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Posts posted by harry94

  1. Joe is senile. He'll f**k his own chances.
    Yeah I'd be surprised if he wins the nomination, he havers a lot of nonsense and has some sketchy stories in his past. I think when it gets down to it, some will pull out and back each other (Warren, Bernie or maybe Harris).

    If it's Trump V Biden, I think it's all set for another Hillary where Democrats stay at home in the crucial states. Someone else may at least try to articulate something on poverty and globalisation that counters Trump's appeal in the rust belt.
  2. Is this usually easy enough to pick up in a supermarket today or is it usually sold out for a while? Didn't remember to order online this year and not purchased a game in store for years.

  3. 15 hours ago, Dele said:

    I'd rather we gave Meekings another go and play McGhee where he said he prefers to play than keep going through the same shite with Kerr. 

    I'd even give him leeway for goals we conceded if he never just hoofed it every single mother fucking God damn b*****din time he got possession of the ball. 


    Did he say that? For some reason, I had in my head he said the opposite (that he naturally felt he's a centre back but was moved around when he come through).

  4. 36 minutes ago, Mediocre Pundit said:

    Fan ownership is a great idea, and I would contribute a monthly amount to be a part of it as long as there was transparency of plans / performance and democracy in key decisions, but the issue is with who runs the club? Our fans can’t even run a supporters trust (or two). We need a small but professional team to ensure we’re run sustainably (sort of like the current BoD...) and I have no idea where that would come from under a fan owned model. Is there even any evidence of a fan owned model actually working that we could learn from / copy? Motherwell?

    Also, anyone saying that we have a plan to get back to top 6 is mental - we have no right to be top 6, and with a sustainable fan owned model it would be even harder. And Paul Goodwin has always come across as a diddy. Red flags all over the place...

    The problem when Dundee did it is for all the talk about subscription models etc and the fans saving the club (which is true that individual fans were paying significant sums of money out of their own pocket), the whole thing hinged on a few anonymous benefactors to plug gaps as their play money just far exceeded what the support as a whole could spare collectively. It's very easy to say 'well just spend what you have' but that overdraft facility is essential, we were in the situation where we'd been promoted due to the Rangers debacle yet had to shop around second tier free agents because we had to wait a few weeks for the TV money to arrive (by which time, good top flight targets like Steven MacLean who had been training with us had to move on). It's very expensive to run a football club and you're relying on people's generosity a lot and then hoping that the people they are trusting to run the place are actually competent in fan engagement and on the football side.

    The people at Motherwell do seem genuinely very competent and seem to have a perfect balance between practical business decisions but keeping fans on side. Burrows getting the CEO gig was an internal appointment and he'd been there for years and had a very good relationship with fans. Before that, Dempster was regarded as good at her job to the level she was poached away.

    If the Weir money was being staked against someone who didn't sound like a complete tit, it'd look from the outside like a really good opportunity.

  5. What? 
    McIntyre literally come in at Dens and chucked players to replace them with worse. 
    It has nothing to do with how bad Dundee's squad was/might have been - he made it worse. Signed absolute shite and those that weren't just shite were his mates and were shite. 
    As many, many people pointed out before he was appointed. He's an absolute charlatan of the management game. The longer he is out of work the better it will be football in general. 
    Don't get me wrong, I'm not arguing he displayed that he was competent in any way (especially re the Kamara thing, I'd say that was his worst f**k up not trying harder to keep him for a few months), I just think he had the hardest scenario to enter of any Dundee manager I remember where we absolutely depended on January additions to get out of the shite in a way that I don't think we've had to before. The idea that McCann or anyone else would have likely made a few tweaks with what we had and secured a good enough points total just appears to me to be utterly mental tbh.

    With that in mind, I wouldn't be overly surprised if he did repair his reputation and do OK elsewhere. It's not unprecedented for managers in Scottish Football to have a total disaster somewhere but get their name back into the frame somewhere else and you'd think he wouldn't be entering that sort of scenario again, especially if he got quite fortunate and ended up with a side like Ayr who look decent to stroll mid table.
  6. McIntyre would be a disaster. Would seem a massive miss match between his style and the way Ayr play.
    In Dundee style, he'll do really well. Regardless of any logic IMO.

    What I'd say though is that whilst he should have done better than he did, the Dundee job was absolutely horrific at the time he got it. A year or so before, any manager coming in would have maybe been arriving at a side who had immediate troubles but could look back a few months to see a bit of form where we'd grinded out a few results. He didn't have that luxury and the squad he inherited relied on many players who would be questionable a league down. That McCann side was nowhere near getting a result or two and going on a run, it was Championship relegation material.

    He had to reset and do something in January but got the balance wrong and seemed insane at forcing out Kamara so happily (tbf, with the support) who brought the other midfielders up a level or two. If he held on against Hamilton and maybe Celtic, he may have shitfested us through to the summer and got another chance.

    Going somewhere like Ayr though, he's inheriting a good team at this level who have a demonstrable way of playing so I'd be surprised if he felt the need to approach it in the same way. Maybe not too dissimilar to Yogi going in to Inverness who already had an established style and niche of player that he didn't need to do too much to.

    I think with what Ayr have right now, any manager they bring in shouldn't be coming in to rock the boat, regardless of who it is.
  7. Continuing the theme of Cowan and Cosgrove not actually knowing much about Scottish football, Cowan has just claimed that Celtic signed Dorus De Vries from Dundee United and that he spent 'a decade' as their sub keeper. Even when John Rankin pointed out that De Vries was at the Pars and was then signed by Swansea, Cosgrove maintained it.
    De Vries played one season for us, 06/07. He signed for Celtic in 2016.
    Presumably Cowan meant Lukasz Zaluska who signed for Celtic from Dundee United and spent 6 years there.
    They also kept going on about Dunfermline getting their artificial pitch and then getting rid of it after two weeks. It was two years!
  8. 4 hours ago, MixuFixit said:

    On what charge?

