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The Moonster

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Everything posted by The Moonster

  1. Apparently we'll offer Craig Gordon a deal if no one takes a punt on him.
  2. If we could get Flynn and Armstrong from you guys it would go some way to resolving our defensive issues. All dependent on you going down though, which I'm still not certain will happen.
  3. Armstrong is one player I'd like, assuming Cowden go down. Don't doubt he'll have other offers though.
  4. Good luck with that. Fans congregating in one area? What if they all stand up? What if they trip and fall? What if they all sing similtaneously? What if the ground then breaks off and falls into the Clyde? Won't you think of the children Pete?!
  5. As we're up the back they usually let us away with standing up but they came up and told us to sit down last week. Makes you wonder how you can go to Livingston and they've got maybe 50-100 folk all standing and jumping up and down the whole game but 10 of us standing watching the game is far too dangerous.
  6. Back over for the Hamilton game I believe? I also believe it coincides with untitled00's birthday, if the board haven't bulldozed the ground by then I'm sure we'll give it a good try that day.
  7. Agreed. The Sons We're The Ones should get played non stop as well. A truly fantastic piece of music.
  8. Our home support is dull and boring and I believe at times counter productive. A pathetic version of "Dumbarton clap clap clap" is all anyone can muster as "support" and the rest of the time it's spent berating Gilhaney or Grindlay or the ref for being shite. I can't wait for the Swiss boys to be back over, those guys ken the score. At first I thought that was some sort of wounded animal crying for help. I prefer the "woooooaaaaah you're shite aaaaahhhhhh" to be honest.
  9. Stirling Albion and Stenny I think. Possibly Clyde too but not sure.
  10. I don't know. I have a Tinder account for an Asian woman by the name of Jackie and a Kik account for a white woman called Kate, both claiming to be the same person. I don't know what to believe any more.
  11. "looking at how the club can match it's success on the pitch with our strengthening position off it." I'd assume that refers to the stadium move, unless we're planning something else. It reads to me like the Trust are reassuring fans that they are keeping tabs on what the club are doing, it also reads to me like we've had to actually ask to be involved in the plans. Again, the club can put many of my worries to rest by releasing a simple statement outlining what our plan is. We don't need every detail, just an outline. I'm sure I'll be able to tell if the idea is batshit crazy or not from a simple outline.
  12. Getting a bit fed up of this Tinder. I've had matches but none of them seem to have the ability to type a message, there is no other explanation that I can think of anyway... Got 1 girl this morning who immediately messaged me looking for sex but it since transpired that she's most likely lying about who she is and using someone else's photo's/name. Decisions, decisions...
  13. http://sonstrust.net/ Trust met the board on Saturday to discuss the stadium move and have subsequently given an update on the website. I know it doesn't say much but it at least gives supporters the knowledge that we are involved in the process, I can't understand why it's so difficult for the Board to actually lay out the plans. If they could have a football club without fans the doors would have been locked up long ago. I'll hopefully get down to the Trust AGM and hopefully they can give us some more info, I'd suggest anyone interested/worried does the same.
  14. That's Snudge and it is a wonderful moustache.
  15. Pete doesn't mix with us ruffians up the back, he's not been through his initiation process yet. As for our patter, we are very sorry. Maybe if everyone else in the ground made some more noise than rustling their sweety papers you wouldn't need to listen to us.
  16. Speak for yourself, I've already sent Muzz my Play for the Sons DVD and a Youtube compilation of me playing 5s in the Meadow Centre.
  17. Does Dougie expect the slating of the fans to bring people back though, cornbeef? It would be far more beneficial for him to come out and thank the fans that have stuck with the team through this shite season than coming out and blaming them for the team on the park. It does absolutely no good at all. Will fans who haven't been attending suddenly think to themselves " that p***k Rae is saying am no a real fan, I'll show him, I'm buyin' ma season ticket right away"? It's a ridiculously stupid thing to say.
  18. Yes, they do. And I wouldn't mind Sheils hanging around for it, thank you very much.
  19. I think the Creme Egg stuff on the website filled the April Fools quota for the next couple of years.
  20. I'm not in the huff at all, but you've been diving about every thread saying everyone is going part-time. We heard you, let it go.
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