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SS-18 ICBM last won the day on December 10 2012

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  1. No disputing that. He appears to have great difficulty reading and understanding plain English and very gullible and naive in his beliefs, if not he is just a poor troll as is his accomplice 'wee bully fanny'.
  2. You sure do post shite wee man. What is it that i posted that makes you think i hate anyone? Quote it or f**k off back under that rock from which you crawled out from under.
  3. Next you'll be telling us that David Murray was not an International Corporate businessman before his debt-ridden empire crumbled. Or that Craig Whyte didn't owe a few million pounds to a Russian oligarch previous to the deal between him and Murray. The Truth is you prefer the petty squabbling off-topic shite that you and the amigo's post here to discussions on global corruption when there is little in the way of new on-topic news to be discussed. That's fine with me, i will drop going off-topic now. However, your personal attacks have been noted, expect me to respond in kind whenever i feel it is appropriate to do so. THE CRAIG WHYTE SHORT STORY AND A CONVERSATION IN MONACO By Giovanni Di Stefano and Tiina Paivarinta - LINK
  4. Not sure I'm only aware of their expulsion in 1290 from England and that they were not permitted re-entry until Cromwell took over with the help of the wealthy Dutch-Jewish bankers that funded him. They were expelled from most European nations at some time during their history due to their "USURY" bankrupting entire nations, causing famines, etc.
  5. People in the UK did and still do, every minute of every day. It doesn't concern me.
  6. Are you P&B's resident expert on the history of N.Ire's paramilitary goups? Just asking!
  7. "respectable posters" you really are a "cock end" WKR, the orcs are correct in the opinions that they have of you. If you think that i care what anyone else thinks about world corruption just because they have a common interest you are sadly deluded. Now, Let me get this straight. In regards to your "conspiracy bollox"... Are you saying that men in high positions of power are not capable of criminal activity and telling lies to the general public? Are you really that naive? The media, the government, the International bankers, Hollywood, and academia are all part of the same incestuous complex. The media is part of the conspiracy, so why would you expect them to tell you the truth?
  8. Off-topic, but did you know that AIG was founded by an OSS (predecessor to CIA) Operative in Shanghai in 1919 with its branches across China, and in Hong Kong, Hanoi, Saigon, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur and the Philippines. It only transferred its company headquarters to New York City in 1949 just before the Commie takeover in China? And in regards to its recent history it isn't only US citizens who are now paying for the recent $130BILLION in bail-outs that it and many others were 'given' by 'corrupt' governments in cahoots with 'the banksters'. An old American showman of around the mid 1800's is credited with the phrase "There's a sucker born every minute", today the poor b*****ds are born every second...they are us! Whatever AIG was doing in 1949 surely isn't related to what it did in 2008, since it was bought over and re-bought-over again and again and again in the intervening period. You can take your weird Illuminati theories elsewhere, as I've said before. Your bullshit would be better confined to the Lizardmen (Who May Or May Not Be Jewish Geezers, Although Of Course That's Coincidental) Ruling The World forum, and the sooner P&B's admins chase you off in that direction, the better, if you ask me. You give me the boke. You're tummy is easily upset rat, i suggest that you and any others who have such problems make appointments to speak to your doctors to get those problems sorted. You were the first to go off-topic by bringing AIG into the discussion! Would you care to elaborate on what you consider to be bullshit about my reply? LINK to who 'controls' American International Group. If you don't want anyone to know such facts i suggest that you don't provoke people into posting such facts by posting off-topic.
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