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Everything posted by YassinMoutaouakil

  1. I'm pretty sure you can turn off the anonomyous thing or ,y'know , not use the site.
  2. Has anybody seen that Ban Ask Fm NOW page?Don't use it myself seeing as I'm not an 11 year old girl, but it's hilarious reading Middle aged woman's posts who clearly don't have a clue how the internet works.
  3. I was thinking a cold blooded genocide of stupid people, but your idea could work.
  4. I just noticed this and laughed for about 5 minutes straight.
  5. Anyone over the age of 15 doing that must be mentally deficient.
  6. Can't believe I grew up in this abomination of a town. https://www.facebook.com/EkSlags?fref=tck
  7. If you ever feel stupid, take a look at Troll Football and you'll instantly know you're smarter than everyone on that page.
  8. Or people that studied at the "University of Life"
  9. 1)Emo pish-"noone likes me"they dont f*cking like you for a reason you c*nt 2)Girls pretending to like football to show off for guys 3)Mirror pics 4)Like for a mail-no kill yourself 5)Im absolutley smashed after the party lol x x x-your f*cking 12
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