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Posts posted by Bestsinceslicebread

  1. 30 minutes ago, ibenji said:

    What a dumpster fire of a thread when it’s all about Darvel and it ends up slagging off The Buffs committee and chairman!

      I'm sorry if you cannot work out why Kilwinning were relegated then sorry.  There's no slagging regarding the committee, I quite clearly state that fact, its just fact the reasons why Kilwinning were relegated.  Kilwinning and Hurlford were mentioned having come into money previously similar to Darvel, sorry you could not work out that connection.


    30 minutes ago, beaver watch said:

    Darvel's parks a midden after spending a fortune on it. Hurlford were bankrolled a few years ago and paid top dollar to players. The money has gone but a shrewd manager and hard working committee have managed to keep the team in the top division

    Anyway the thread is about Darvel and we are taking the thread in a different direction.

    I think it quite clear why Hurlford are mentioned and other clubs so it hasn't went down a different direction, the comments are all about previous clubs who at different times spent plenty of  money on their team and what happened when the money well dried up etc...

    Agree 100%, Hurlford were bankrolled a few years ago and paid top dollar but they have done it previously but the reason why they are considered a premier league outfit is because the chairmen and committee have all done well for their club, running it sustainably well, that is the reason why Hurlford are still there. 

    Will Darvel be still there after the money leaves ?, I doubt it but its a wait and see if and when it happens.

  2. 3 minutes ago, funky monkey said:

    Kilwinning haven't had the so called big money for near a quarter of a century now.

    Before that and since then we've been the proverbial yo-yo club.

    There's a bit of nonsense often spoken about Buffs in this respect.

    Yeah I agree that Kilwinning haven't been a big money club for 25 years, in that time sometimes they have had more money free to use than other years but that is normal with most clubs.

    I've always thought Kilwinning were a premier club as most people have done but they are just badly run past year an a half, thats why i think they are down.  If they get the right manager then I'm sure they will be back up.   

    Not sure what people have been saying about kilwinning regarding money but Kilwinning are a club who are one of the biggest in the WOSFL, obviously teams may have more money but in general they are a big WOSFL team.

  3. 8 minutes ago, Thejackdaw said:

    Everyone can go down the ' what if one of your fans won the euro millions ' scenario but I'm seeing the two biggest hitters -one from my child hood in kilwinning rangers -in the mcluckie era now down the way from the top league and medda from the noughties- now Down into the same league as the buffs and the mad money they both spent was never sustainable   .


    We now have six or seven clubs going even more mental at it and to try and get to a level that east kilbride have spent multi millions trying to get out of  without any joy and it's good to see ambition but there needs to be a bit of realism and longevity and it seldom happens in my experience with these types.



    To be honest, I'd say Kilwinning aint down because the money ran out, I'd say they have been badly managed by the current chairman and probably the committee but I cant say as much about the committee as i don't have that much knowledge in it.  The money has dried up a little at Kilwinning but that aint the reason they are down.   

     This goes to any club who comes into a lot of money, just because they receive lots of money doesn't mean they will be successful, they need to have the right chairman and committee as they are the ones who pick the manager who they think will make the club successful.



  4. 26 minutes ago, Thejackdaw said:

    The biggest shift in the game is that it has always been one team at a time going nuts at it which was easier for clubs that live within their means to contend with , nowadays it's about half a dozen teams going complete and utter bonkers at it in their quest to join the old firm in ten years,  ambition is ambition but it's a dangerous dream that can quite easily bite them on their arses while the more sensible clubs will still be around doing what we do. 

    Agreed, it happens most years with a team now and then but recently there's been a few past few seasons.   Yeah think its about running the club the best way to make them viable and long lasting.  But if we are realistic and everyone of us is honest that if we came into money and could do what we want, would you put money into a club you support etc... to make them more successful than they are?  Think many would but again, is about being run what we think is the best way,  Regarding  money coming into a team, this just isn't a WOSFL thing with Darvel throwing money into signing players, It happens in most leagues at one time or another with a team coming into money and splashing the cash

  5. 3 hours ago, beaver watch said:

    As a supporter for well on 50+ years, recently the drama's of the money backed clubs that have appeared over the last 25 years always have the same outcome. Two of the most famous examples are now languishing in league one after their day in the sun and I have a feeling Darvel are going the same way. To me their rise to the top just like the other two incumbents was way too quick.  To me cash hasn't ruined our game it's the way it's spent.  Clubs are too eager to line players pockets rather than invest in the infrastructure or to promote the younger talent. I have no dislike for Darvel as a club, but the shenanigans of certain people over the last few seasons was well out of order and has damaged relations with other clubs. 

