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Frank Quitely

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Everything posted by Frank Quitely

  1. The best way to put pressure on is for fans to put season ticket purchases on hold to fully concentrate minds.
  2. Yep, I buy a new suit every time I attend a wedding or a funeral, and a new novelty jumper every Xmas. Aye, right. We've got a pair of the best strips in UK football so why couldn't they run for a second season instead of continually ripping off the supporters ?
  3. That's right, the pitch cost you three points. Not a thoroughly lethargic display for a team supposedly chasing a play-off place or a pisspoor penalty or a greedy winger. But you keep sucking the lemons buddy.
  4. I'm hearing that Clyde won't be allowing Peter Grant to play for us in the play-offs. Anyone confirm ??
  5. Considering we've played almost every match this season to the same rigid game plan it's a bit of an ask to expect anything different now. As for injuries they are a fact of football and we can't expect the likes of Findlay Gray to start holding back from tackles - I wouldn't want it either. But I'm glad you are enthusiastic about the play-offs, I'm struggling to muster much interest.
  6. Who was it who said that the definition of madness is doing the same things over whilst hoping for a different outcome ?
  7. If we don't go up this season then this thread is going to be a bonfire . We would have a situation where a relegation followed by blowing a ten-point lead sees the manager given an advance contract extension in the name of continuity. I can't think of many other clubs where that would happen.
  8. I agree. TBH, I've been concerned since the extension of the manager's contract. And it sounds like he's now in the driving seat here.
  9. I wonder how @pleslie99 would rate this re-signing. Injury-prone ? Better than Carsy ?
  10. Today is obviously 'Let's All Get Right Ahead Of Ourselves' day. Personally I prefer 'Let's Wait And See And Respond Accordingly' day.
  11. I'm guessing the concourse food stalls will just hold the pies until next Tuesday ?
  12. I think you will. Based on all available evidence a fired-up Bonnyrigg roared on by a noisy home support will do for us on Saturday.
  13. Apparently our Chairman learned of the call-off on his way to Forthbank.
  14. I can only agree with you, but it's a damned shame that it's taken this running farce for a few of our people to finally wake up and sniff the coffee. I really hope you have the title wrapped up before this game is finally played and you boys save yourself any more hassle.
  15. We must be the only team second in their league where every possible scenario is currently a lose/lose one. Somehow go up and we'd be fried in oil whilst watching more anti-football. Stay down and we could quite possibly skid towards the arse end of the table next season. In both cases we don't have the money to attract the sort of players we'd like to rebuild the team, never mind the reputation of the pitch being a factor. It's a mess whatever way you look at it.
  16. No probs with that, but make sure you direct it at the directors box as the Sons fans were just as pissed off as you, and several had wasted journeys.
  17. By my arithmetic if we draw or lose at Annan and Stirling win their two games this week then they can win the title by beating us at the Rock. I hope I've got that wrong
  18. Anyway, the contract extension, anyone got any thoughts ?
  19. Fair enough. The extended contract should help him learn from this.
  20. Absolutely spot-on from one of the savviest writers in the UK press. But any predictions of the SNP's demise may be a bit premature. For one thing, they are not making many Unionists these days in Scotland's densest-populated areas. Secondly, many of us abandoned Labour for very good reasons - mine was Iraq - and I have absolutely no intention of rushing back to more of the same patronising entitlement which got them shafted up here in the first place. Thirdly, although the 'Red Tories' tag is a cliché, like all clichés it is founded in truth. Starmer's Labour is hemmed in by the innate Conservatism of much of the English electorate and his agenda reflects that, especially his craven shitebaggery on Brexit. I could go on. Let's see how things move on now under Yousuf. There is unrestrained glee in Unionist circles; anyone thinking of endorsing it in the ballot box is IMO very misguided.
  21. I really hope the teams are still neck and neck by the time the Binos visit the Rock as the thread will be off the scale
  22. It will be the hardcore only. I stay in the town and it is buzzing with indifference. Folk are worried about the club.
  23. I would certainly hope so, yes. But I'm very sorry to hear you can't attend on Saturday - I do though sadly understand.
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