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Brewing up a storm

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Posts posted by Brewing up a storm

  1. There has been talk of community ownership for a while now, this is exactly the way we should go in order to live within our means. Get rid of the charlatans and run the club the way it should be, if this means dropping down a division, struggling on the park I don't really care as long as Livi are a team that I can go and watch week in week out.

    I'm a big fan of community ownership and supporter trusts but given that there was supporter involvement on the board over the last few years (arguably raising the question perhaps not of complicity in some of the recent goings-on but certainly of ability) I'd suggest there needs to be an honest reassessment by those involved and by those pushing community ownership of what the hell they were doing before there is any automatic assumptions that community ownership will actually work...

  2. Interesting perspective, DhenBhoy. I think Cockwomble's just a lump of wood, really.

    However, you may have a point. Will the SPFL get itself into more funny shapes in order to save the Proddy Franchise? Will it be a franchise type set-up that allows shysters to do as they damn well please in the league with their 'absolute discretion'? Will clubs vote for that?

    Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. The old SFL allowed the franchising of Meadowbank Thistle to West Lothian under a completely dodgy character and the Rangers shenanigans aren't too different (although their shysters have actually been convicted in some cases). Others will probably know way better than I do, but IIRC the English system pretty much outlawed franchising after the MK Dons fiasco whereas in Scotland it is still allowed? May well be wrong on that though...

  3. Sadly, Brewing, having a fan on the Board is only half the truth.

    There were two.

    One fan on board who many fans saw as their darling.

    And a second who also worked for HMRC apparently and could have provided some simple advice, you would expect, on how to pay PAYE and NI obligations.

    Are you sure? I find it very hard to believe that while all this was going on there were actually two fans on the board. I'm sure there's a Livingston supporter who can clarify this...

  4. The fans don't deserve this again but I have zero sympathy for the ones who have been running the club over the years. A shambles of a football club who don't deserve to be in the SPFL

    Although, as noted repeatedly above, the fans have actually been involved in running the club through their Supporters Trust representative being on the board so this probably correctly means zero sympathy for them as well...

  5. Need to get a "Fortitier Omnia Vincit" chorus on the go in the DBM.

    Interesting. According to Google translation (which may well be wrong) there's a word "fortiter" which translates as "bravely" but there is no such Latin word as "fortitier". So, the possibilities are...

    1) Google has arsed up (not impossible)

    2) Your suggested chant and the crappy flag posted earlier have both managed to spell your own motto incorrectly

    3) Livingston FC has managed to have an official motto that they couldn't even spell accurately

  6. Said on the OS it was for personal reasons. That could be anything.

    Is probably most likely to be down to amnesia. He certainly had an outbreak a few years ago when he claimed that the reason he was one of the three or four Meadowbank Thistle fans who stabbed fellow supporters in the back to endorse Franchise L********n was because he didn't really know much about Thistle at the time. Conveniently forgetting he'd turned up at Thistle games for years, had been involved in pulling together a fanzine and knew entirely what was going on at the time. It's one thing to be a complete Judas, an entirely different one to deliberately lie about it.

  7. Assuming running-up debts leading to administration is also financial doping... presumably you'd expel Morton, Dundee, Livingston, Motherwell, Clachnacuddin, etc. from Scottish football too?

    Including Livingston in there with the other clubs is a bit harsh as they shouldn't have been expelled for their repeated ventures into administration. Rather they should never have been allowed to exist in the first place.

  8. Has anyone else stopped buying The DR?

    For the passed few months I havent bought it as it really was getting sickening reading how much drivel was written about rankers. And I have no intention of ever buying it again.

    The circulations of both the DR and Evening Times in Glasgow will take a hammering not only because of what has happened but also with rankers 2.0 in the 3rd division and very little in the way of exclusive stories and star players coming out of Govan. Many fans of the blue persuasion will see no point in buying it if they are consigned to only 2 pages (I doubt they will ever just be a few sentences at the bottom of a page), and many other fans will still be sickened by the rankers love-in.

    What are the phone ins on radio going to do without pished rankers fans calling in to moan about something? Will celtic fans pick up the slack?

