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shawfield shed boy

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Everything posted by shawfield shed boy

  1. Good player to be fair. Very strong and caused us lot o problems
  2. Yip. One of the hardest working players in team . Will be heavy gutted if he moves on but understandable hes got to put himself 1st. Gulp
  3. PL teams will shite it that their losing Hearts travelling fans League Authorties will be shitting it from legal action SKY only care about OF x4 which will always happen. They dont care if 4 teams or 24 teams in league.. Why did Aberdeen chair say now is not the time only a week ago but now their opened to ideas still in middle of a crisis.. If they were dead against idea why not say than come out with some bull that now is "not the time" whilst leaving the door open.. Stinks to highest heavens and dont be suprised if league is called their is a condition built in to return to talks.
  4. Didnt you lot miss 2 or 3 penalties in your last games played....
  5. Anyone know if the post office is open tomorrow in Salvador[emoji848]
  6. Well worded and confirms what a shame this "group" were who were trying to reshape scottish football for their own good,Sorry good o the game.. How some clubs with their media sweethearts over the weekend can greet that it didnt go ahead whilst not formally keeping the other clubs up to date is generally bogging behaviour but shouldnt come as to a suprise of anyone... Reconfirms why our club did not want to sit round the table with these people & the club deserves enormous credit for sitting back and not getting involved in an utter mess which would have affected us a lot more and others more financially than Hertz n Fissle & their agenda.
  7. Why did thistle put out that statement. League reconstruction never saved them and thats everyones fault apart from their shite team n management
  8. Ooft . Taking it well sir. Taking it well Plenty in the tank just not on the board, virgin baws
  9. You were still to play them in league... Whats Falkerk for Dafty[emoji867] Now dry your eyes and realise your in a league you deserve to be in
  10. You wouldnt have went up through POs and your club are simply raging cause you never sneaked in back door... Raith would have beat you and that would have been it... Respect the expected
  11. Raith were better team and top of league on merit.. East fife. Montrose then Airdrie in that order for PO spots
  12. They (Falkirk) didnt even deserve a play off spot.. Dont know what their complaining about, Oah sorry i do they wanted to get promoted along with every team right down to Dumbarton , Yeah that was a fair way and relegate Clyde who finished 7th and save Hearts and Thistle who rightly will get relegated for having the most defeats n so on...
  13. Now where was the post from a year or two ago when i said we would met very soon or cross paths , GIRFUY [emoji1126]
  14. Read somewhere Alan trouten might be signing for QP . Very difficult league to get out on latest proposal
  15. Looking likely Furlough reduced to 60% then what next. Can club afford to pay players and management on 2year deals or more... Worrying times [emoji17]
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