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Rael Rover

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  1. Euros port had a bit earlier with the French rugby 7's doing a training routine with the Moulin Rouge dancers. They are very fit lassies.
  2. Watched their game last night and they caused County a lot of problems, as did we in patches on Saturday. Hopefully proved wrong but can't see us racking up a big win against Accies.
  3. Raith TV doing a stream for ยฃ10 for any Rovers or Stranraer fans unabe to make it tonight
  4. Michael Stewart being kept busy on Premier for next couple of weeks and English probably still recovering from Glasgow winning the rugby.
  5. Davie on Raith TV said Stirlng hoped to do a stream but to no avail. Sound excellent now and rovers two up due to Aidan Connoly double. Mon the Rovers!
  6. Loveley evening so TV set uo in back garden, cold white wine poured up, and settling down to watch Scotland women in their big, big game against Slovakia. Mon Scotland!
  7. Bit of irony in this as England have a player who is not long back from a ban for betting on matches.
  8. Bowmore swimming pool in Islay is heated by the distillery next door.
  9. Watching the stream and strip looks better "in the flesh". Game typical pre season meh but slight concern on the lack of chances being created.
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