    Still reckon that some serious shit is gonna hit the fan this week.

    I'm not so sure. The amount of space given to Newco will not be dependent so much on what league they are but how much people want to read stories about them. There'd be a bit less interest in match reports and less exciting transfers but that would have to be balanced by the huge and continuing coverage of the ongoing omnishambles that is Newco. Of course, if Rangers go out of business entirely they'll definitely take a hit (and the tabloids would definitely be concerned about that) but at the moment it'd be minimal.

  9. I'd struggle to make it to Dunfermline if our clubs were ever merged (which they shouldn't be). Fife's public transport links are utterly horrific compared to the rest of Scotland. From where I stay I'd either have to take the bus for an hour and a half, or catch two trains for Dunfermline. Similarly for Cowdenbeath via train. Methil isn't even catered for by the trains. Merging any club in Scotland at the moment would be a poor decision, all our clubs have history (bar one, NewCo cool.gif) and are distinguishable.

    I would absolutely agree about the poor transport links across Fife. Once to get to a game in Methil I not only had to take the train and then two separate buses but then after spending 10 minutes in the town I also realised I'd mysteriously somehow transported myself about 450 years into the past as well...

  10. By the logic of the 'too many teams brigade', the clubs that go bust should be left to expire in a corner and the leagues should not re-admit them. I wonder how that would sit?

    In 30 years we'd have two divisions of well-run small town sides with average crowd of 500 that can balance their books. Good or bad?

    The subtext of 'too many teams', that greedy, grasping clubs like Elgin, Montrose and Annan are starving poor mites like Rangers and Celtic of vital income, is a fallacy.

    I'm in favour of looking at league restructuring and the removal of teams that are a drain on the rest of Scottish football and believe that a sensible approach would be to trial it out gradually. In particular, there are way too many teams playing in the Glasgow area at present and it would therefore make perfect sense just to choose a particular team in that area to be shut down. I'm not sure if there are any teams in that area that are, for example, stuck in the bottom division, are financially struggling and, if such a thing is possible, have never ever won a single trophy (or even match!) in the whole of their history, but that would seem to be to be a very good candidate...

  11. You are correct, i just checked, Holland has population of 16,316,000 wink.gif

    But Denmark do have a similar sized population to ours: 5,368,854 - and they do the same as Holland in regards to qualifying for European Champions League and Europa League Stages and World Cup / European Championship Finals Stages. smile.gif

    Yes, but my second point still stands. There are quite a few countries in Europe with a population around the size of ours so why do you pick Denmark rather than, say Bulgaria, Ireland or Georgia? There are some countries that are doing better than us such as Croatia or Denmark (although certainly the latter have nowhere near the record our teams do in European club competition) but equally a few that do noticeably worse (Finland or Molodova). Its always easy in football to point to one club doing miles better with the same attendance and complain that you aren't doing that well when the reality is that they are just an outlier and there are teams even worse than you.

    I'm not saying that Scotland could not do as well as Denmark or Croatia in a while because the law of averages suggest that eventually it will happen just as it might well happen that in some future time we're even worse than we are at present. I'm also not saying that the demise of Rangers won't lead to some improvement (it will lead to some, hopefully, just I doubt it will be a huge amount) but simply that the demise of Rangers will not see a return to the big attendances and European/World success you claim. I'd love to be wrong on this though!

  12. I think you've been wooshed.

    I am really pleased with ICT's statement and glad they have found the new investment.

    The WTF was in response to the media and St Mirren's Armageddon shite. In reality as ICT have shown the clubs can thrive.

    ICT's statement was relatively good insofar as it suggests that they will not be in favour of changing things so Newco go in the SPL but that's merely reading between the lines. As far as facts go, they voted for Rangers out the SPL but only while (as we know now) there were plans to parachute them into the SFL. Then they released a quisling statement and now they've got money they've released a relatively non-committal statement which talks about "league reorganisation" (no further details given apart from wanting an expanded top league and they've been part of an SPL recently doing their damndest to talk a good game about reconstruction while actually offering as little as possible) and listening to the fans (no club claims otherwise and, judging by their previous statement, they don't do such a good job of this). I too am glad for new investment, but let's not get carried away over a relativel

    Edited to add: y ambiguous statement.

