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Posts posted by Funkee

  1. 21 hours ago, Merkincher Clach & County said:

    They! Hello, did not drag us out of the EU against my will.

    You are NOT being treated as second class, you don’t know how well off you are


    A government we did not vote for! it’s called democracy!

    So why does Maragaret Covid get £80, 000 a year, and that useless lump of lard Bllackford, why are they at WM taking money?

    Where do get this nonsense, this mythical SNP dreamy made complete rubbish that they will take away the NHS.

    Complete and utter Fake News.

    Then again, the SNP are full of fake news.

    And you show true SNP colours , then why not  better  your life in the country you love across the border.


    Yes they did, we (the majority of Scotland) voted against leaving... apologies if you class yourself as English.

    Yes I am being treated as a second class citizen, Scotland is being ignored and treated with irrelevance.  Do you ever listen to PMQ's?  Do you watch as he walks out when Scotland's representative is talking.  

    Barnett Formula... do you know how it works in this 'united nation'?

    We are not given handouts, we pay more than we get.

    So take your 'fake news' and do some reading. 

  2. 6 minutes ago, FemdomFilmFan said:

    Proves what?! What the f**k are ya talkin' about?! Just f**k off!

    Stop replying then.  

    As an aside, you need to come up with something better than 'f**k off' ad nauseam.

  3. Just now, FemdomFilmFan said:

    F**k off! I'm not tryin' to be controversial, and I don't give a f**k whether I offend her or not. She offended me so f**k her.

    Yeah you are and your wee outburst just proves it :)

    Do you have anger management issues?  Personally I didn't get a great welcome here either but yer doing better than me already.

  4. 1 minute ago, FemdomFilmFan said:

    Apologies are fucking worthless! Once ya've said something wrong, ya can't take it back. Apologies are worth f**k all. I never accept them.

    Yer trying too hard 

  5. 25 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

    Can’t say that I’ve seen too much of anyone else apart from sturgeon because she hasn’t given anyone else a chance.

    Two of the top ones have even put on gardening leave. There doesn’t seem to be a great deal of talent there.


    She is the FM so that's to be expected.  The fact that there is no decent oppoistion you would need to take up with the Tories, Lib Dems or what was Scottish Labour. 

    Don't blame Nicola Sturgeon for that.... or as you prefer to call her 'Sturgeon'!  Which reflects more on you tbh.

  6. 4 hours ago, MixuFruit said:

    It's obviously unacceptable to tell someone to f**k off to England. It does in its crude way shine a light on something that baffles me about certain unionists though. Determined to iron out every crease that might differentiate Scotland from England, they'll rail against Gaelic even though Gaels are not conspicuously nationalistic, they'll pour scorn on any social attitudes research that explains the tendency fro Scots to vote in centre left instead of right wing governments and so on. It's all about emphasising how superficial our differences are in order to make Britishness the dominant identity. 

    You have to wonder why these folk choose to live in places where their own perception is such a fringe one when there are places that chime more with their ideas.

    It was rather crude I will admit but I just don't understand why people are happy with the way we are treated daily by this Tory Goverment.  A Government we have never voted for and who will continue to treat us like second class citizens.  They will take every resource from us but yet some will thank them and bend over and lick their boots.  They will take away our NHS and human rights for starters, THEY DON'T EVEN GIVE A DAMN.

    They have dragged us out of the EU against our will!

    If people think so little of this country, feel we are subservient... then why not better your life in the country you love across the border.


  7. 11 hours ago, Stormzy said:

    Good tactic, f**k off out my country often does wonders, I love how you guys exemplify the progressive nature of SI supporters and definitely don't reaffirm the fact that a bunch of them are just the same as British Nationalists and funnily enough any type of Nationalist..

    Location Spain, looks like you already have?

  8. 20 hours ago, The_Kincardine said:

    The true voice of the Natter.  A baw hair away from, "Go back to your own country"

    Civic nationalism bedamned.  Natterism is all about grievance and identity.

    Nowhere near it... but why am I not surprised possibly because you have 'Rangers' in your profile.  You are guided by the club you support and being subservient to a WM government that do nothing but ignore and insult the Scottish people.  

    So aye, if you want to be treated like a second class citizen where your vote means nothing then please do f**k off and let people who believe in this country actually make that matter.


  9. 17 minutes ago, git-intae-thum said:

    Aw this hero worship is just wrong. We are talking about a f@ckin politician here.

    I don't really care about the SNP, but I do care about independence. I suggest she has been a bit shite as leader of the independence movement (for which she may well have no great love) and that it is events that have conspired to place both the SNP and Indy polling where it is the now rather than any inspired leadership.

    Again though... the polling means nothing. We are still leaving the EU and a big new shiny UK gov office block has just been built in Edinburgh to facilitate the start of the effective winding down of Holyrood. 

    6 years and we do not have a legal case for independence. In fact scotgov continues to argue against it. Well done team Nicola👍

    As for the honourable thing... well if it is found that she has lied to the SP, over the timing of her knowledge of the Salmond allegations, convention says she will have to go.

    Better to do the honourable thing than have the Yoon press release all the details just before the election, therefore scuppering any hope of a strong mandate for indyref2. That is what I was alluding too. There is nothing difficult about it.

    Like I have said on countless occasions...I hope I am wrong. I hope Sturgeon has not lied and more so, I hope there is an ace plan B for when Boris says naw.

    We will see.


    I don't really care about the SNP, but I do care about independence. I suggest she has been a bit shite as leader of the independence movement (for which she may well have no great love) and that it is events that have conspired to place both the SNP and Indy polling where it is the now rather than any inspired leadership.

    Bit of a leap there, what do you base this on?

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