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  1. Love this idea. I'd do it as a reboot of the confederations cup 6 x continental winners 1 x host 1 x world cup winner If anyone "qualifies" twice, then the holders get a shot.
  2. Murray has confirmed he will call it a career after next week’s Olympics.
  3. They’ll do that for sure next time they’re picking a new leader while in government. Maybe they’ll keep the mentalists out of the final two.
  4. Nomination open this Wednesday and close on Monday. Tory MPs to whittle it down to 4 to speak at the conference. Then they whittle it down to the final 2 for the members to choose between. Result Saturday 2nd November. Sunak to stay on as interim party leader until then.
  5. McKenna is Nesbitt’s understudy imo. Gary Oliver the 3rd man in both that position and up front.
  6. Pretty decent chance that three teams finish on 9 points and it becomes a goal difference shoot out. 9 is usually enough to qualify as a 2nd placed team although there are a few historical examples of teams missing out on goal difference. Hopefully Dundee United don’t beat Buckie by any more than 3 goals and we’ll know that any win on Saturday gets us top 2.
  7. Is Caelan McCrone a young guy? Never heard of him
  8. I reckon it’s Hogarth Yeats - Henderson - MacIver - Mackie Spencer - Tait Ross - Nesbitt - Miller Agyemang
  9. 1. Yes, a lot can certainly change. The Labour government in London may not be popular by then which could hand the SNP a clear win. Equally, we could see further SNP scandals and/or the Starmer government doing well and Labour could win comfortably. But on the very early indications, the most plausible scenario at the moment is that the two parties get very similar numbers of seats (mid 40’s) with Labour are the very slight favourite to be the largest party. 2. The biggest problem you face is persuading others into supporting your budgets and confidence votes. Remember that six Scottish elections have produced: - One outright majority. - One minority government that was very close to a majority - Three coalitions (One of which collapsed mid Parliament leaving the SNP very close to a majority) - One proper minority The scenario I outlined would be very close to the 2007-2011 Parliament. In that Parliament Salmond worked with both the Greens and Annabel Goldie’s Conservatives to get stuff done so I can be achieved but it would have been very easy for the opposition parties to vote down that government whenever they felt like it.
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