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About djchapsticks

  • Birthday 15/07/1984

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  1. A man who openly mocked the cancer death of a six year old child to his grieving father should never be in this thread. What happened to Cooper was tragic in itself but never convince yourself there was a good person there. This thread from Jambos Kickback of all places should tell you all you need to know. The incident was also recounted in Fitzpatrick's own autobiography. https://www.hmfckickback.co.uk/index.php?/topic/150476-davie-cooper/
  2. 2-2 a fair enough result. We were the better side first half, Dundee the better side second half. Both teams absolutely handed one goal to the other today and both scored one good goal apiece. We sort of forgot to retain the ball throughout the second half until injury time where we suddenly woke up, it definitely felt like a goal was coming for us at that point.
  3. Partly brexit but it is the same the world over as FIFA have rules now that were brought in to prevent a situation like this and ongoing exploitation. Even without Brexit, this would still be happening albeit to a lesser extent than it is now, only the truly exceptional talent would be getting poached. For every Messi, there were 100 youngsters brought to countries from all over the world and ditched before they hit 18. This now cannot happen.
  4. I'd imagine it's not to the extent we do as youth players can't switch to different countries any more until they turn 18. So they will of course still be at risk of losing young players internally within their country but unless there is dual citizenship involved, they can't leave to play in a foreign land anymore until after they are 18. The days of Messi, Fabregas, Pique being snatched up as children for foreign academies are gone. The problem though is that although different FAs, the UK is one country and there's nothing FIFA or UEFA rules can do to prevent it happening as it would be contravening UK employment law to prevent such moves . If Scotland had become independent in 2014, we'd be having a VERY different conversation just now.
  5. This has been one of the most can't be arsed level performances I've seen in Europe by a Scottish side in ages. I could get it if Hearts were outclassed here but they haven't, they've just been absolutely f**king rank rotten.
  6. It's nonsense, the level of churn in kids. My mate used to coach Saints U12s a few years back and the amount of 'ma wean is wanted by Rangers/Celtic' he used to get from delusional parents who felt their kid was 100% going to make it was mental. He always said that they were of course free to go but they'd have no recourse to return to Saints when they inevitably got purged at the end of the year.
  7. Don't disagree. Think there is a wee bit of an early season concern there though that there are new players who have signed for us that look like they will be assets but currently they are well short of fitness. There's also the fact that our central midfield just now, is very much a makeshift one and we've had to change our shape a fair bit because we've lost two players who are important to the way we normally attack in the form of Kiltie and McMenamin. Most concerns just now surround us being a bit 'square pegs in round holes' more than anything.
  8. Suppose it depends what we do with the money. KVV looks like it's happening for better or worse regardless. Still feel there is going to be at least a forward going out if he comes in.
  9. I can't see it. Looks like Van Veen deal is on the cards regardless of Ethan staying or going .
  10. Time will tell I guess. Looks like Wolves have come back with an acceptable package for him and we've agreed to it. Can't see us knocking back £250k and holding out for £300k to be honest unless the add ons negotiated are significantly improved.
  11. I mean, we will see it eventually but definitely we're right not to disclose what we get for a player. £400k for a lad who has made 1 league appearance and who 100%, understandably won't sign a new contract in the face of EPL interest would be decent. We will also hopefully have plenty of add-ons there too. It's the world we live in now, we're going to get picked apart for youth talent forever. Ethan will be the third U18 player in a year and a bit we've lost to English top flight clubs trying to bolster their youth system and produce players who can be classed as homegrown by 21st birthday for EPL and European registration purposes. They now don't have the option of bringing over a Fabregas or a Pique type wonderkid to integrate them as 16 year olds and ensure they are homegrown for EPL rules anymore as they need to be 18 before they come here and that scuppers the '3 years trained in England between 16 and 21' thing that they need to be homegrown (unless their 18th birthday falls within a transfer window I believe), so the rest of the UK is their relatively inexpensive feeder system. Look at Billy Gilmour and Ben Doak. None of us are safe from it.
  12. Not really. The Reid scenario was with 6 months left on his deal and Ethan will likely have his share of interest in 6 months from now. So ball in is our court and a club like Wolves, it makes no material difference to them if they pay £250k or £2.5m, both are easily affordable but the window is a small one. We can still thrash something out for him in next few days. £400-500k and plenty of performance and appearance based add ons will probably do the trick.
  13. I was exceptionally confident in the game at Dens towards the end of last season as I knew for a fact we were a better team than Dundee and if we turned up, would win without any real fuss and that was the case. Not so certain this time though. Dundee have definitely improved further and the jury is still very much out on us. We haven't become a bad side overnight but we are in a rut and have struggled with fitness and injury issues in key areas, particularly in centre mid and wide attacking positions. I'd take a point here for sure and hopefully by time international break is over, we're closer to having one or both of Kiltie and McMenamin back in the squad.
  14. Sid had the 'It' factor in spades. A guy who wasn't the usual chickenshit cowardly heel. Just had a total aura about him. Regardless of in ring talent, you stick prime Sid in any era ever and he's right at the top end of the card.
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