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Everything posted by mrcat1990

  1. Fifa is out on Friday and this year may be the first I don't buy it on release day in five years. I have no motivation to play any other game just now due to the brilliance of GTA5.
  2. How is everyone robbing stores? They all seem to be shut when I try go in or if I try draw my weapon in Ammu Nation or a clothes store it wont let me.
  3. Clegg badmouthes Gta and creates more hype, more copies are sold and Rockstar laugh to the bank.
  4. Been fairly short on random instances occurring until took Chop out for a walk. Launched his ball onto a train crossing hoping to see him get fucked by a train. Instead a car being chased by the police cunted the poor sod then the police car smashed right into me. Tried hijacking a train but cant seem to do it while its moving. Got to the top carriage and shot the driver. Just kept going and cant seem to get through the doors.
  5. My first attempt of that mission i landed too late and overshot the runway. Was in the canal trying to reverse back onto the runway then failed me
  6. Radio Fly Lo is basically just a mix of some of my favourite artists from the past three years so has been on constantly.
  7. Still just on the two characters myself. The day has bloody passed me by so quick. Don't need a social life for some time me thinks.
  8. Anyone had a shot at flying planes yet? I managed to nick one from the airport, just about take off, get shot up by a police helicopter then crash land onto the motorway and explode. Amazing!
  9. Anyone else crossed paths with Packie McCleary from 4 yet? Was happy to see his face
  10. Its just arrived, its installing and im currently blowing my load around my flat.
  11. My postie doesn't arrive till the afternoon. Covered in petrol, lighter in hand.
  12. mrcat1990

    Breaking Bad

    Just finished. Jeeeesus christ that was mental. You could see the point post family fight that Walt realised he lost the reason he did it all in the first place. His family. Grabbing Holly was him trying to keep hold of some remnant of this but after her calling for her maw he gave up.
  13. mrcat1990

    The Sopranos

    Captain or no captain right now we're just two assholes in the woods! The interior decorator dialogue is fuckin hilarious also.
  14. My Amazon order is noted as dispatching soon. MON TAE f**k!
  15. mrcat1990

    The Sopranos

    Pine Barrens is the fans and critics favourite and with good reason. Christopher and Paulie at their utter best.
  16. The relentless Yes! and Better Together propaganda is wearing thin on my news feed.
  17. I think going by the release of GTA 4 you may struggle. It would make sense for them to make stupid amount copies of the game due to the demand but will no doubt prefer a mad scramble around so that every wave to copies being released will be met with high demand. Will this be the highest ever selling game? Quite possibly.
  18. mrcat1990

    Breaking Bad

    I think we all agree there will be much death in the final episode. That and Jnr hobbling around and stammering alot in the fallout.
  19. mrcat1990

    Breaking Bad

    All I could think of was the Simon Cowell episode of Star Stories and near enough ended myself.
  20. mrcat1990

    Breaking Bad

    Bleedin hell. On a lighter point the scene between Saul and Jnr made me lol hard.
  21. If everything works you're fine. If anything goes a bit wrong you are utterly fucked. One of my works clients and they really make a fucking mess of customer complaints and disputes.
  22. The cause of the division is two sides of absolute spackers continually fighting over ancient ideas. Old attitudes that sadly are showing no sign of being wiped out with each generation.
  23. Went to viva Brazil for dinner. Meat coma in full swing and the meat hangover is nigh.
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