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Mr Man

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Posts posted by Mr Man

  1. Of course we need these other things in place, I am not saying it will be done but the Celtic example shows what can be done with not a lot of money.

    The £8M figure comes from one of your own, I assume he is correct.

    Pretty sure that's what Neil has spent, that doesn't include players we already had. Brown for example. The funny thing is I heard some sevco fan on SSB last night come out with the same thing, Celtic team is £8million, Ally will get his £10million warchest, easy peasy, etc :lol:

  2. He's right about cup runs though. I'm convinced Green was expecting to go far in the cups and maybe entertained the thought of winning one and I bet he thought they'd get at least one crack at Celtic. All the pish from McCoist about 'the cups not being relevant', garbage. Those players were not signed on SPL wages to win SFL3. They could have won that league on a quarter of that wage bill just as easily and therefore, be in a better financial condition.

    Pretty much. McCoist said at the start of the season he was building a team not just to win SFL3 but to also compete in the cups. That patter soon disappeared to be replaced with 'not being relevant' when he was pumped out of 3/3 cup competitions.

  3. You've had a laugh but you were wrong with what you were laughing at which makes it funny on you.

    What are you laughing at? Being a Scotland fan? Being jealous of Rangers?

    I'm fucking beelin' so i am, deluded people make me so angry! RAR!

    Aye you sound it. Do I really need to catalogue all the hilarious events from Saint Valentines Day 2012 right the way through to Jabba letting his belly rumble on your official website?

    Aye I'm deluded.

    You sound beelin' man, no wonder. It's been a rough year for the sevconians.

  4. Yes the irony is there for all to see, unless you are of limited intelligence/blinded by hatred.

    Also the majority of your "what happened" didn't happen and is drivel/opinion.

    Blinded by laughter actually. You're trying to tell me that we've not had a right good laugh at you. Well we have, and continue to do so. Ok yesterday went your way, no sleep lost and further laughs today at all the celebratory talk completely forgetting everything that has went before.

    The laughing will continue for years to come.

    Looking forward to your beelin' retort. :)

  5. It was misplaced laughter.

    You were sitting here laughing hoping Rangers would die, get titles stripped etc...

    None of what you sad c***s said would or wanted to happen have happened, so you've just wasted the past year making pish jokes to each other to be honest. I hope that it has been fun for you. You're all laughing in this thread but the whole world is laughing at you c***s and this thread. Apt time for a lol.

    Say what? So you weren't liquidated, denied entry to the SPL due to fan power, denied entry to SFL1 due to fan power, now trading at a loss in SFL 3 with over paid, under talented players and a clown of a manager? That didn't happen?

    You're laughing at us? Oh the fucking irony.

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