    I honestly feel that the Legend knows what's around the corner, he's a proud supporter who has seen the same amount of cash backed clubs as I have gone down the plug hole. 

    Thats not true. Hurlford did it in season 1999/00. In season 1992 part of the stadium were vandalized and sure it was set on fire and every season after they finished dead last of the bottom league or thereabout as any money they had went into the club to try and build it back up. Then before season 99/00 a new chairman took over, he had hotel business and other business and he put a lot of money into Hurlford buying premier league caliber players and they job was to win promotion. They did so and the club then put more money in the following season, think after the money then kinda dried up they were relegated but had enough to bounce back and then new chairman took over, more money came in, started buying higher level of player and thus, now, they are considered a premier league team, remembering that this  was at the same time their amateur team started paying money to their players but unsure if they were connected to the same people..

    Agree, the money wont last with any team but its about putting a good foundation in and watch the club during theirs highs and lows, which happens to every team.  As I've said before Darvel will eventually reach the level that they should be once the money goes but right now they are good enough to be in the premier league but if the money leaves they may drop down a division or two as their average crowds wont be enough to keep the club sustainable at the premier level which will happen, I'd say this will happen to most clubs who have money for a while but the best thing that has come out of all of this is that Darvel have a nice little stadium and park for the future.

  6. 8 hours ago, Casper Wilson said:

    What is it that we have to wait and see then?

    I've just looked on your website and if the clubs mentioned join the SJFA they will not be in the SDC. That takes it down to 12 clubs in the SDC.

    I'm positive that the Demolition cup is a cup that was made up to give teams who are not participating in the SJC a game during the same time as the teams participating in the SJC. It is an competition to keep teams busy but the real bonus of it is that the winner will go into a 3 way playoff against the winners in the East and South of similar cups and the overall winner then gains access to the Scottish Cup the following season.

    Drumchapel gained access to the Scottish cup in season 22/23, having won the SDcup and playoffs and reach round 4, beaten by Elgin City, dare I say it, on a Tuesday evening but with that, they earned a minimum of £19,000, thats without taken into account of any share of home and away gates.  Positive Drumchapel were not licensed a few years back so it was the only way they could enter the Scottish cup.  So the less teams that enter the cup the bigger the chance they have winning it and a crack at entering the Scottish Cup.

  7. 5 hours ago, Sparticus said:

    Is it the lowland and highland league that stop promotions from below? Beith etc.

    Youd think licenses shouldnt matter to get promoted to the Highland or Lowland leagues

    Suppose in every pyramid system you will have to reach a level where teams must be licensed to get in so ultimately to reach a certain tier there must be a cutoff.

    Obviously to get into the Highland League and Lowland League, teams from the midland league, North Caledonian and North league need to be licensed to get into the Highland league and teams from the East, West and South leagues have to be licensed to get into the Lowland league.

    You will also have in any pyramid that a regional league will eventually go into the national league.
    For example, you have the WOSFL, SOSFL and the EOSFL competing to reach the Lowland and once they reach the Lowland then that covers the whole are that those three league cover and then if your promoted from the lowland to the SPFL2 you now reach the national league which can encompass the whole country.


    I think this is fine the way it works for the size of Scotland




  8. On 31/05/2024 at 12:01, Bad Wolf said:

    I have to admit that I'm (almost) as intransigent in my position as those I disagree with. I will never accept that a league, and it's clubs, who engaged with the pyramid from the beginning should make way for the convenience of those who didn't, and in many cases still don't. So what can we do, aside from whine about the SOSL on as many different boards and threads as possible?


    Also, unless you're all in possession of crystal balls, there is no guarantee that Dalbeattie Star, for example, will still be outmatched by the likes of Broxburn in 5, 10 or 15 years time. Remember when Clyde knocked Celtic out the cup and almost got promoted to the top division? Now look at them...


