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Posts posted by Fullerene

  1. 5 minutes ago, virginton said:

    Can you give an example of what you mean by this? 

    Are you aware of who the third and second most recent Prime Ministers of this country were? How did the rigorous scrutiny of Westminster prevent those obvious clowns from rising to the top?

    Ah right. I see we're just into conspiratorial nonsense rather than rational explanation after all.

    I was thinking of maverick dictators such as Galtieri or Saddam Hussein who thought a nice little war might distract attention and boost their popularity.

    Orban might enjoy a military stand off with Romania but it is not possible while both are in the EU.

    Farage could say the EU is a disaster and should be abolished but he can hardly claim Westminister should be abolished - even if it is a disaster.

  2. Just now, BFTD said:

    I really hope you're both right, but I get the horrible feeling that it's not so much Farage, but the deep-seated desires that people are transferring onto him.

    No.  He is tapping into negative sentiment and amplifying it.  He could just as easily tap into positive sentiment but that it is not what his paymasters want.

    Divide and rule while the rich get richer.  Keep up the good work.

  3. 6 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

    Farage gets an incredibly easy time from so-called journalists who won't challenge his shite.

    .. and an incredibly bad time from foreign journalists who do. 

    Honestly I have no idea why he gets so much deference.  He is a piece of shit.

  4. 2 minutes ago, BFTD said:

    I dunno, that was my opinion for a long time too, but I've a horrible feeling it wouldn't play out like that. They might well go down the Nazi route of being disruptive in parliament and blaming it on everyone else for not being BRITTISH! Common Sense enough. As a species, we've got an awful lot of hate in our hearts, just begging for an excuse to be expressed.

    But yeah, I don't think it's what they really want - they're looking to force the Conservative Party even further right than they already have, which they'll be successful in doing after this election. FPTP is of vital importance to the Conservatives being in power.

    Yeah but at the moment Farage gets away with being "Mr Common Sense" because he only has to deal with wimpy journalists who are not willing to challenge him on anything.

    He could get elected to the EU and claim it was all a charade.  Good luck trying the same with Westminster.

    I suspect if he is actually elected then he will be almost forgotten before the next election.

  5. 3 minutes ago, virginton said:

    There are plenty of Hitler was a nice guy people in PR parliaments across mainland Europe, what makes you think that Gammonland would be immune the same? 

    Not least given that some of those European countries were brutally conquered by actual fascists. 

    I don't.

    However I think that pushing all these countries together blunts the options available to the fascists.

  6. 2 minutes ago, BFTD said:

    It's a poor state of affairs when you're left arguing for more fascist representation for a fairer democracy, yet here we are.

    On the plus side, it would still be most amusing to see proportional representation doing very little for the Lib Dems; the middle child of British politics.

    On the contrary PR would be a disaster for Reform.  Suddenly they would have "Hitler was a nice guy" people as their MPs in parliament.  Farage success is entirely about operating in the shadows - i.e. Tufton Street and Question Time.

  7. 4 minutes ago, carpetmonster said:

    The EU was primarily about trade. Brexit has been a fucking disaster in that respect. Kieth doesn’t have the cojones to say it’s been a fucking disaster. But now that Europe might be getting a wee bit fashy, it’s very wise of Kieth not to say Brexit’s been a fucking disaster because we don’t want to be getting into bed with the fashies. Apart from Luke Akehurst, natch. 

    I got annoyed with how Blair was totally cosy with Bellusconi, Bush and other leaders from the right and totally uncomfortable with anyone noticeably left.  I expect the same thing to happen again.

    Saying that I suspect Starmer in the hot tub with Trump is more likely than with Le Pen or Meloni.

    I am saying this because I don't want it to happen.


  8. 3 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

    I beg to differ, there will be folk in some parts of London who will think the Met are wonderful and that their jobs would be so much easier if they didn’t have to put up with undesirables and riff-raff* all the time.

    It said the leaflets were being distributed across Bromley.  My only knowledge of Bromley is its metaphorical portrayal in the film ‘Pride’.  If that metaphor is accurate they’ll be Met lovers.

    * poor people, immigrants, teenagers, homosexuals, environmentalists, etc.

    I thought you meant undesirables they had recruited by mistake.

  9. 19 minutes ago, Jedi2 said:

    So the actual far-right making significant gains in all of France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Austria, Poland, Belgium, the Netherlands and Hungary, and this is the same EU which so many folk are desperate to rejoin?