    I'm guessing someone could try to bring a civil case against him on the basis of giving unconstitutional advice to the queen.

    I don't think that'd stick or anything but it's enough for crowdfunding and to get in the news I'd imagine.

  9. 29 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

    Was the right hand land full? Why would you stay in the left lane to go North?  Its no wonder the left lane is massively backed up with there are folk want to go north. Use the right hand land like any sane sensible driver to go north and let those in the left hand lane go south. 

    The signage is clearly nonsense on that roundabout and the sooner they make the left hand land a direct filter to the southbound A9 the better. 

    A shitshow indeed.

    "The signage on the roundabout could possibly be improved so for that reason, you should just follow my made up rules"

  10. 48 minutes ago, dirty dingus said:

    If Johnson and the Queen broke the law shouldn't they be down the local nick lying in a holding cell cuddling an itchy blanket. The English courts verdict  in the Miller case due soon too (between 11-12).


    It's likely that the English case will then be appealed regardless of the outcome anyway and then they'll be combined in the Supreme Court next week.

    Scottish court today haven't ordered anything as of yet.

  11. 7 hours ago, Colkitto said:

    So parliament suspended and the PM has been instructed to seek an extension to Brexit from the EU. PM says he would rather die in a ditch than do so.

    He doesn't have a working majority in parliament and thus failed to get his snap election.

    Where does he go from here? 




    For what it's worth, the legislation gives Boris until the 19th October to return to the house with a deal (or try for a vote on no deal) so he's got more than a month to work with. Could be a fair amount that changes in that time period.

    I genuinely think the plan was to just try and get an early election and then return with a majority then shitfest the original NI backstop proposal into law and I think that's probably what May thought she'd be able to do if she got a 100 seat majority and a secure five years. Boris obviously needed to look like he'd carry out his threats though to appeal to the electorate but genuinely thought Corbyn would let him off the hook and let him have his election before 31st and Labour would remain a shambles. As it turned out though, parliament weren't going to let him off the hook that easily.


  12. 2 minutes ago, Pet Jeden said:

    But most of those that use this phrase really mean “stop the government doing what the referendum and 2017 election chose”.

    So did the 2016 referendum give the government a blank cheque to agree any sort of Brexit imaginable (i.e. anything from no agreement and indefinite WTO terms to single marker + customs union membership)?

  13. 25 minutes ago, Pet Jeden said:

    But remain members of parliament have had the numbers for a couple of weeks now to call an election (notwithstanding the FTPA)  on a specific date pre- Brexit . They didn't, because they don't have the bottle to say to the public - stuff you, we know better.

    As for your disaster capitalists propaganda (see also the rich boy Rees-Mogg mud slinging) that's a joke surely? Big business is, as always, for the status quo - with lower taxes and less worker protections, of course. 70% of the UK economy has nothing to do with imports/exports. Of the remainder. 40% of our exports are to EU. 80% of the UK economy is services ( for which there isn't really a single market - each country's rules need to be met).  So, 30%x 40% x 20%. What's that 2.4% of business? Or let's say generously 5-10% of business will face 5-10% tarriffs and buggeration paperwork. That's hardly Armageddon. And we get cheaper stuff from the rest of the world.

    Yes, they can but they then hand a huge level of control over to the executive during a time of national crisis. Then, said election would be subject to swing constituencies with significant student numbers not having sufficient time to register to vote.

    Big business =/ disaster capitalists. Not ratifying a withdrawal arrangement isn't a 'clean break' or anything else, it's just causing economic upheaval for zero reason only for us to have to return to the table and sort out the four issues presented with even less bargaining power.

    Great use of numbers btw. Let's see what Yellowhammer has to say.

  14. 1 hour ago, Pet Jeden said:

    Think we are headed for another hung parliament later this year. UK will be almost ungovernable with "innovative" Speakers and well-funded clever (but unwise) people trying to challenge every political decision in the courts. We could become like Italy was in the 80s and 90s - politically chaotic,  but the people carried on and prospered.

    So, again....

    Do you think the executive should have the power to shit all over the parliament? If not, what should the power balance be?

    I get it but it seems the least shit solution. It's maybe nice in theory to argue that the voters will then get their opportunity to decide for themselves and go to the polls in a few years but when massive decisions are being made that are arguably the biggest in peace time, I'd rather someone knows what the government is getting up to and can hold them accountable.

    This whole situation is absurd. Will of dah peepul is fair enough but it doesn't give a blank cheque to disaster capitalists to do whatever the f**k they want.

  15. Clarke's record is a win over Cyprus then two defeats to the world no 1 and then Russia who went out the World Cup quarter finals on penalties. I know it's been pretty dire but it's not totally uncommon for a new international manager to take a fair number of beatings before turning things round and the time he's spent with the team is very small. I'd be much more worried if we lose to Kazakhstan next month.

    For me, he's been left with the legacy of McLeish in not really having a proper defensive game plan which is your number 1 priority in international football if you are to be competitive. It's been a problem for more than a decade and has been getting worse, Strachan had various parts of his management where he managed to put together decent runs when his defensive options were on good form (Hanley and Martin for the first part) but it seems to be that we are just overly dependent on players having to make big steps up from the levels they play at club football.

    I wouldn't lose the head yet but I think he needs to take a think about Mulgrew. I get why he's playing to try and provide an experienced partner but he's not good enough to elevate anyone's performance and he's been pretty dire the start of this season for Wigan. I'd rather he just ditches that and goes with a couple of younger guys who are maybe raw but at least theoretically capable of handling the physical side.

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