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Everything posted by Tappy

  1. I should be this desensitised as a Scotland fan by now. https://t.co/uAoEoqeKU5

  2. Hey @fullers you got any more info on this? https://t.co/ZHhso7wo99

  3. So you lied, then? https://t.co/rbDNYvFJXU

  4. @CurtUnwin Great signing IMO

  5. This is peak Liverpool https://t.co/k0hdIkacWN

  6. @MattRedmore @AdamWisdish They could have done all this in last weeks episode. Theon has the worst redemption story… https://t.co/TN2QjnJKGh

  7. RT @twlldun: I dunno, I guess the New York Times and the Guardian never skipped bail while facing rape charges. That’d be my first guess. h…

  8. ???????? ???????? https://t.co/RfQN32m2ki

  9. RT @sheffielduni: Joe Root, captain of @EnglandCricket, sporting a foam University of Sheffield tiger paw (and @TeamHallam hat) at Abbeydal…

  10. RT @Domjack8: I’m unsure why Clyde games have become the thing to judge political event attendances by https://t.co/LriTh6fUc4

  11. At least do a masters if you really must drag it out another year (like me????????‍♂️)

  12. RT @OnThisDayPIRA: #OnThisDay in 1977 the IRA murdered Peter Hill, 43. Married father of 3. Protestant businessman in 1 of Londonderry’s bi…

  13. @GeorgeAylett @CrossCountryUK I seem to remember him mostly being mocked for making up ridiculous lies.

  14. Update: They're all getting off at Carlisle. Not sure about place of birth, but can confirm they've definitely not… https://t.co/PVriyzmJ2D

  15. So excited to go home next weekend

  16. Currently 52% in favour of Trump. Love when these backfire. https://t.co/LhTBSsdPWh

  17. References to affairs, intimacy, and 'dead eyes'. Crazy how the most 'progressive' of news outlets can adopt sexist… https://t.co/T5A4PXhtuk

  18. Swear I'm not getting totally bodied by 2019 as well.

  19. @hannahgedrat @Emily_Geds Back to the drawing board..

  20. RT @_AndrewMaclean: Just heard someone refer to the Tony Macaroni Arena as the ‘Spaghettihad’ which is the best bit of Scottish football pa…

  21. Finished on 3. We go again. https://t.co/3BqTuXkcnW

  22. @Leeeo_Gleeew @JonnyBuzzer

  23. Been absolutely bodied by life recently, but boy have I learned some valuable lessons ????

  24. Couple promising little writing gigs cropping up the last few days, things are looking up ???? https://t.co/DGE6OaELwb

  25. RT @TerribleMaps: US governors by eye color https://t.co/rfA3StYZQ5

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