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Posts posted by beermonkey

  1. On 3/6/2018 at 17:48, welshbairn said:



    I think beermonkey was complaining about strichener being PC instead of using the N word.

    Being PC is the language of cowards, call things what they are, it's not hard.

    and calling black people black is not offensive to anyone except snowflake fuckwits, so grow up.

  2. On 9/26/2017 at 19:27, KarlMarx said:

    I would say you're the moron my friend.

    You were fooled by the far right fuckers like Farage only in for themselves.

    I'll continue to watch Al Jazeera and Russia Today you watch Fox News for its comedy value.

    Keep bowing down to the alky toad Farage and the racist Trump.

    We all know it was all about those pesky immigrants coming here to do the jobs white Brits are too fucking lazy to do.

    I've not been fooled by anyone....They're all puppets.

    Farage & trump are the most recent puppets, i'll bow down to no politician ever.

    lazy brits?...that's just another lie forced upon us to convince everyone that we need mass immigration, The only reason for mass immigration is to keep wages low.


    And BTW...Brexit will never happen.

  3. 6 hours ago, KarlMarx said:

    Democracy is merely mob rule whereby 52% of the people can bully the other 48% into doing something they know is wrong for the country.

    I will never listen to the knuckledraggers like Farage and Robinson telling me we're better being controlled by Trump than being part of a well run EU.

    Sorry..those last 3 words prove you're a brainwashed moron. keep watching sky & the BBC

    6 hours ago, Antlion said:

    So if the UK government continue to drag things out, and provide future referenda, that would be the EU's fault? I take it you also suspect the EU of being Jack the Ripper, and of peripheral involvement in the kidnapping of Patty Hearst?

    The "Uk government & the EU" are run by the same people.

    6 minutes ago, Alan Stubbs said:

    Jeez, you guys just can't shake the habit of blaming the EU for everything, eh?

    The British Government that Brexiteers couldn't wait to be "back in control" stall for time and ask for a wee extension to get their homework done - boo, EU bad.

    You're probably right that it will drag out for ages. Mainly because the gormless diddies whose "sovereignty" you were so concerned about don't have a fucking clue what they're doing.

    Oh they know what they're doing alright, unfortunatley, the vast majority of the people still listen to the MSM propaganda instead of doing real research into what the EU really is.

  4. On 9/22/2017 at 18:08, sparky88 said:

    I've always thought leavers would end up getting shafted. That speech is the start of it.

    The brexit vote was always going to be ignored from the moment the result was confirmed, 1st,  it was a year to trigger article 50,  then it's (at least) 2 years negotiations, now we're getting (at least) 2 years transition.


    I guarantee they'll drag it out even further with some other bullshit excuse, then another, then another.......And don't be surprised if there's a second vote at some point, Then a third if the result goes against them again.

    Welcome to EU style democracy,    In other words, there is no democracy in the EU.

  5. 4 hours ago, Baxter Parp said:


    'A bit of me is dying. But I can’t stay': the EU nationals exiting Britain

    Feeling betrayed and bewildered after years in the UK, many EU citizens are leaving before Brexit. And some Britons are going too …

    Ta ta. keep believing the fear propaganda.(AKA bullshit)

  6. 15 minutes ago, Puppets said:

    They are a detestable government. Folk asking for justice, they won't get it. Guaranteed to get a "Judge led Public Enquiry" where lessons will be learned resulting in a legion of minimum wage kids on zero hours contracts fitting sprinklers before getting told to bugger off back to their hovels.

    Meanwhile the bloody coward of a Prime Minister hides in session with a bunch of bigoted homophobes before sacrificing a goat, so Her Majesty The Queen can tell us about the next round of strong and stable austerity cuts whilst wearing the world's most expensive hat. Anyone who puts X on a ballot paper beside a Tory should take a right good look at themselves. Never mind, we can spend our money on WMDs so we can turn millions of random strangers into Pompeii exhibits, rather than give people decent homes where they can live without the danger of being reduced to a pile of fag ash.

    They're all part of the same package...vote labour, get the same shite.

  7. 56 minutes ago, DI Bruce Robertson said:

    I despair, a small part of me wants a hard Brexit.
    It might shut the faces of the UKIP fraternity, but I doubt it.
    I think whatever the final deal, the UK will suffer massively, financially, culturally & politically. This will all be put down to Europes hard stance on negotiations, which will further entrench the brainless idiots that voted for it in the first place....
    Added to that, if residency in the EU for "Brits" isn't agreed, we will have all the "Saint George", "Crown & Lion", "Berrz & Flute" regulars from the Costa's returning home and polluting society & elections even more vehemently than they do now.
    A hard Brexit will hopefully make Indy inevitable, but I fear for the inbetween times.


  8. On 08/04/2017 at 16:53, welshbairn said:

    Good response Willie. I don't agree with you though, if the US had firm evidence that sarin gas bombs were loaded on planes at the airbase and dropped on civilians (or anyone) they were perfectly entitled to bomb the airbase, as a disincentive to further war crimes. Setting up an independent neutral investigation would mean nothing happening for months if not years.

    Don't know why it keeps quoting the comment above....I cant get rid.



    But this thread's hilarious, 

  9. Oh dear...ok.. don't bother doing any research in a world where information is everywhere, just keep listening to the news, dig that wee hole in the sand and stick your head in it.


    Middle east......bad people in charge.


    Western world.....wonderful moral individuals in charge



  10. Just now, DI Bruce Robertson said:

    Ok, fair enough, you are consistent.

    I know it's a very emotive question & one that your voting pattern probably confirms without me asking, is non-EU membership the driving force in your ballot box X?

    At the moment it is, yes.

  11. Just now, DI Bruce Robertson said:

    Can't figure out how to multi-quote- dumbass that I am. But this also applies to Kirkyblue.
    I completely understand the thought process that wants you guys to be anti-EU, I don't agree, but do understand.
    With that in mind, what way did you vote in Indyref 1?
    I know it's a very personal question, and if you choose not to answer, that's fair enough.

    I voted yes last time, The EU question wasn't on the table then.

    I voted for brexit as well.

  12. On 14/03/2017 at 15:04, jamamafegan said:

    I want to hear the thoughts of people who intend to vote No when the time eventually comes. I ask of you two things:

    What are the main reasons as to why you are against independence?

    Can you present a solid case for Scotland to stay in the UK?

    Lets have a leveled, dignified discussion here. Lets try to avoid bickering, insulting and laughing at each other - that will get us nowhere. Taking the utter piss out of someone because they don't have the same view as you will result in an action of retaliation  - a tick on the 'No' box. Lets not alienate people. I aim that message at the Yes voters because PnB is predominantly in the Yes camp.

    Being absolutely honest, not once has somebody from the No side actually presented to me a number of good reasons as to why we should stay in the UK. So this is your opportunity, No voters, to change my mind. Don't tell me why independence is bad - tell me why the UK is good. 

    And Yes voters, if you see something you don't agree with this is your chance to politely 'myth bust' what has been said. For example - Don't agree that we can't have our own currency? Fine - provide the facts and evidence to show that yes, we can. Constructive and simple. If people choose to be arrogant and ignore the facts and evidence then more fool them. We move on, dish out the reddies, and debate with others.

    Over to you.

    1 -  not against independence, in fact, i'm all for it, BUT...and it's a big BUT...not if the SNP intends to drag us back into/keep us in the EU. That's why i'll vote no.

    2 - in fact, there's no 2 or anything else, just keep us away from the fuckin EU !!!

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