your club is going the way of the rest after we leave to bigger and brighter things.

    Sorted that 'sentence' for you in order that other, more educated (non-OF), fans can make sense of it. Who says the average OF supporter is an ill-educated bigot? :lol:

  11. http://leggoland2.blogspot.fr/

    Leggy's on the ball today

    I see that Leggat is arguing that Glenmuir can no longer be considered a Scottish brand as it transferred to a new English company some years back and, therefore, lost all of its history. Presumably, using his own logic, he is admitting that Sevco 5088 is no longer 'the Ranjurs'. :o Somehow I don't think he will be. It's called hypocrisy. :angry:

  12. The SFA membership bit covers those though ground accounts etc, SPL as it stands you don't need to be in the SFA but for SFL you do so they have to meet thecriteria for SFA for the SFL. SFL can vote to changetheir rulesif a big enough majority in favour .

    That's incorrect. As the governing body, the SFA issues licences to both SPL and SFL allowing their Clubs to play in Scotland. If this wasn't the case, how could the SFA have placed a transfer embargo on Rangers? :)

  13. who is lee wallace's agent btwlaugh.gif

    why would he possibly advise him this is a good move for his careeer

    what if the rangers get parachuted to the third division , that will f**k up his international career surely.

    I think the real reason behind this maybe that the SFA has told his agent that Wallace won't be allowed to move anywhere until newco pays Hearts the £800K that is still due on his transfer. I think it's due for payment on 1 July.

  14. Very recently, "Rangers Newco" has offered to accept a range of sporting and financial penalties for the wrongdoing of "Rangers Oldco", as well as undertaking to support a change to the SPL's iniquitous 90% (11-1) voting structure to a more democratic 75% (9-3), if allowed entry to the SPL. This is not insignificant and is recognised in the third option on the consultation response slip.

    Not that I think many people will tick this box, but this is very interersting.

    Can't imagine Rangers fans being too chuffed with this

    What are these "sporting and financial penalties" that newco has apparently signed up to then? Haven't heard anything about that in the media - is it all just a smokescreen by Johnston who is clearly wetting himself that WATP won't be in the SPL next season.

  15. Don't know if this has been mentioned on here yet, but the Herald is now reporting that the two jokers who were reported to have lodged a bid of £11m for newco have withdrawn the bid. Apparently Chic Green told them he was looking for at least £30M to sell the newco to them. The gift that keeps on giving indeed! :lol: :lol: :lol:


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