    These far-right groups aren't just your average 'Tory' types, they are genuine successors to Fascists of the past 

    Of course we need a better overall relationship with Europe, but these election results make an EFTA route much more palatable, rather than trying to jump back in with the current direction of political travel of the EU's main players.

    These countries border each other.  Without the EU forcing these countries to work together, there would be tanks on the border with all of them because that is how fascists like to fix things.

    I read that somewhere.

  10. 7 minutes ago, JS_FFC said:

    Reform above Tories in yougov’s latest effort 

    Yet Reform could still end up with no seats, Tories with more than they should and Labour with a landslide and nobody will question FPTP because that's how we've always done it.

  11. 13 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

    This is the Sunak aide who bet on the date of the election.  Surely this photo should disqualify him for holding office.  Definitely oftw.


    "Hey Rishi.  I put a bet down that you would call an election on the 4th July and it would really help me out if you could do so because you do owe me one for that incident that never got in the papers and you know .."

  12. 5 hours ago, Ross. said:

    I’d definitely describe myself as borderline useless with excel but the basics are easy to learn and the stuff you mention I can just about manage when I have the time to go through it. Not sure how anyone could survive in finance without being able to do the bare minimum that I can do.

    Maybe they use other applications.

  13. 18 minutes ago, HibeeJibee said:

    There was a coalition government from May 1940 to May 1945 - with Churchill as PM and Attlee as deputy... the war cabinet had 3 Conservatives / 2 Labour, later expanded to 4 / 3.

    Chief legal and economic posts were shared out plus Labour ministers also led several departments like the Admiralty (Royal Navy), Home Office, Ministry of Labour and Scottish Office while the Liberals headed the Air Ministry (RAF) and Health; later in the war Labour also took-on Aircraft Production and the Liberals added Fuel & Power.

    Come the July 1945 election all parties were offering what by pre-war standards were fairly radical social policies... also, don't forget the author of the Beveridge Report was a Liberal, and the great Education Act of 1944 was the product of a Conservative minister... but Labour were pledging to go furthest on the welfare state, post-war rebuilding and nationalisation plus were most trusted by the electorate to deliver on it wholeheartedly.

    Hence a landslide Labour victory: and a landslide defeat for Churchill despite his approval ratings standing at an all-time record 83% in May 1945.

    EDIT: that said we should recall Churchill was back only 6yrs later... Attlee's premiership had almost exactly a same duration as David Cameron (but achieved rather more!)... from when he and Conservative successors Eden, Macmillan and Douglas-Home lasted 13yrs.

    Labour won the popular vote in 1951 but FPTP put Churchill back in charge. 

  14. 7 hours ago, MEADOWXI said:

    The Tory manifesto in two words - JAM TOMORROW

    To expand,

    Yes we've given you stale bread and austerity and misery for most of the last 14 years (in fact most of the last 45years since 1979),

    But trust us, we've turned a corner, crested the hill, things can only get better, scratch that one but really all will be great and its

    JAM TOMORROW, and proper British Raspberry or Strawberry jam, not some weird foreign conserve either.

    Any mention of Scottish Marmalade?

  15. 23 hours ago, Richey Edwards said:

    World's population is too high IMO. Need another major conflict/plague to bring it back to manageable levels.

    For somebody who often posts message such as "have a great day everybody" I think you might be having a bit of a mood swing here.

  16. 20 hours ago, Buzz Killington said:

    I may have posted similar before but never , ever tell a collegue you can do anything other than sums on Excel.  

    I used a keyboard shortcut in Excel and I am now the "Excel guy" at work.

    I know how to do subtraction too. 

    The Office Darts Team are always asking for my help.

  17. 1 hour ago, Leith Green said:

    Its worrying that these lunatics have become such a force in Germany, and that - in line with Farage and his bams over here - the media seems to be comfortable in giving them a platform to spew their racist nonsense.

    Whatever happened to "the oxygen of publicity".

    I think it would be great if when Farage appeared on the screen, his words were spoken by an actor.

    Maybe an out-of-work Bollywood actor could be used.

  18. 4 hours ago, Oceanlineayr said:

    Problem with that is the Kreigsmarine was not capable of any major amphibious operations against Britain.

    They invaded Norway but that was against a country with a tiny airforce and a tiny navy. (The Kriegsmarine lost pretty much half of its own destroyers in Norwegian waters when Britain and France sent help to Norway). 

    Not to mention the Germans were running about the Rhine getting barges and houseboats to use as invasion craft. 

    It is often forgotten that the Nazis' main weapon of attack was not the tank but the horse.  Similarly the Japanese captured Singapore because of their ability to move troops by push bike.

    I blame Boris Johnson.

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