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Everything posted by JockMacAbre

  1. I've noticed some lass has posted 'boarddddd' three separate times today. Ignoring the glaring inability to spell, she is in no way fit enough to be so banal and still remain on my list.
  2. People posting pictures of what they are about to eat for their dinner. I've started doing it in retaliation. People seemingly don't like seeing pictures of roadkill on the newsfeed around tea-time apparently.
  3. There are so many fields of science, and I am willing to bet a large abundance of scientist would have a much better idea of how to sort out the problems of a nation more than your average politician. It's a shame that more don't get actively involved in politics, but it would likely impede on their ability to study and research, which is what they love doing, rather than spending most of their time lying, and trying to manipulate the populace.
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