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Posts posted by Nick_BCFC

  1. :lol::lol: Gods, you're sadder than him! The build up to this has been going on for two weeks.....


    If you really want to know they are Canon iR 3245 models...


    full specification details HERE!

    Feck, you've got me at it now!! :angry:<_<:(


    Edit: And now Reina's at it too! I'm beginning to wish I hadn't moaned in the first place now! :rolleyes:

    It's more beautiful then I imagined! It looks like it could fly or something.

  2. My Admin Officer almost wetting himself with excitement over the three new photocopiers we had delivered today.

    "Ooh look at the mechanised trolley they're using to get the copiers' up the stairs"

    "They've got an add on paper bin that can take 5 reams of paper so we won't have to refill them so often. Here, let me show you how it works"

    "They can do 45 copies per minute, much faster than the old machine"

    "Ooh look at the automatic stapler feature"

    "I've put the instruction manual in the draw above the A4 tray - see?"

    It's a fucking photocopier man, get over it! :angry:<_<

    To be fair though, that does sound like a cracking photocopier!

  3. It doesn't happen to me as much as it should really, which is a plus.

    My nag, the wee Raith Rovers arseholes on this thread. I don't know why they annoy me, or why I get annoyed at them. That Kutski or whatever he calls himself doesn't half come across as a fucktard on here.

    Ah, that feels better.

    Something annoyed me about him a few weeks ago. It was a thread named Kutski, started by Kutski and Kutski was the last to post on it. It just didn't look right.

  4. why mid 30's+?

    Bowls isnt pish

    No other reason then I personally found more success with mid 30's when I was your age. Perhaps you'll have better luck then me with the 20 odd year olds but I often thought the same as you (why did I even bother trying to chat her up etc). Older women seemed more.......desperate for a younger guy, perhaps to try and make them feel a bit younger, I don't know.

  5. I've no money to do anything good. This gets on my nerves.

    Got about £30 until I get paid on 15th so that's just enough to get to work and back and maybe a packet of rolling baccy. Got two gigs to play this weekend as well so hopefully at the first one they'll give us free beer as well as paying us else i'll be drinking water all night. Should be able to drink at the second one but that's on the Sunday so wouldn't be having much due to working the next day.

  6. Yes, you deleted your post and said forget it, then said "a certain something in the last 24 hours" or words to that effect.

    Not that I care, mind. But you need to watch now that Nick_BCFC is your enemy, I've heard he's pretty brutal.

    Word has it he killed Michael Jackson because he wasn't planning to play You Rock My World on his upcoming tour.

    That's almost right - it was The Earth Song he wasn't going to play though.

    I will forget about us being sworn enemies though if you are prepared to tell us what's wrong with you. Hinting I find slightly annoying but i'll always play up to it by asking what's the matter. But when people aren't prepared to reveal what it is once someone enquires they will have to face my wrath.

  7. Never said you were being one, mate. It was more a subtle barb at xbl, who I notice is employing double stanards again for having a go at me for doing exactly what you have done but not criticising you for it! :rolleyes:

    And yes, this constant hinting at 'something happening' is becoming a tad tedious. <_<

    He should either tell all or shut up! :D

    Ah I see, my apologies. The growing frustration of not knowing what has happened is eating away at me.

  8. Stop it - you'll get a lecture from xbl... <_<

    ...providing his head hasn't exploded after last night's tabasco sauce/chilli powder experiment! :lol:

    I'm not trying to be a jerk, i'm just curious. It gets on my tits when someone says something like that and doesn't explain what's happened.

    it's because of a certain thing happening in the past 24 hours

    Which was.....??

  9. :lol:

    nahh, dont think she'd enjoy it and she's already moved back down to Clydebank

    Ah well, I saw it on Hollyoaks a few weeks back - Archie took Sarah there and she was impressed and he got to bang her not long after that.

    Also, if you continue to play you'll be the most popular guy at the bowls club years down the line.

    When you're retired you'll always be first picked when choosing teams as you'll have lifetime experience and your pals will just be starting out ;)

  10. What was the name of the Car Insurance company who had an owl in the advert and the phone number was 0800 28 28 20 (the 28 28 20 bit was said like an owl - if that makes any sense).

    Advert was about 1996/97.

    thanks for the help!

    Endsleigh had an owl - maybe it was them.

    My question - what was the name of that guy who John Lennon got a blow job off then killed?

    I'd google it but i'm at work and don't want to be searching for John Lennon Blow Job

    Just remembered - Stuart Sutcliffe

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