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Shadwell Dog

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Everything posted by Shadwell Dog

  1. I couldn't go on Thurs unfortunately. Was there no mention of the killers tickets fiasco?
  2. Weird statement on the cove website by their chairman. We have a shortlist of names but are open to suggestions . Feck me I'd love to see some of the suggestions they get.
  3. Tough gig that one. He's there tenth manager in the last 4 years.
  4. Hopefully the price of the hybrid pitches will become more reasonable over time as technology moves on.
  5. I'm surprised I would've thought in a perfect world we'd all want to see the side playing on grass.
  6. We do do we not? Everyone would like to go back to grass but its probably just not feasible for a club our size. If top flight clubs cant keep their pitches from turning into a quagmire during the winter then there's hee haw chance of us in league one. In an ideal world though we'd have a grass pitch and I'm sure everyone would love that.
  7. Surely there's noone on here that wouldn't prefer to see us playing on a beautiful grass surface instead of artificial. Nothing beats a good quality grass pitch. I can only presume anyone otherwise minded has never played the game. Artificial is preferred due to its easy upkeep and all weather use and I get that but if I had the choice and nothing else came into it grass is far better.
  8. I'm sure the majority of folk putting cash into bfl would much rather see the cash used for signings to get us out this league than for a bloody pitch. Get promoted and we should have more cash available to go towards replacing the pitch.
  9. Davie's always been a major grass fanatic. He brings it up at every AGM. We'd all like to get back to grass but there's a lot of things to take into contention. Where do we train? Loss of pitch hirings, what about the shire,more postponements, more upkeep and standard will drop in the winter unless you plough(no pun intended) a fortune into it .
  10. Yeah kozary in his wisdom allowed them to pay in bloody installments. They paid the first one and then that's been it. Absolute joke of a deal.
  11. The clowns on the previous bod including our previous commercial director shouldn't be allowed anywhere near the ground again. Amateur at best criminal at worst. The club was heading into an abyss with those chancers in the board room.
  12. Aye but he had links to Norwich I suppose. Even he said he had regrets at doing it thankfully he did. Shame he had to appear back.
  13. Be a strange one that going from a manager to an asst. Noone really remembers the asst if you do well and if you do badly everyone will have forgotten about the good stuff you did before. Obviously would be a big pay rise though.
  14. You do wonder if there's an underlying issue at kelty. That's now two managers that have basically moved on from a club that looks like it's on its way up.
  15. Some clubs still seem to think they can get something out of them but it's usually one season and then there back down here.
  16. I can't for the life of me work out why anyone would abuse club volunteers at matches.
  17. I did. It wasn't me that started chat about the state of the ground. I made a contribution highlighting the 'football pitches' and then a joke. The pitches surely are football related as noone can play in them due to their current state.You appear to be another one of these people that can't seem to move on but instead keep bringing things up weeks later when noone else is at all interested.
  18. Well what. It was a joke. I wasn't actually being serious about getting the council to pay hetherington to paint the stand you did realise that yes?
  19. I'm not sure whether it was because the main pitch was using the changing rooms and they didn't want it taking away customers.
  20. I presumed he must have been groundsman or worked in the office to succeed at alloa.
  21. We should be getting the council to pay them to redecorate the ground.
  22. The signage is badly needing either replaced or fixed. Something should also be done about the old astro pitched. Complete eyesore having just been left to rot.
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