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  • Gender
  • Location
    The English Riviera
  • Interests
    Partick Thistle, Girls, Tiverton Town......
  • My Team
    Partick Thistle
  1. People lacking common sense make my blood boil, why should I have to put up with their incompetence? They should be tarred, feathered and made to walk through the streets so everybody can ridicule them!!!! The molly coddled society we live in where you can't hurt other peoples feelings..... an educationally challenged person with ADHD, is still a naughty little feck in my book. Now don't get me wrong, ADHD is a difficult problem..... but every little Scrote seems to be labeled with it these days, when you know full well their parents were scrotes, their grand parents were scrotes.
  2. Irn Bru..... the only fizzy can soft drink I like. Not so readily available in the South West.
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