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Posts posted by SS-18 ICBM

  1. From 27th June.


    First up, how the money is being siphoned out of Ibrox back to Ticketus.

    The motivation to invest £5.5 million into a club which you have no conceivable interest in has baffled people all over Scotland ever since Charles Green intimated that he wanted to take control of Rangers Football Club.

    Some people think £5.5 million seems to be a bargain now that the club has been liquidated but at the time when Charles Green came onto the scene it was potentially a £140 million money pit.

    Green was still intent on purchasing the club through a CVA but with a paltry offer of £8.7 million for creditors, some would say a deliberate low offer to induce the Liquidation of the club thus ridding Charles Green of the HMRC bill.

    So Charles Green bought the assets of Rangers football club for £5.5 million and started a new company called Sevco 5088 which will operate from the premises which used to house Rangers football club.

    So the question is still, what is Charles Green's motivation?

    First of all Octopus Investments are the parent company of Ticketus. Ticketus are the company who were left £26 million out of pocket when Craig Whyte put Rangers into Administration. Ticketus were Rangers second biggest creditors (first being HMRC) when Rangers went into Administration. Octopus are investors in the company Zeus Capital who are running Sevco 5088 with Charles Green.

    et me bring to your attention Imran Ahmed and Brian Stockbridge. Imran Ahmed founded and was Chief Executive of a company Allenby Capital Limited. Brian Stockbridge worked as a nominated adviser at Allenby Capital. Allenby Capital were brokers and advisers for Octopus on numerous occasions in different business transactions.

    On January 2012 Brian Stockbridge joined Zeus Capital and in April 2012 Imran Ahmed also joined Zeus Capital. On the 14th of June Charles Green bought the assets of Rangers and installs these two guys to help run Sevco 5088. How does Charles Green fit into the Octopus/Zeus cog? Charles Green is the only man in the whole equation that has any back ground in football or sports when it comes to business in all of this.

    Zeus Capital worked with Charles Green when he was at Sheffield United.Zeus worked with Charles Green when he disposed of Sports Management company, Gresham PE. Now Formation Group. Remembering that Octopus are financial backers of Zeus Capital and Zeus are nominated advisers and brokers for Octopus there is only one man for the job. Charles Green.

    And the job is?

    Getting the Ticketus money back. It was very recently announced that Sevco 5088 will be using Metro Bank as their banking facility as RBS refused an arrangement with Sevco 5088 and Fast Pay a direct debit company. I believe this to be bullshit. Octopus will get their money back............... Through a company called Caerus Wealth.

    Their Group Investment Director is Ronan Kearney who is also the Venture Fund manager at Octopus Investments. Their Chairman and CEO is Keith Carby who is the founder and Non Executive Director of Metro Bank. (return of the friendly bank manager) Octopus get their money without the Sevco 5088 (t)rangers fans even knowing it. Once the money is recouped, Green, Ahmed and Stockbridge sell the assets and that's their bonus. Or if an offer comes in that covers all cost and monies its a quick sale and thanks for the memories

  2. Attention !

    What does that word mean?

    To call Attention; To bring something to someones attention / to attract / drew someones attention, come to notice.

    Attention is the cognitive process of selectively concentrating on one aspect of the environment while ignoring other thing.


    1, The act of faculty of attention especially by directing the mind to an object.

    2, A capacity to maintain selective or substained concentration.

    From middle England Attencioun.

    From Latin Attentio.

    From Attendere, past participe Attentus ("to attend, give heed"); Attend

    Attention comes from the word Attend where by you can not be called to Attention unless you are in attendance.

    When Charles Green called for Attention he didn't use the A word, he used the B word.

    Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread In Pictures


  3. I like this bit.

    The Share Issue There are 22,670,000 shares in Sevco, owned by Charles Green and his consortium. Initial £12 million investment added to £10,670,000 of season ticket sales. The remainder of 27,330,000 new share will make up a total equity of 50,000,000 £1 shares. They then add the £ 27,330,000 income from the share issue placing an equity value of the company to £73,330,000.00. Charles Green and his consortium will own 50% which is £ 38,665,000 in share value. They will then sell their shares back to the Company. The Company will have to acquire the shares and will empty the bank to pay them.

    This would push Sevco 5088 into administration and they have cashed in covering Ticketus and Investment debt and they still own the assets. They will then sell the assets on the cheap and it's job done.

