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Posts posted by Arabdownunder

  1. 57 minutes ago, hk blues said:

    Mine's the opposite - she takes weeks to decide on anything like that.


    Time spent is the inverse of the value of an item. 

    House; "Yes, this is the one" as soon as she walks in

    Car; 20 minutes in a couple of showrooms

    Shoes; Two shopping trips over a couple of weekends, every shoe shop in town, multiple conversations with pals/sisters

  2. 17 minutes ago, Stellaboz said:
    2 hours ago, Arabdownunder said:
    I'm WFH from home today, its her day off. She's heading to the shops and asks if there's anything I want.

    "You could get a couple of pies for lunch"

    "OK what do you want?*"

    "Depends what he's got. Chicken & mushroom or curry"

    30 minutes later

    "I got you steak and pepper. "


    Did they not have the other types? Still sounds like a win.

    Oh they had the chicken & mushroom. That's what she got for herself 

  3. 6 hours ago, Andre Bo said:

    I have a genuine question. I'm living in a detached house for the first time in my life. I need the front and back masonry and the front wall and the woodwork/eaves etc painted. The sides of the house are unpainted roughcast, so what is a reasonable ballpark quote for everything except the masonry on the sides of the house? It's a pretty standard interwar bungalow.

    I apologise for going off topic, folks. 😬

    @Shandon Par is tendering to repaint the Kremlin. He's not going to bother with a house in Greenock.

  4. 8 hours ago, Hillonearth said:

    I was talking to somebody who knows quite a lot about military theory and they were saying that much of the Russian battleplan up until now seems to be too bad to ring true...they're making elementary mistakes that you'd learn not to do in your first week at somewhere like Sandhurst.

    Thinking is that possibily either the military are deliberately making a baws of it in order to weaken Putin's position, or else Putin has personally conceived a grand invasion plan which they knew was amateurish and they're carrying it out to the letter knowing it would fail and weaken him.


    Other theory I've seen is that Putin actually believes his "Ukrainians are really Russians, suffering under a Nazi regime and will be glad to be back in the arms of mother Russia"  theory. He was convinced his army would be met with open arms by a grateful nation so didn't bother with a proper invasion plan. 

  5. 7 minutes ago, Shandon Par said:

    I’ve got winter tyres on my van to go and paint a few houses. Can’t believe Vlad never put them on his army vehicles for an invasion. 

    Vlad, if you’re reading this and need some general life skill advice, or if you want the Kremlin painted, my rates are very fair.

    ^^ Sanctions-buster found

  6. 5 hours ago, Lex said:

    The Nuke thing is just bombastic rhetoric. Any kind of nuclear deployment by Russia means Russia instantly loses this war, and Putin knows that.


    Normally would agree, but a couple of weeks ago many people (including some on here) took threats of a full-scale invasion as bombastic rhetoric.

    Also, nice word play :)

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