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  1. I havent posted on this forum for a number of years as I find most of the comments either biased towards the posters team or just down right stupid. I still read a lot of the forum and have been tempted to post a few times since the introduction of VAR. For Rangers to act the way they have done shows a complete lack of decorum on their part. Willie Collum is one of the most inept referees I have seen but to say he is biased is just plain ridiculous. If you want to find a biased ref in Scotland you do not need to look any further than mister Andrew Dallas. Awarded 4 penalties in one game which independent referees from outside Scotland deemed were all incorrect calls. I dont remember any calls from St.Mirren to ban Dallas from refing any of our remaining games ( although a lot of our fans were certainly of that opinion). Rangers (and Celtic) get more decisions from refs than the rest of the teams and the sad thing is that neither of their supporters see the irony in this moaning about ref standards.
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