    Charles Green was reported to the FTSE rules in 1998. Sheffield United's Board of Directors reported him for similar misselling of their floatation. Charles Green alone has set back Sheffield United 12 years and almost bankrupted them at the time.

    Would you buy shares with this guy?

    I'm more than happy to pop in here when i have a few moments to spare to keep this thread on topic. smile.gif

  4. Back on topic. smile.gif

    I thought I'd do a quick blog to support this brilliant piece I read on this http://boards.footym...&mid=2114206616

    So lets look at this guy Brian Stockbridge.

    Just remember Octopus own Ticketus and Allenby and Zeus work for Octopus.

    15 June 2011

    His company Allenby Capital were Brokers and Financial advisors for this deal in which Octopus Investments who own Ticketus were shareholder in. http://tools.morning...vestmentType=E0

    It's on Allenby Capitals website. http://www.allenbyca...com/recent.html

    January 2012

    Brian Stockbridge Joins Zeus Capital. http://www.zeuscapit...eam/team_bs.php

    14th Febuary 2012

    Rangers go into Administration.

    20th Febuary 2012

    Brian Stockbridge moves to Glasgow. https://www.duedil.c...estment-limited

    15 June 2012

    Brian Stockbridge is appointed Financial Director of new company Sevco 5088.

    I think we all know what direction the finances are going, Ticketus.

  5. ^^^^^ Utter spammer ^^^^^

    How many posts are you intent on making over the adjusting of the word "house" into the Scots vernacular "hoose". If it's vexing you this much I dread to think how you're coping - if at all - with the fragility of everything that Charles Green is trying to achieve with his shares venture.

    My recollection of your contribution to this thread and others is that you're one of the most sensible The Rangers supporters on here but you've taken a wee zoomer on something as frivolous as "House" - "Hoose". Why?

    He began spamming shortly after i posted this post earlier, i think the post upset him and he wanted to avoid it:

    Ibrox and it's dependency on UEFA money in general and CL money in particular goes way back to 2007/08 when SDM brought Walter Smith back and those in the know in the game i.e the SFA knew Rangers situation and rather than step in covered it up.

    In 2006 Rangers published debt was £6M and EBT contributions had peaked at £9.19M. Within a year there was a dramatic reversal with debt rising to £16.5M and EBT contributions almost halving to £4,998,000. Its as if the EBT bill had either arrived or was known to be on its way. In 2008 debt was up to £21.6M and EBTs down again to £2.29M and in 2009 debt peaked at £31M with EBTs flattening at £2.3M.

    What pushed the debt up was the transfers in totalling £29M in 2007/08 plus wages of course, offset to a degree by £19M from 3 player sales for good money. The players brought in at huge expense then won three titles on the trot which brought in CL money and allowed the debt to come down to the £17/£18M that Lloyds then recovered when CW stepped in.

    The point is that without CL money the debt would have continued to rise and Lloyds would have insisted that players be sold, so the whole survival business model was predicated on access to CL money from 2007. Given the lengths the SFA went to save them after administration I am more convinced than ever that Rangers should not have been granted a UEFA licence to play in the 2011 competition because of unpaid tax (the known wee tax bill) but the Gods of football finally got tired and intervened, in the shape of Malmo and Maribor.

    Had Rangers qualified CW could have gone back to the Ticketus well for advances on the CL money to keep the club afloat as it was paying wages it did not have the money in the bank to pay. As it was they lost and as CW said himself last night, with no money coming in, the only way he could keep them going was to hold on to the tax and NI due and use that to pay wages of players that should never have been recruited in 2007/08 in the first place.

    Had Smith's transfer spend of £29m gone to servicing the then small £6m debt and the core tax bill of £24M at that time, Rangers would never have gone to the wall.

    I am convinced BDO will tell this tale eventually and it will be part of the historic facts of their Downfall story rather than rumour or conjecture.

    The men guilty of crimes against Rangers AND Scottish football are SDM and Walter Smith along with every Rangers supporter who gloried in their financial stupidity.


  6. The difference is important, though.

    He's fat. He is clad in lycra. He's 35+ and wearing a baseball cap and what we used to call, "a football jersey". Also he supports Rangers. Loads of reasons to rip the pish out of him.

    What he didn't say, though, was, "Hoose".

    Shame on eveyone who made posts for getting it wrong.

    Is it you?

    You are very sensitive.

