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As We Rise Again

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Status Updates posted by As We Rise Again

  1. The Journey's long, Its only just begun. We are the people.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Marshmallo


      You're right, it has only just begun :)

    3. Addie


      AWRA - you are amazing at something. I'm sure when you find that 'something' we will all know about it soon enough.

    4. Jobber


      54 and counting watp

  2. Happy Birthday to her Majesty. GSTQ

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. forkboy


      I think I prefer Holiday In The Sun

    3. Pride_of_the_Clyde


      What's her royal username?

    4. GordieBoy80
  3. American History X great film.

  4. The following is a quote from French sociologist, Ludovic Lestrelin: "Rangers are an institution, and remain so, even in the fourth tier. There is something both chivalrous and noble in continuing to go to the stadium during the storm. It's beautiful because it's difficult. Suffer together, rebuild together, then conquer together. Then you begin to write history."

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. GordieBoy80
    3. As We Rise Again
    4. Thistle_do_nicely


      prefer this one tbh

      "This has to be said about Rangers, as a Scottish Football club they are a permanent embarrassment and an occasional disgrace. This country would be a better place if Rangers did not exist."

  5. Two more seasons, look out we're coming!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. RobBairn1876


      They're Queen of the South, they're better than you!

  6. Nearly 1000 profile views already, I feel popular.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RobBairn1876


      Get a room you 2.

    3. RossC93


      I have 28,000.

      Deal with it.

    4. As We Rise Again

      As We Rise Again

      Member since 2008, no wonder.

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