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Crawford Baptie

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Everything posted by Crawford Baptie

  1. Hartley has alloted times for players to meet him this week to discuss contract situations. We’ll find at least another 5 will be gone by the end of the week.
  2. Not the whole of the night. He was in Sportsters until closing time with Kieran K, the assistant manager and two of the lasses from the office.
  3. All players been given time slots during the week to discuss contracts etc.
  4. What about the hanger on who takes the winner of the 50-50 ticket to have a shot of hitting the crossbar. Surely he deserves an award. Agreed btw that Gordon deserves recognition.
  5. The fact that Dunne has been playing Left WingBack for the Development squad would suggest what role he may play next season.
  6. Heard a rumour today that Dunfermline and ourselves have offered Ian Vigurs a contract. Can’t see it to be honest.
  7. It is and you’re spot on. However worth pointing out to the grasses that had it been the other way about, they would have lost their shit.
  8. Yer man was sent on to do a job on Nelson, which he did. Notice we’ve not ran to the papers or sent video evidence to the SFA. Had that been Taiwo on Higginbotham, we would still be talking about it next season.
  9. Gimme being mathematically safe with 4 games to go and I’ll snap your arm off for it right now.
  10. I suspect he will keep Muirhead but bin Grant and Watson.
  11. The problem with Taiwo is his injuries from over he years are now catching up with him. He’s been out a bit this season, played well when he got fit again, got injured again and in my opinion isn’t fully fit (hence his withdrawal from the games recently). He’s the only guy we have that can do what he does. But he needs to be 100% fit.
  12. I suspect Taiwo will be given a man marking job on one of them on Saturday.
  13. The best we’ve played is when Longridge has been just behind or up top with Nelson.
  14. Hazard Tumilty Muirhead McGhee Grant Robson Taiwo Kidd Sibbs Longridge Nelson
  15. If it was a choice between keeping Grant or Muirhead, Grant would be out the door.
  16. Would still be in the team before Loy and OHara tbh.
  17. The two guys that have scored the most recently have been Louis and The Yak. It’s a no brainier having those two up top. That allows Sibbs to play his best role behind the strikers.
  18. Hill hung out to dry as that fat waster Ferguson was “injured”
  19. Bit of a sare yin if he goes, but would leave you in a good position to go up. Also the calibre of manager applying for your job would be high with pretty much promotion guaranteed.
  20. You’d seriously take that fuckin donkey Sinclair over Cracks or Watson?
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