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  1. MacPherson has remained while Wotherspoon and now May are let go. Rightly or wrongly, fans are beginning to and will continue to, target the likes of him for being heartless shitebags stealing a wage while guys who genuinely get and care for the club are moved on. I could get letting guys go if you look to build younger and better in the squad, but each of those listed above have neither the required ability or commitment and are perfect indicators of where it is going wrong at saints.
  2. I had hoped from MacPherson that the small flashes he showed when he first came in, would turn into something more, but it really hasn't. As you say, it's not only ability, it is attitude. Prime example was right at the end if the game. Gives away a cheep foul while Alloa were taking the ball to the corner. Moans at ref (which kills time), then after free kick is taken, fouls again, moans at ref again (killing even more time), then hides.
  3. How we can sign so many players and still end up with that defence and midfield. Angers me that MacPherson had the armband. Rae is clearly not up to it. Could argue the 3rd he should have done better. Think his save was outside the box too.....
  4. Mental! MacPherson would have easily fitted into that Morton side and not looked out of place. Essel was the best player on the park, although I'd prefer him in midfield over defence. Probably all we needed from that game. A victory, a slight improvement on last week and a striker needing goals, getting goals. Morton were poor and offered little, but good to get another win. Felt the team had a sharpness that wasn't there last season and probably could have gone up a gear or two tbh.
  5. Will enjoy watching a game in our own stadium. Enjoy Brechin.
  6. Both are very likely true. We have 6 strikers, but is Sidibeh goes and Clark or an other is injured, we then start to look a bit light if we end up playing 2 up top. Kirk is probably a relatively cheep punt, even with a fee. If Sidebeh goes early and we have time to bring someone else in, I'd imagine the freed up wage and fee would be there to cover it. If it is late in the window or doesn't happen, we probably put one out on loan.
  7. As it stands, the squad isn't near where it needs to be, but we are where we are in terms of budgets. As much as Levein says otherwise, ai would imagine that there is still room for a few more. Likely that they will be riskier project type signings, but I wouldn't be surprised if a couple of more recognisable players, or mould of players, come in during this window.
  8. Exactly. To save half a million, you'd need to save £10k per week. That's probably the wages for Considine, Gordon, McGowan, Booth and Crawford alone.
  9. Not arguing that war crimes weren't committed. Just observing that the soldiers in Vietnam were less in the know than current IDF fighters. Both wars are wrong just that actions of some are more understandable in their time than others.
  10. Wait, are Dundee fans planning to boycott the United game? Is that over ticket prices or something else? If it is over prices, that is some brass neck when you compare the cost of family tickets at Dens vs McDairmid. Cutting noses off though, as surely any receipts will just be brought into the merged club anyway?
  11. You think Trump will crash his plane in solidarity with him?
  12. My point though, is that in that moment, McCain and his peers could justify it in their minds as they were being told who the enemy was and why they were fighting them, buy a generation of hero's to them and in a land and county, who's history they had little to knowledge of, other than what they were being told. There is nor a single IDF soldier who does not know the history or where they are and why they are there. Those who do not (if there happened to be one) has the technology so find out very quickly AND can see in real time on line the impact of their actions. Had the soldiers in Vietnam been able to do the same, I'd put good money on them not doing it. I'm not saying the IDF are unique in their responsibilities, but I'd wager that they are the most informed military in any conflict there has been. To bring it back to the issue, the soldiers from Vietnam were able in hindsight to see what their actions caused and a great many (McCain included) spent years trying to make amends or in great regret about it. That gave them a better sense of humanity than the generation(s) that followed, which is why you see the current generation of leaders dismissing them and unable to empathise. The current leaders (if you exclude Trump and Biden) are the first generation not to have either fought themselves in wars or been the generation that followed. Because of that, they have a lack of respect for those who gave up freedoms and lives for service and belittle those who did.
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