  13. Today, qualifying to play in the European Champions League and Europa Cup League should be the number one priority of Scottish clubs who finish in the positions (in domestic football) that merit them that opportunity. So long as there is a level playing field in Scotland (no cheating permitted), I see no reason at all, why Scottish clubs should not be able to do so - So long as they develop the youths rather than sign foreign duds which takes money out of the Scottish game. Holland has a population of similar size to Scotland. Dutch clubs rarely fail to qualify to play in those European competitions and Holland rarely fail to qualify for World Cup and European Championship Final Stages - based upon that fact, i see no reason why Scotland should not be able to do it.

    Umm, I suggest you check the size of the population of Holland. Or the population of Scotland. Or possibly both, because you're waaaaay off...

    Even if you weren't and even if Scotland did have the same population as Holland (clue: it's nowhere near) picking one example of a nation doing better than Scotland with the same population while ignoring the others that don't would hardly be a good argument.

  14. The thing is,

    St Mirren won the Scottish Cup back then and their support was definitely not less than it is today. dry.gif

    Hearts came very close to winning the league back then too, on one occasion they bottled it on the final day of the season. Had they won they would have won league.

    Aberdeen won European Cup Winners Cup and Super Cup, Dundee Utd played in UEFA Cup Final, Scottish clubs regularly reached Quarter Finals of European competitions, Scotland qualified for the World Cup Finals.

    Without the cheating Rangers, Scottish Football will flourish. It will take time, but after a few years of giving Scottish youths the opportunity to develop their game, Scottish football will improve greatly.

    I would absolutely love to think that this was the case but, unfortunately, I don't think it is. I think there are any number of more logical reasons for the decline of Scottish football since the mid-80s than the increasing strength of Rangers and the Old Firm. Other leagues have caught up with us in terms of finance, having quality training and coaching and youth systems, there's (arguably) the impact of Bosman and the huge rise in popularity of English football up here hitting attendance plus the increased cost of going to your local match. Realistically, these days why on earth would you expect any country the size of Scotland to regularly have clubs doing well in Europe?

    Don't get me wrong - I'd be absolutely furious if Newco are given any further preferential treatment (they should have been forced to reapply for Div 3) and I think it provides the opportunity for us to reshape Scottish football, but, even if things are reshaped the days of the mid-80s in terms of attendance and success in Europe are not coming back and, while the quality of our football would hopefully improve a bit to expect it to "improve greatly" is definitely overstating things.

  15. Also this is the orcs worst nightmare scenario ! being in the SPL only to be fucked over for 3 years plus by sanctions.The shame of being gubbed of Ross County and being at the bottom will be too much to bear for them and as far as I'm concerned is far worse punishment than getting off lightly in the 3rd division :D.

    If, and it is a huge if, Rangers go back in the SPL there is no way there would be such severe sanctions put in place that they'd run the risk of "Rangers" possibly getting relegated and the whole thing happening again. They obviously couldn't discount that it would happen (due to the financial situation of the team and their current lack of players) but they certainly wouldn't want to significantly contribute it and risk Newco being stuck in Division 1 for a year or two...

  16. I'll be honest about this. I was all in favour of the rules being applied fairly to Rangers and them having to apply for Division Three as anyone else would. However, on seeing the following informative and intellectual destruction of all pro-diddy arguments I have been forced to change my mind completely...

    We've been getting it tight for months and months now... Its got to the point were i have cut friends off and everything. The abuse us and our great club has taken is beyond comprehension! I wish bad things on every other club in Scotland, and any of their supporters who have called for our heads too, all those lying *****y b*****ds in the mhedia can die too! It's about time all these diddy little p***ks realised who we are and what we mean. We are the corner stone of Scottish football, we've kept most of these c***s alive and in jobs for generations and look how they've re-paid us!

    Everyone can go and take a massive f**k to themselves, they deserve everything they get...

    I for one can't wait for football to start in Div3, i will follow the Gers to as many of these little towns and villages as possible, i will continue to buy merchandise at whatever price and i will enjoy watching rome burn while im at it

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