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Everything posted by aofjays

  1. Awesome isn't it. I especially like the fact it was listed under "other factors" by Hearts but by the time the Sevco loyal have got their paws on it it's suddenly "Hertz blaming Rangers". Also a big fan of any mention of sporting integrity - they think they are being clever when they say this but instead just look like stupid twats. Surprised we haven't had an "only game in town" or a "sellout Saturday" yet, well the day is still young. Thanks for the entertainment, long may it continue.
  2. Glad to help. Notes 15 and 16 of the official real Rangers accounts. Enjoy.
  3. Fraid not, Tedi is just pretending to be far more stupid than he actually is (or anyone is for that matter) and hoping Jo Jo gives up. eg: T:GIVE ME A BREAKDOWN J:I added one year liabilities and more than one year liabilities to get total liabilities T: SO YOU WON'T GIVE ME A BREAKDOWN J: there is no breakdown, I'm just quoting the accounts. T: SO WHERE IS THE BREAKDOWN J: Section blah blah, paragraph blah etc etc T:SO WILL YOU GIVE ME A BREAKDOWN J: no T: I KNEW IT!!!!!! I WIN!!!!! YOU SMELL!!!! It's kind of funny in a strange sad way.
  4. Of course it matters what he spent it on, especially if he spent it clearing debt, and since the accounts show the total liability reducing from 65 to 56 million it would appear at least some of it was used for that very purpose.
  5. You realise all you are doing is moving numbers about, none of this is increasing or decreasing liability? After paying off 18 Million from the 27 Million your old club still had 9 million, therefore the liability is still 18 million. This is Primary 3 level stuff, even young Benny should be able to cope.
  6. Got a link for that? (actual evidence mind). Not that I'm doubting a paragon of virtue such as yourself but as I'm sure you'll be the first to agree "it's been pointed out to you by many people" is not really enough. It's been pointed out to you by many people that your old club died because they were cheats but I don't think you're going to take their word for it are you? ETA: I'm really not on the wind up btw, I'm really really curious how a total liability of 56Million a year after a reported liability of 65Million shows the total debt went up.
  7. Making things up? Are you serious? You said, "the FTT showed him and the vast majority of his work up as a fraud", then you later say it was never mentioned, from this we can see it's the verdict that you believe shows RTC to be a fraud (as he said clearly guilty and the two (non-tax expert) judges said guilty). Now this is obviously rubbish since the tax expert judge also said guilty. Regardless of whether you agree with the verdict or not the fact a judge who is also an expert in tax law agrees with him that Rangers are guilty shows quite clearly that he's not a fraud, at worst he is wrong. However as the taxman (and the judge who is an expert in tax law) obviously think they know better than majority verdict delivered by the judges you should probably keep your powder dry for the moment and wait until all appeals are heard.
  8. Lol. Is this supposed to be your idea of a wind up? In fact it would be even funnier if he/she had made it all up and your club had been killed for nothing, but sadly that's not the case.
  9. Now you are being silly. You called RTC a fraud for thinking Rangers should have been done. I pointed out the (tax expert) judge agreed with this. I never said anyone was a fraud. For some reason you seem to equate "different interpretation" with "fraud". This is your failing, not RTC, mine or any of the three judges.
  10. Regarding your second point, is the judge that agreed with him (notably the only tax expert of the three) also a fraud?
  11. Can't really comment on that as I've no idea what (if indeed anything) is missing. Going by the calls from Sevco fans to punish this individual for having the temerity to show old Rangers up as cheats it's possible that these pages you claim have been removed contained details that would have helped facilitate this. Please note this is just a guess but after seeing how well the shredder worked for real Rangers it must at least be in the realms of possibility. Since you have obviously spent some time on the site in question can you give us a hint at what is missing? It might help with the guesswork and certainly won't hinder it.
  12. Just out of interest why do you keep asking for a link to this? Do you think it's been deleted or something? It's here btw: http://rangerstaxcase.wordpress.com surprised you needed to ask for a link though, it's the second top result on google for rtc, top result for rtc blog.
  13. When did you get so bloody boring? All you seem to do now is lie and deny.
  14. As far as I know none of what the tax case blogger presented as facts has been called into question. Just his opinions on what these facts mean. Am I incorrect or are you just that desperate to bury your head in the sand?
  15. You said you wanted to start in Div 3, you made no mention of 'after we were told to f**k off by the SPL'. At least wait till tomorrow before you try to re-write today. I support Partick you idiot, why would my team need to make up for the loss of some cheats from a league we didn't (at the time) play in. "It must hurt" - Stop projecting, Rangers and their b*****d offspring Sevco have given me nothing but laughs. For example just yesterday I was walking past the Park Bar (yes yes I don't support my local team - I'm a rank bad yin) when a lovely young lass was explaining to all that "now we will see the true owners of Rangers - David {Kelly, Kerr not sure but I'm guessing she meant Murray} Walter Smith and John Brown. It was all I could do to keep a straight face until I got round the corner. Keep it up.
  16. Not on here no. I prefer wearethistle.co.uk, used to love ptfc.net before it shut down and it's nearly all the same peeps on the new site. I only come here for a laugh. In that vein I would like to thank you for the vast amounts of stupidity you post daily, without dedicated P&Bers like yourself this thread would have probably died by now.
  17. Yes your club wanted to start from the bottom so much that they applied to the SPL. Another fanciful bit of history re-writing by a Sevco fan - what a shocker. Also we didn't say we would fill the grounds every week if Sevco were punted to the third. We said we wouldn't turn up at all if they were allowed in to the SPL or 1st. Why lie about stuff we all remember and can look up in this very thread? Or is this what Sevco fans see as balanced?
  18. After claiming others don't think their posts through you come out with this pish? When you pay by instalments your season ticket money is paid in full to the club on day one by a finance company. Your debt is with the finance company, not rangers. Rangers could go under after one game and you would still need to pay off the full price of the ticket to the finance company with which you have a credit agreement.
  19. When you lie people will call you out on it awra. Also it's responsible and What's btw, I know how much you love to check spelling.
  20. Why do you feel the need to keep posting lies you fool? You're on an internet forum, it's not like we can't check ffs. I corrected you because you were (as usual) lying through your teeth. Just like you are again with this alias nonsense. We are not nursery school kids bennet, stop playing lets pretend.
  21. Fixed that for you. Can't have you trying to show posters in a bad light with half truths and outright lies.
  22. No, that's not what I'm saying. Why would you think that? I said real Rangers plead "no contest" or were found guilty on over half the cases. Who cares if they "won" the cases they defended against? If I was up on 5 counts of robbery, admitted 4 of them and was found not guilty on the 5th would you try to claim I was innocent of the other 4? Real rangers still admitted to being tax dodging scumbags whether you like it or not.
  23. Lol. That's some quality spin right there. Do you actually believe real Rangers pleading no contest to over half the charges was a win or are you just trying to wind up WRK? Either way thanks for the laugh.
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