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Posts posted by RadgerTheBadger

  1. So I've established that Masood killed Lucy as per my in-depth previous post earlier today. Now tonight's episode will pan out as such; Ian and Jane will be tooing-throwing about who it was then as the program progresses the argument will end up outside, in typical Walford fashion the Vic will empty out to rubber neck the situation. Meanwhile Masood will be settling down while Bobby is upstairs and he'll hear the raised voices, and then he'll run outside to see what all the commotion is about. It's no secret that Maz is very fond off Jane, just as Maz has approached the scene Ian will say to Jane "you killed my daughter/Lucy/etc etc(delete as applicable)" queu the crowds gasps this is where Masood will pipe up to save the woman he loves reputation "it was me, I killed Lucy" doof, doof, doof....

  2. It's Masood. It was round about the time he went off the rails and he started drinking & gambling. Shabz chucked him out saying he was a bad Muslim so he would've been looking for somewhere to stay. That's where Lucy's letting agency comes into it and why Lauren would've had the number. A few months after that Bobby went missing and camped out where she was found and he found him straight away, another month or so either side off that Denise found Lucy's purse and phone in Patricks allotment. When Denise and Masood went to Ian's to tell him, Masood said it wasn't worth going to the police....

  3. I would be very very surprised if they threw their main character under the bus like that. I can only assume once it comes out.... the person won't be getting away with it.

    How shit would it be if it was Jane. A year from now we'd be going through the same old shite patter once Ian finds someone new. "How many wives is it now?" "Hope this one lasts". Surely they wouldn't do that? I can't bear the thought of another Ian stag do led by Alfie. This marriage has to last!

    Jane might be due back on set at Waterloo Road for a new series though maybe

  4. So the story is thus, Lucy killed herself, left a suicide note calling Ian all the b*****ds, Jane went home and found her lying deid then read it, tried to protect Ian from reading it so hid the body in the woods. While trying to move her she started panicking and shat hersel then Max helped her(for some reason or another, maybe the fact he was pumping her and didn't want anything to be revealed to the public domain or possibly she was pregnant??) Anyway Jane didn't want to go to the funeral because she couldn't face seeing Ian in the obvious state knowing what'd happened and what Lucy had thought off him and such so disappeared to Birmingham to let things settle down before re-emerging.

  5. Absolutely not, when I found out it wasn't actually on tonight I slit my wrists. But it's the #weekofrevelations so it's all good. Hope someone screws up in the live episode, that's always fun.

    Jack done it last time they had a live episode, started stuttering when he was arguing with someone

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