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Posts posted by hazzi

  1. Does aynyone know what song the instrumental from Oldie by Odd Future is sampled from. Or any song that samples that instrumental?

    I remember hearing a brilliant song a few months ago and I'm 85% sure it was this beat in the background. All I remember from the song is there was regular "Yeah, Yeah" 's in it.

    Cheers if anyone knows.

  2. Is this Supras' attempt at humour?

    Have you ever listened to that Bill O'Reilly creature? He's an absolute scumbag,one of the worst human beings on the planet, it's probably a direct quote.

    He's also an absolute moron. I remember watching a clip of some shit rapper, I think it was Lupe Fiasco, destroy him on his own show.

  3. Been watching it from the start and just got to the episode where Mark goes to the school reunion and intends to have an affair with that Sally at The Orgazoid's house only for her husband to come over and catch him hiding in the cupboard.


  4. :unsure:.....why on earth is he an idiot? He 'might' have somebody to ''see''..............

    You don't see why someone who has been charged with assault should go out on the piss the day after the incident? Really?

    Is this something you also did? Did you go out on the piss the day after getting charged or something? I can't really think of any other reasons as to why someone wouldn't think of this as idiotic behavior.

  5. I think GMS needs to go to a team where there isn't immediate pressure and scrutiny on him, and specifically hisrealative injury proneness. He is a player who is going to spend maybe 7+ weeks of the season every year, it's just part of his make-up. Constant media attention and pressure about it will not help him. A low profile club like Wigan would be good. Shaun Maloney suffers from the same sort of fragility and being at a club like that gets the best out of him.

  6. It is, best thing on TV - except maybe for The Wire.

    Think one of the cable channels had it over here for the first season but never picked it back up. having said that, I managed to get seasons 1-3 in a box set for £22 quid....

    FX had it in about 2008. I remember the adverts for it really vividly, which is a bit weird because it didn't appeal to me at all and I paid no attention to the show until Spring 2011.

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