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Posts posted by Jobber

  1. Other than a draw, think it was last year, every single memory I have of Anderson v Taylor is Anderson getting humped and giggling with Phil by the midway point of the match.

  2. Froch is involved with Matchroom Sport and comes from Nottingham. Has a fight coming up soon too. Sure they've had one or two other boxers out there before for a bit of PR.

  3. Playstation darts from Wadey. Glad to see he still has that in his locker. Watching him clog his way to major finals the last 2-3 years chucking 92 averages has been a total chore. If he plays like that everytime I'll happily tune into his games.

    Thorn will play a lot worse and dish out a few gubbings. It says it all how well Wade played when Thornton who is perma seething on the stage even raised a chuckle after the second 121.

  4. I used to listen to Jim Rome a fairbit as well but got tired of him.

    Never been a Mike & Mike fan.

    Cowherds the man, opinionated and knows his stuff. Anyone who likes the NFL even remotely should listen him during the season, pretty much all he talks about, well that and some college football. Hes got little time for Baseball and doesn't even entertain Hockey.

  5. I can't see them giving someone 9 million a year guaranteed to play guard, the top paid guard in the league doesn't even make close to that, Carl Nicks was around 6m IIRC. He only gave up one sack last year too, hes a decent left tackle.

    I think its a good move, if they let Albert walk, Joeckel would simply be a replacement pick, and it doesn't really improve the team. The Chiefs have tonnes of cap room so overpaying like they did for Bowe I don't think is too big of a deal considering his value to them.

  6. Those c***s say the same with Fordham just because he beat a couple of amateur pub players at the Dutch Open. The fat waster is done just like Mason and should stick to challenging auld jakies in the pub with Andy Goram.

  7. Have you been following the Pro Tour events, Marsh? See Hankey has been jobbing big time again. Got his arse kicked against some no mark called Vernon Sheppard.

  8. Paid too much for Smith. He was a diddy prior to Harbaugh arriving and hes limited even with the system and the coaching he was working under that masked a lot of his problems. Should do alright in KC, but no more really and he should be nothing more than a stop gap, not someone you invest a high pick in for the long term. They could have kept that pick and brought in someone like Matt Moore and I doubt there would have been much of a difference.

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