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st jude

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Posts posted by st jude

  1. Well, where to start really?

    Sharon really seems content to be Phil's number 2 choice when he starts flashing his cash about, doesn't she? What a fucking arsehole she is. I know we're not looking at Oscar winners in general on the Square but her and her floppy-headed offspring are just terrible actors. They can join my "f**k off list", along with the following:

    Shirley, Linda and her dog, Nancy and her track suit and that p***k she was marrying, Roxy, Ronnie and Lucy.

    I haven't decided what to do with that Johnny yet but his Dad can definitely stay, especially if we can see more of him in his pants, please. Why does Danny Dyer look constantly stoned though? Does he remember his lines better when his eyes are shut? I had hoped we'd see a bit of a rivalry with him and the shit gangster Carl but that's clearly not going to happen now. We already had Dirty Den unbelievably surviving the canal dip, there's no way they can pull off a return from the dead again. Or can they..?

    Mick is a dead-cert for an affair at some point and I'd bet on it being with Kat. Not only does she have previous for such behaviour but also is about to be settled with new babies and Alfie and things can NEVER go right for those two. It'd be nice if they could for a change but let's be honest, it'd be boring as hell. It's not going to happen for at least a year of course so in the meantime, I wouldn't be surprised to see Roxy trying to get her mitts on him, leading to a return of the Kat/Roxy war when it all kicks off. If it pisses off Linda at least, it'll be worth it. But anyway, yes I love Danny Dyer and I don't care if he is terrible.

    Ronnie is the worst gangster ever to hit the square. I thought we were about to see her turning "bad" but she's actually just a complete shitebag. If you're going to act the hard case when you've got your big cousin by your side, you at least need to fake it when he's not there. She's even less convincing than Carl. Roxy's getting bloody annoying as well. I was hoping that was her dead on the couch the other night.

    What has happened to the hit-by-a-car David? Did he end up with the cash? What did he do with it? Where have all the Butcher/Wicks/Branning lot gone? It's been a week and a half since Janine was arrested and we've seen nothing of them since. Something must be happeneing there. It'd be nice to see exactly what. Hopefully they're not all thinking Alice is going to get released and that be the end of it. She did still stab Michael the first time. I bet they just conveniently let her out of jail and leave it at that. I can also see Janine getting off on some technicality.

    I know I promised a rant but I can't even get up a good head of steam for it. I just want to see more of Mick and Joey really.

    Thats a good point :lol:

    It was the big christmas story line and its just been completely left.

  2. No, no I don't. You've just nothing brighter to say.

    Well from what I have just read on this page alone it would lead me to believe you are not too bright and a very strange individual.

    Just noticed you are a junior fan, that would explain everything then.

  3. Beady Eye doing an acoustic set in HMV in Glasgow tomorrow at half 5, finished work early tomorrow so going to take wander up and see what the script is.

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