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Posts posted by pollymac

  1. As a football fan I will feel a bit short changed rangers go down the pan & the SPL allow them back in with a mere slap on the wrist.

    Celtic may possibly add a few new faces in the transfer window, yet "debt free FC" fans have a whole new team to support!!!

    How's that fair :angry:

    To be fair though, it'll be the same old faces turning out for them:

    Parlane, Stevens (Gregor, of 70/80s shit footballer fame), Prytz, etc

  2. Well, if he's reading this....

    Once Rangers fate is known, treat them the same way you'd treat every other club, if they found themselves swimming neck deep in shite because of their own irresponsible actions.

    Treat them in kind, as they would any other.

    Airdrie's problems worsened when it was revealed that Rangers had arrested the club's share of the gate receipts for Sunday's Scottish Cup tie at Dundee United.

    Airdrie v Rangers Airdrie's finances have been tackled by David Murray

    Ibrox chairman David Murray applied for an interdict, on behalf of his company Carnegie, for a debt of around £30,000 owed by Airdrie.

    Mr Murray said: "I feel very sorry for Airdrie and their supporters but we're running a business. We have given them repeated warnings and felt they were playing on our good nature."

  3. So when does the breaking news of "The 75%, 50% and 25% deal is back on the table and being discussed ... " come out?

    Only of course for things to break down and require the weekend to mull over the options.

    This is like a hostage negotiation these fucking idiots are trying to slow play. Start binning 1 every 10 minutes until the rest either say "OK" or say nothing. Either way you get your cost savings.

    I'll help you out.

    1) David Healy.

    2) Maurice Edu.

    Must be £100k p/m off the books right there.

  4. This is the biggest fact that needs resolved in the whole scenario IMO. I don't expect it to be released into the public domain but once SPL chairmen know how much Sky-ESPN would pay for Rangers-less SPL, they'll be making a pragmatic decision based on discernible scenarios.

    If it's wrong for Rangers to 're-enter' SPL, it's equally wrong for them to re-enter the national league structure, surely?

    It's easy for SFL1 club fans to decry Rangers entering above them, yet be perfectly happy for them to enter below them. It's also rather hypocritical.

    It is indeed.

    Were I to start up a club this very afternoon, surely my side would have as much right to a place in the SFL? Not to mention the numerous clubs that have been trying for bloody years to get in.

  5. Good post. Although I disagree about the team staying together for 10years.

    I would actually commend Celtic on the change to their transfer policy to where they buy young players with potential with a view to selling on in 2-4years to a bigger league. Porto, Ajax, PSV, Benfica et al have been doing this for years.

    Theoretically they could, they would have three or four mid-30s, but those in that group (Ledley, Brown, Mulgrew, K Wilson) appear to be guys with very little 'weight' issues as it were.

    But no, you are correct, someone will snaffle the likes of Kayal, Izzaguire, Ledley, Matthews, Wanyama etc.

    Was surprised none of the first three left last summer.

  6. What's the latest from Minty Moonbeams Park? Haudit and Daudit still talking it over with the first team squad, their agents, and their mammies?

    Is today Haudit & Daudit's deadline day - or was that yesterday... or the day before...

    Hmm. I wonder. What chance liquidation hitting first - before those two clowns have taken any cost-cutting decisions of their own?

    How cool would it be if the FTT rules against Rankers appeal against the Big (hoose) Tax Case this afternoon?

  7. In the short term certainly. A couple of seasons down the line, I'm not so convinced they'll be turning up in the same numbers.

    They absolutely would not be turning up in the same numbers.

    Which would be great for Scottish Football as it would mean, hopefully, a much truer return to producing our own players and actually giving them a game as opposed to producing our own players then buying Rasmussen, Juarez, Kayal, Izzaguire, etc, playing them instead and loaning out the youngsters repeatedly then letting them go for free.

  8. Yes, and following Lawwell's comments about them not needing rangers you'd certainly think they would. Despite that, I still have a niggling doubt and as such can't quite bring myself to add them to the list.

    I don't know. There are a sizeable number of Celtic fans who would be somewhat upset at the thought of voting them back in, having sat through the 'Willo Window' whilst Rankers embarked on a spend, spend, spend policy post-Kaunas.

    Not to mention the continued justification of the spendthrift Celtic board that they would not jeopardise the future of the club for a short-term gain - can you imagine trying to answer questions about that policy after voting a bunch of cheats back in?

  9. I presume this has been argued to death elsewhere by more knowledgeable people than me, but I can't see why it's a given that the SPL needs Rangers. Granted, Celtic will lose out, but then they have the near-certain championship to compensate. The closest potential challengers (eg. Hearts, Hibs, Aberdeen, Dundee Utd) will lose two big gates a season, but if they are competing for second place I could see them making that up over the rest of the home games. The others such as Motherwell*, Kilmarnock, St Johnstone, St Mirren might also benefit from bigger travelling supports from the first four named. Plus there would be 5 places up for grabs in the top six rather than 4.

    As for TV money, overall cake smaller, but everyone gets a bigger slice no?

