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Posts posted by Orainn

  1. What did you make of The Avengers? I thought it was a poor movie. Really, really shit. I can't remember meeting a single person who didn't think it was an absolute masterpiece. Awful acting, shit script, huge plot holes, loads of inaccuracies and worst of all those tragic attempts at inserting humour. It just doesn't have any redeeming features at all.

    The Amazing Spider-Man movie last year is the only full-scale CGI movie I can remember enjoying,

  2. Found tiny bottles of #orangejubilee in Bethnal Green on Friday:




    Found 1 in Scotland not 2 long ago ma friend in a cornershop in the NE(north east(of Scotland)).

    #18clbrothers #showerdrink #yoursisanoddshade


  3. Dyer is just kind of your average first division player. You only seem to notice him on the pitch when he makes a mistake, which to be fair isn't too often. The biggest problem I have with Willie Dyer is with his attacking abilities. Seems very rarely to enter the opponents half on offensive duty, and is not a full back who is going to get up and down and get crosses in the box. The other problem I have with Dyer is his distribution with the ball in his own half. Too often he chooses to try and the striker with a long punt up the park. In fact, I'd even say it happens the majority of the time he has the ball. Now I have no idea whether it's poor decision making, panicking on the ball or simply playing to the manager's tactical instructions, but it is a part of Dyer's game I am not fond of. He is your bread and butter full-back. Solid but unspectacular. There are better players at this level and there are certainly worse too. My worry is he will replaced with a poorer one.

    Craig Reid is a player who is good to watch as a player. Very quick, strong, good on the ball and a very decent passer. He can play centre-back, right-back or even in centre-midfield which he did for us at the start of last season. I feel he is best at right-back due to his athleticism, but he prefers centre-back, and I seem to remember him moaning to the local paper about not playing there early in the season. He was one of the leading choices at Cappielow for player of the season this year, but given the amount of goals the defence conceded last year, it wouldn't bother me if he left.

    MacDonald is a good player, and in my opinion the best striker in the league. It's difficult to lose a player of his quality, but he is on a high wage and he is getting older with some injury problems, he wasn't worth keeping in the long run. Archie Campbell can be just as good at this level.

  4. I did respond to your short PM that said "you alright m8". Really strange that as you are acting the big man when every1 can see your posts.

    There was a further PM at 00.13 you failed to respond to. Are we going to have to add liar to list of things you've proven yourself to be on this thread?

  5. Here is your first idiotic reply and the start of this pish.

    Are you alone in your room with nothing better to do than bang away on your keyboard? I don't care what you think of my username and if you don't like do 1. A physical fight..... Of course a fight is physical unless your kind use feather dusters and tickle each other. Now if you want to continue PM me.

    You're an angry, angry man.

    You want to fight someone because they told you your rumour was rubbish? :lol: Aww, did big, bad me hurt your feelings?

  6. You have just proved that you are a complete moron. I only posted what I was told at the Youth cup final. I'm really sorry you have a problem with that and as far as my user name is concerned why should that bother you? It's not meant to be rascist if that's what your getting at and if you want to continue insulting me then PM me and I'm sure we can sort something out without boring other posters with our debate.

    What you were told at the Youth Cup final was complete shite. You deserve to be told how much shite it is.

    Your username bothers me because

    I haven't insulted you, only pointed out that you have severe anger issues. It is in fact you that has insulted me. Calling me a clown x2, idiotic, judgemental, having no friends, tit, keyboard warrior and told me to throw shite at myself x2. All because of your sever anger issues. Why are you always so angry?

    Why do you want me to PM you? Are you looking to meet up for a physical fight?

  7. You are a clown of the highest order. You probably have no friends as you are so judgemental.

    Really don't care for people like you and certainly don't care what you think of me so I say again away and throw shite at yourself you complete idiotic keyboard warrior.

    Why are you such an angry, angry man? All I've said is I don't approve of your awful rumours or graphic username, why are you throwing temper tantrums?

    And why am I a keyboard warrior?

  8. Like I said RUMOUR...

    I have a good friend who is a Chelsea diehard and who lives in Chelsea and that's what he told me.

    You ok with that sunshine?

    You're talking complete shite, so no, I am definitely not OK with that.

    I'm also not OK with your grotesque username. Go and stand in the corner of your room and have a long hard think about what you've done.

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