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throbber last won the day on April 11 2018

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  1. I was too lost in 00’s nostalgia to thoroughly go over every post. I apologise. I remember their song “good for nothing” from their 2011 album was played constantly and was so laughably awful it was almost like an incomplete demo yet it was getting constant airtime. I assume too many people complained about how awful it was and they were fired off into the sun not long after. The issue with most these bands was that they poured all their energy into their first album to get big and then spend a year or so touring and getting high on their own supply but then when it comes to writing a second album their energy is completely different and they can’t follow it up. Look at likes of hard fi, pigeon detectives, wombats etc - they’re singing about boozy lifestyles and chasing girls that hang around shitty pubs which is a why people related to them, After a year or so has passed they have got semi famous they aren’t in the same mindset as they were before and are hanging about in different circles so find it difficult to release new material that still appeals to their original audience. Arctic monkeys first album was similar and lots of songs were about the Sheffield club scene but they were able to change their style with the second album, even if a lot of people didn’t like it they clearly knew they had to progress with their music rather than just be people pleasers which is why they are still headlining festivals nowadays. That said oasis and their founding members have been churning out the exact same music for 30 years now and nobody seems to want to see the back of them so who knows.
  2. Their second album was a stinker and that was the end of them. I remember it getting all sorts of awful reviews when it got released. They were popular for a few months in 2008 around about time Glasvegas were big. Both artist reminded me of come downs at that time. I remember hard fi releasing an abysmal album in 2011 and then falling off the radar altogether. Not that they were particularly good to start with but haven’t seen them mentioned yet.
  3. Just read that there - has her had a bump on the head or been hacked I wonder?
  4. That’s because the lead singer was getting aroused by a schoolgirl
  5. Unless it’s suspected terrorism then I can’t imagine a happy ending for the officers here. That guys got his hands up and he stil gets pepper sprayed. The ginger police office looks like she’s a bit concussed so I don’t doubt she was assaulted.
  6. i don’t think the polis are coming out of this looking particularly well.
  7. I might combine my content with gardening and cooking as well.
  8. That’s my stance on it they are having sex with whom they want and selling the footage they aren’t being paid by the person having sex with them so think it’s totally different. @alta-pete I think most of us are just programmed to work certain hours, don’t think it’s a choice. Certainly not for me.
  9. We’ll nobody decides that but my post was in response to a claim that one way or another we all prostitute ourselves every day we go to work which I don’t think is a valid claim. I wasn’t saying OF work was degrading and my initial question was whether or not it was prostitution.
  10. What kind of work are you talking about here?
  11. I wouldn’t have said so unless we are degrading ourselves one way or another
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