    *very unfair on current placing I know!

    You say 'Celtic will lose out' - I don't really see how.

    Celtic and Rangers embarked on a futile and very costly 'transfer war', ultimately and hopefully to the utter destruction of one of them. Celtic took the decision almost 10 years ago that this would not be continued, but still augmented the squad every so often, but almost always within their means (i.e. with the exception of one year - BTM's on the chin year).

    Remove their main competitor and Celtic will continue to buy just what is needed to augment a squad that is very young - one that could arguably play together with very few changes for another decade. I think this is what Lawell meant when he said they didn't need any input from other clubs - simply stated: Celtic could very rapidly downsize whilst taking hold of the SPL trophy for any number of years to come bereft of their 'Old Firm' rivals.

    This would be, on the one hand, a very shitty state of affairs in that one club might dominate, but on the other, could and hopefully should see more and more youngsters coming through at Celtic Park as the 'fear' of dropping more than a point or three every five or six games is removed (when Celtic 'bottled' it last season, they dropped points in only three from their last eighteen SPL matches).

    I'd love to see Celtic downsize to the extent that TV and even gate money becomes an irrelevance, instead becoming a breeder/seller club in much the same manner as one might think of Ajax once was (still is??). Hopefully a knock on effect of that would be other clubs finding it easier to catch up.

    Ultimately, I'd love it (in a Keegan-rantesque stylee) if there were three or four genuine title contenders playing pass the trophy. Just as long as none of them are simultaneously playing hide the tax bill.

  10. Nicked from CQN:

    SPL could learn from Irish FA. SFA could learn from everyone

    Posted on 7 March, 2012 by Paul67

    Before the SPL launch headlong into the process of ensuring Financial Fair Play they would do well to look over the water at the Irish Football Association (we’ll leave aside the fact that it’s the Irish FA who are on top of this situation there, but the league who are looking to tighten things up here, as the SFA await the next Any Other Business moment on a scheduled meeting).

    Each month, every IFA club are required to complete a form which details information on whether wages, PAYE, NI and VAT have been paid. It also asks if historic HMRC repayment plans have been maintained, whether lenders have indicated they will remove or not renew borrowing facilities and several other questions designed to flush out future problems. Clubs, which are largely part-time with volunteer administrators, are also required to submit audited accounts.

    Importantly, clubs must also authorise the IFA to inquire directly to HMRC to confirm details on the form are submitted accurately.

    This single form, with authority to speak to HMRC, would have prevented Craig Whyte’s ‘business model’ from getting off the ground.

    While the SPL should be applauded for tackling this issue their action must embarrass the moribund SFA. Embarrassment might reach further heights when the SPL call SFA president, Campbell Ogilvie, to give evidence into their inquiry into Rangers’ alleged double contract practice.

  11. I suppose that's one way of looking at it, but I would never want to tell anyone they are being made redundant. Especially not 19 year old kids who are actually depend on their weekly wage packet. I can quite see why he's saying "it's not me, I'm not prepared to pick and choose who loses their job and who doesn't." I don't think he's denying the need for cuts, I just think he doesn't want to make them. It's not as if he's telling players you aren't performing so we're letting you go, which is one thing, but to tell some of these guys they are losing all of their income with no pay-off - McCoist strikes me as a decent guy who loves the club he works for and he can't bring himself to do it. Unlike many of his co-workers, who I would gladly see out of a job. Odious little shit Jimmy Bell for one.

    The only thing I wish McCoist had been more vocal about is his disassociation with Craig Whyte.

    Which is exactly why he is spineless.

  12. I'd be a pretty pointless exercise too, insofar as they couldn't apply any sanction on Rangers (apart from the fairly nuclear and rather meaningless scenario of stripping them of league titles from before 1998).

    Pretty much that.

    Why waste hard to come by money for an outcome that doesn't justify it? Simply wait for the SPL/SFA and Tax Case to decide on it, then just run an update script on the honours won database table. Costs next to fook all.

  13. Well no effectively they bought themselves promotion. As a new club the highest division they should have got into was the third. But they bought their way into the second. Even if the Clydebank take over had been allowed by league rules they should have started in the third division

    But that's the point, they weren't a new club, they were Clydebank. Then they were bought over by someone who owned the name of a non-existent club 'Airdrie United', renamed and moved to Airdrie.

  14. Thing is what Airdrie did shouldnt have been allowed. In 1970 Dumbarton were about to buy over Clyde. However they were told by the league that they could not take Clyde's place in the first division. Yet Airdrie were allowed to take Clydebank's place in the second. Not really sure why other than the fact that the clubs were happy to see the back of Clydebank

    I think it's against Uefa statutes and by extension the SFA's to 'buy' a club further up the league system - it prevents someone deciding that taking three seasons to do a 'Gretna' is three seasons too long and simply buying promotions. It's ok-ish to buy one further down as it gains you no advantage unless that club is about to be promoted and you relegated, as Dumbarton and Clyde would do soon after the attempted buy-out.

    Effectively Airdrie, all money worries aside, relegated themselves despite finishing the season in 2nd place.

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