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shawfield shed boy

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Everything posted by shawfield shed boy

  1. I believe Ross Lyon on a small wage so perhaps reason he was kept on against perhaps a Boyle type who was also a bench warmer lets be honest,Dont think he.ll be a starter though if he knuckles down and improves who knows....
  2. "" Im bored reading these comments and saying them myself"" We need a good league start. Pressure sort of already building
  3. Not one X1 looks remotely close to Falkirk - Their odds to win league pls and handicap if available
  4. We need to quickly drop this attitiude its early days/league cup bladdy blah.. Were due to play at least two teams who have beaten Dundee Utd Away and STJ not inc montrose who done same.. We would be doing cartwheels if we done same so dont kid me on with the 'League matters pish' when others look in a much healthier state... Pissed aff [emoji107]
  5. Until Darren Smith i wasnt happy[emoji445]
  6. Tom lang not getting a game??! You know where to send him if your defence is already picked for start o season[emoji6]
  7. Wee timely reninder how tough this league going to be this season & unforgiving Montrose beating StJohnstone East Fife winning at Dundee Utd. Teams who i would have expected to be in and around us... Cmon Danny. New season 10 days away 2 Defenders pls[emoji106]
  8. To be honest was expecting that reply but majority o ppl that would have bought nee strips probably same guys and gals already commited to BWF. ST and other commitments connected to club before or during season... Got to draw line somewhere asking same supporters to shell out and completely fine with this set up even though im not the biggest fan but like broadwood its grown on me slowly buy surely
  9. Yes remember montrose under petrie and they were decent outfit before they went up. Picked them (Probably least likely) Dumbarton and Stranraer as team we are maybe likely to be in a mini league. We have a young and decent squad with plenty of attacking options,Its our defence and the fear of returning to the bottom league after eventually getting out that gives me sleepless nights Yes Chris Johnston will do very well for us. Old school attacking winger like Alan Lawerence/Andy Willock from the 80s/90s. Crowd pleaser. Think were going to have score 2or3 a game to get a draw[emoji23] Thanks for the replies lads[emoji106]
  10. Davie thomson Paul Ronald Frank McGarvey Paul Tierney - last one??!
  11. 1st pic looks like Qots v Clyde. Season we won league...
  12. Total learning curve today for my lot, Clyde and reminder the step up is a lot bigger than some imagine (Not inc me) To those who went along today how did we fair compared to say the likes of Montrose. Dumbarton and stranraer of last season...
  13. We need a CH and LB. Im doing my own nut repeating this again.
  14. Mate. Buying a 50p tory rag doesnt give you an opinion Im not defending nor neirher accusing him I Wasnt there and neither were you Ched Evans one example
  15. Common comment - Again!!. From the back Four - Rumsby. Mcniff and an untried young player at this level huge risk going up a league... Concerning regardless of competition..
  16. Can we please sign a LB please Last season we had Rankin.Grant and Mcniff who all played there when sometimes Stewart was available on the bench who i thought was a decent player We got away with it last season but not sure as much this season i reckon..
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