    Is your reading of the recent and inevitable soon-to-be events upsetting you and your friends? Yes. Good, knowing that makes me very very happy. You deserve all that has happened and all that is coming. smile.gif

  7. Ibrox (The 'Bighoose') and it's dependency on UEFA money in general and CL money in particular goes way back to 2007/08 when SDM brought Walter Smith back and those in the know in the game i.e the SFA knew Rangers situation and rather than step in covered it up.

    In 2006 Rangers published debt was £6M and EBT contributions had peaked at £9.19M. Within a year there was a dramatic reversal with debt rising to £16.5M and EBT contributions almost halving to £4,998,000. Its as if the EBT bill had either arrived or was known to be on its way. In 2008 debt was up to £21.6M and EBTs down again to £2.29M and in 2009 debt peaked at £31M with EBTs flattening at £2.3M.

    What pushed the debt up was the transfers in totalling £29M in 2007/08 plus wages of course, offset to a degree by £19M from 3 player sales for good money. The players brought in at huge expense then won three titles on the trot which brought in CL money and allowed the debt to come down to the £17/£18M that Lloyds then recovered when CW stepped in.

    The point is that without CL money the debt would have continued to rise and Lloyds would have insisted that players be sold, so the whole survival business model was predicated on access to CL money from 2007. Given the lengths the SFA went to save them after administration I am more convinced than ever that Rangers should not have been granted a UEFA licence to play in the 2011 competition because of unpaid tax (the known wee tax bill) but the Gods of football finally got tired and intervened, in the shape of Malmo and Maribor.

    Had Rangers qualified CW could have gone back to the Ticketus well for advances on the CL money to keep the club afloat as it was paying wages it did not have the money in the bank to pay. As it was they lost and as CW said himself last night, with no money coming in, the only way he could keep them going was to hold on to the tax and NI due and use that to pay wages of players that should never have been recruited in 2007/08 in the first place.

    Had Smith's transfer spend of £29m gone to servicing the then small £6m debt and the core tax bill of £24M at that time, Rangers would never have gone to the wall.

    I am convinced BDO will tell this tale eventually and it will be part of the historic facts of their Downfall story rather than rumour or conjecture.

    The men guilty of crimes against Rangers AND Scottish football are SDM and Walter Smith along with every Rangers supporter who gloried in their financial stupidity.

    So where does this, "Big Hoose" garbage come from?



  8. I see the Sevco Ambassador is still spouting garbage.


    Blaming everyone except the guilty ones.8)

    Shame about the photograph, as the Ambassador's false teeth have obviously slipped down. :o

    Ibrox and it's dependency on UEFA money in general and CL money in particular goes way back to 2007/08 when SDM brought Walter Smith back and those in the know in the game i.e the SFA knew Rangers situation and rather than step in covered it up.

    In 2006 Rangers published debt was £6M and EBT contributions had peaked at £9.19M. Within a year there was a dramatic reversal with debt rising to £16.5M and EBT contributions almost halving to £4,998,000. Its as if the EBT bill had either arrived or was known to be on its way. In 2008 debt was up to £21.6M and EBTs down again to £2.29M and in 2009 debt peaked at £31M with EBTs flattening at £2.3M.

    What pushed the debt up was the transfers in totalling £29M in 2007/08 plus wages of course, offset to a degree by £19M from 3 player sales for good money. The players brought in at huge expense then won three titles on the trot which brought in CL money and allowed the debt to come down to the £17/£18M that Lloyds then recovered when CW stepped in.

    The point is that without CL money the debt would have continued to rise and Lloyds would have insisted that players be sold, so the whole survival business model was predicated on access to CL money from 2007. Given the lengths the SFA went to save them after administration I am more convinced than ever that Rangers should not have been granted a UEFA licence to play in the 2011 competition because of unpaid tax (the known wee tax bill) but the Gods of football finally got tired and intervened, in the shape of Malmo and Maribor.

    Had Rangers qualified CW could have gone back to the Ticketus well for advances on the CL money to keep the club afloat as it was paying wages it did not have the money in the bank to pay. As it was they lost and as CW said himself last night, with no money coming in, the only way he could keep them going was to hold on to the tax and NI due and use that to pay wages of players that should never have been recruited in 2007/08 in the first place.

    Had Smith's transfer spend of £29m gone to servicing the then small £6m debt and the core tax bill of £24M at that time, Rangers would never have gone to the wall.

    I am convinced BDO will tell this tale eventually and it will be part of the historic facts of their Downfall story rather than rumour or conjecture.

    The men guilty of crimes against Rangers AND Scottish football are SDM and Walter Smith along with every Rangers supporter who gloried in their financial stupidity.

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