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Cosmic Joe

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Everything posted by Cosmic Joe

  1. "What have the Scotch ever done for us?"
  2. A Scottish version of Curb Your Enthusiasm would be pretty, pretty good
  3. Still Game Curb Your Enthusiasm Father Ted The Royle Family Dad's Army
  4. You're making a complete arse of yourself here. Like Trump, you should have quit while you weren't quite so much behind
  5. https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=EfGDvDGE7zk&feature=share
  6. Does Trump never get the pish ripped out of him in replies to his nonsense on Twitter?
  7. Meanaw. New York, LA and San Francisco. Quite fancy New Orleans. I'm assuming they are for the good guys?
  8. There is a beach called "Erchie" on the Amalfi Coast in Italy. It's on my bucket list...
  9. Trump appears to have been gagged by his own advisors, but still has access to his Twitter account. He is a beaten man. A loser...
  10. I wonder if there are any examples of massive changes of direction following a recount, either here or across the pond. Presumably when boxes of ballot papers have emerged or suchlike...
  11. The Republican spokesperson on CNN looking suitably shamefaced about Trump's conduct.
  12. If/ when Joe's win is confirmed I shall run out into the back garden and cheer very loudly. Last time I did this was May 2016 following a late goal at Hampden.
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