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Frank Quitely

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Everything posted by Frank Quitely

  1. Yes, the word was that he was interested in coming here but it was conditional on us being promoted. Now, remind me, how did that work out ?
  2. Aaah, the website that everyone has given up on. Funny that the good Doctor never mentioned that running disaster.
  3. No surprise that the Wee Hoops are enthusiastic about this. Big Peter has probably been on the phone to Willie.
  4. It looks like that's another record broken, because unless I'm mistaken that the first-ever statement from a Scottish club Chairman composed entirely by Chatbot Ai.
  5. Let's get a few things in perspective here. The applauding of players at the end of yesterday's game was by a few dozen people, and even fewer gave Farrell verbal abuse. Most folk were bored rigid by another dire game and simply shuffled away home. What goes out on Twitter and Facebook I haven't a clue about. As for Stevie Farrell, he's given two interviews this week, the first hanging his players out to dry by accusing them of freezing, but yesterday defending them against non-existent criticism. Strange. And I think it's probably significant that Love and Carswell have chosen to announce their own departures rather than leave it to a club announcement.
  6. Great report on yesterday's thriller on the DFC website - all 83 words of it LOL.
  7. Farrell is going nowhere, and the 'board' will hide under the table until the fans anger boils down. Best to tune out and unsubscribe from the 'sponsor a DFC butt-plug' emails.
  8. I know what you mean but it might take another abject performance for the Board to grow a pair.
  9. Having just read the match preview on the website I'm now going to have to go for a lie down.
  10. If the group trains well tonight anything can happen. I mean anything.
  11. No, I'm going to the Rusty McLean Netfinding Event at the SECC.
  12. So is it team selection/team tactics/being hung out to dry by their manager/bonus wrangles/non-payment of wages/cold showers or all of the above ?
  13. As things stand this club could in quite a short space of time be heading towards the bottom of the Scottish football league and possibly beyond into whatever tier then applies. And if it comes to pass then no-one could say they weren't warned.
  14. No worries WC, these play-offs were always going to be a Lose/Lose situation for us.
  15. Tonight is just the outward manifestation of a club now in serious decline.
  16. I get the feeling there might be a lot of surplus curry on Saturday.
  17. The Annan boys are unconcerned about misses as they know another chance will be along soon
  18. Let's hope they've found a get-out clause in Wylde's contract and he's gone off to sign it. Oh hold on, that's Orsi away.... #shitshow
  19. The best way to put pressure on is for fans to put season ticket purchases on hold to fully concentrate minds.
  20. Yep, I buy a new suit every time I attend a wedding or a funeral, and a new novelty jumper every Xmas. Aye, right. We've got a pair of the best strips in UK football so why couldn't they run for a second season instead of continually ripping off the supporters ?
  21. That's right, the pitch cost you three points. Not a thoroughly lethargic display for a team supposedly chasing a play-off place or a pisspoor penalty or a greedy winger. But you keep sucking the lemons buddy.
  22. I'm hearing that Clyde won't be allowing Peter Grant to play for us in the play-offs. Anyone confirm ??
  23. Considering we've played almost every match this season to the same rigid game plan it's a bit of an ask to expect anything different now. As for injuries they are a fact of football and we can't expect the likes of Findlay Gray to start holding back from tackles - I wouldn't want it either. But I'm glad you are enthusiastic about the play-offs, I'm struggling to muster much interest.
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