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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. Davy Irons Now boss of Stenhousemuir, he admitted the Ibrox club must be punished but said: “I understand the arguments about sporting integrity but it’s incredible we are talking about Rangers being shunted into the Third." No we're not. Rangers no longer exist.
  2. David Longmuir has already said if NECO Rangers are admitted to the SFL they would need to start in the bottom Excellent typo! I read it as 'necro' Rangers. Apt.
  3. Orcs are getting restless............. this from RM, "With all this hatred being directed towards our club by fans of other clubs, not to mention the unrelenting attacks on us by the mhedia and the neverending threats, fines and other sanctions from ruling bodies........................... .............does anybody else genuinely believe we're not far away from seeing our support "take to the streets"? Things are genuinely getting out of hand now, and the SFA/SPL and other relevant authorities would do well to consider just what they could be creating here. As I've said many times before, our support is our strength and no matter how hard they batter us, we will always return the serve (if we stick together) and make these people who hate us so much pay for their maltreatment of our club and support. " But how will they focus their anger when they have no focal point? ie NO TEAM to follow follow.
  4. It's being suggested that a 'NO' vote will render clubs liable to financial pain and therefore weakened teams. That will be more or less the same for all clubs, thus leaving a level playing field. The exception, of course, is Celtic. But surely they are odds on to win the league next season no matter what the outcome? Vote NO.
  5. Watched DVD of Lord of the Rings today. Just couldn't see an Orc without laughing.
  6. Aw naw. I suggested a revamp of the leagues would be a good thing. Now I'm unhappy about it. I'm like the guy in the pub in the Paul Whitehouse sketch. I'm looking forward to this pish being settled!
  7. On this site the Daily Record is considered to be Ibrox-friendly. On FF and RM they refer to it as the Rhecord. I am not trying to defend the rag. Either someone is mistaken or it swaps sides to sell copy. Surely not!
  8. As a point of interest, I read that Duff&Phelps have been appointed administrator for failed department store Allders of Croyden. God help the creditors. (just a turn of phrase, I'm atheist)
  9. How about a levy on all other clubs to help them get up and running? Seems only fair............................
  10. This link should answer some of your questions. http://wingsland.podgamer.com/rangers-insolvency-qa/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=rangers-insolvency-qa Not necessarily the answers you WANT to see, though. At 1854 pagtes, this isn't a thread, it's a hawser.
  11. Basically agree with you (especially internet) but Kelly is an irrelevance, more to be pitied than scolded. No idea why he was on that programme.
  12. P&B naturally attracts the younger and more interested/'motivated', IMO. Thanks for your reply Hibee. (and others) Especially since I'm a kick in the arse off being 60. I love this site.
  13. I have a quetion to ask, please. I don't reside in Scotland, so cannot gauge the general feeling 'on the ground'. On this site, the general attitude is NO NEWCO and also, maybe, NO RANGERS AT ALL. I have no problem with that but does the same attitude exist in the pubs, clubs and elsewhere in football circles as far as anyone can tell? Certain circle excepted, of course. I imagine the answer will be yes, but I just thought I'd ask.
  14. Did you miss all the sexist references to Tracy Campbell-Hynd? I realise all remarks were in the best possible taste.
  15. Good point in your blog about area being more desirable with no Orcs every fortnight. Like my new avatar?
  16. This thread is SO long I don't have time to check, so apologies if this has been said. I am in favour of withdrawing all titles/trophies won by rangers IF they are found guilty of financial skulduggery. However i am NOT in favour of awarding said titles to the runners-up. Here's why. Who can say if a team beaten in the early rounds would not have gone on to win a cup? The league may be slightly different but for the sake of fairness it should be treated the same. That way, the record books could show COMPETITION ANNULLED RETROSPECTIVELY DUE TO CHEATING BY RANGERS Then no-one could ever forget that it happened.
  17. I was lurking on a the rangers forum where I saw a post from someone who outed himself by accusing the the rangers fans of being vile, violent bigots who overused the word paedo. He also claimed to be non-catholic. He got four pages of replies calling him a bead rattling ***** tarrier paedo with a couple of veiled threats thrown in. Oh, the irony.
  18. I wouldn't rule out the liquidator looking over the independent valuations H&D got and maybe a bidder will appear for something like iMurray Park or a fortified wine maker will bid for the name and crest to throw a spanner in the works, but I'm not sure this is as shady as it may appear on first glance. Rangers are just objectively worth less than Aidan McGeady (God I love pointing that out) Thanks for your succinct summation , girondistnyc. I just hope that the glimmer of an alternate outcome, as on the news, comes to fruition.
  19. I'm new to this site and what I'm about to say has probably been done to death but could the present situation not be an opening for a reconstruction of the leagues? IF the SPL really would be in trouble without Rangers (maybe) , then why not change things around so that they are not missed? 16 teams first div, etc, etc, etc. Just a thought.
  20. Just saw the lunchtime news. BDO may well have something up their sleeves. Heh heh.
  21. And another thing. I keep reading about how "big" a club Rangers is. WAS! When this is done they will be just another 'diddy' team. There will be no tsunami of cash coming in. ( I don't actually like the term 'diddy team', apologies to all.)
  22. I have not read every post since yesterday, so apologies if I'm covering old ground. I do not understand why Green&Co are getting the business for 5.5M. I would have thought that BDO should take over and flog all the assets for as much as they can get. Surely more than 5.5M? What happened to the idea that the administrators first duty was to the creditors? Still something not right here.
  23. I take your point about the history disappearing. I totally agree. I'm just trying to emphasise the point as in, who would have any right to said history IF it could be transferred? I presume, perhaps wrongly, that the shares disappear also. So what is there to be "transferred" ? Time will tell, it's all good, clean fun!
  24. Immediately after the liquidation, could someone, e.g. The Blue Knights, start a brand new club, call it Rangers and claim the "history"? Could several different groups try to do likewise? If the existing Rangers cease to exist, what's to stop something like that? Sorry if this is a silly question but nothing is clear to me.
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