    I'm sorry but the post above, I have never disagree with anyone because of a post like this before. If the poster is being serious. Nothing personal but I sometimes think what people's heads are at.   I have no affiliation to any team, I just enjoy going to games at the levels of tier 5 to tier 10 so I do think I come in at this in a objective and progressive view.
    No one is asking a league to make way  because of convenience of those who didn't. but your comments of,  "I will never accept that a league, and it's clubs, who engaged with the pyramid from the beginning should make way for the convenience of those who didn't, and in many cases still don't",  is one of the reason why the pyramid is where its at.  I believe everyone of us, South, West and East are in agreement the competitive standard of the SOSFL is no where near as competitive as the premier of the East and West leagues.  We need a SOSFL and the SOSFL should always remain and remain in the pyramid but where in the pyramid is what everyone differs from.

    I do think to myself, do people come on here and make comments objectively or due to their blinkered support of their team, their league and or even their area.
    Dalbeattie from the SOSFL will always, and the SOS champions will always be beaten in the playoffs if it stays the way it is, (for official business I will say 99% as nothing in football is 100%). The main reason is the standard of football played by the 12 teams in the SOSFL, its not competitive enough. Yes in every league is a selection of top teams and this season end it was Dalbeattie but they are constantly playing against lower quality teams in their league and having this for a whole season make your team weaker playing against a way low level of teams.  Personally I think the WOSFL premier is a higher standard than the EOSFL premier, (only because most fo their tops teams have been promoted past few seasons) but thats my view as I watch many games in all leagues but both top divisions are playing against competitive teams the whole season.
    Again as my post stats below
    Is the SOSFL justified being at tier 6, yes because they were there to start off and nothing has changed since.
    SOSFL is at tier 6, are they a league whose top division should be at the level of tier 6, without a shadow of doubt they are not.

    I would like to see the SOSFL go to the level they should be but it must be mutual agreement from all leagues.  If its about being engulfed by the WOSFL, it sounds good but it does open up a can of worms in many ways which would have to be addressed.
    The only real hindrance the SOSFL gives in my mind as in regards to the progression of the pyramid is that if there was only a West and East at tier 6 that would make it a weaker stance by the Lowland league having possible only 1 relegated never mind two so if they changed it too two straight forward promotions of the East n West champions and two relegated then it would be a lot smoother and the pyramids would be sped up to what is should be.

    But things like this have to all be mutually agreed.

    In essence, the pyramid is really only 3 years old and most teams are reaching the level they should be, still a few in the Lowland should defiantly be lower. The same with the whole SOSFL but there are many games there that are enjoyable but not as competitive as the East and West.  The licensing carry on with the West teams is just been unlucky  the way its turned out but eventually it will change with teams winning the league who are licensed.


    On 30/05/2024 at 23:40, Bestsinceslicebread said:

    Trying to put this into words so its understood the way its intended, but feck me, that's hard

    Sorry the pyramid will grow and adapt to improve.  There are obviously people, clubs  individuals who are only thinking of their clubs or to try and gain power or make money for themselves.  I'm not just talking about the Lowland or SOS.
    As you said, if the pyramid was started today it would look different. Agreed, if we all learned from the mistakes of today - Yes 100%.
    SOSFL is at tier 6, are they a league whose top division should be at the level of tier 6, without a shadow of  doubt they are not. Are they justified to being at tier 6 at the moment, yes they are, as they were one of the first.

    SOSFL in regards to the other tier 6 leagues, reminds me of youth football, their champions go into playoffs and recorded defeats of  7 . 0,  8 . 1 (14 . 2 aggregate), are what is expected and I don't even see any SOSFL tier 6 club winning  a playoff to be promoted to tier 5, this tells me that the league should be lower down a level. Honestly for a tier 6 champion these scores should not be happening. So if and when the a restructure happens it should all be agreed mutually by everyone,  they should never be forced, it should be mutual agreement where they go and even then it has to be viable as this opens up a big can of worms but I believe there will be a solution some day that most people in the four leagues it effects will be happy with.

    I will say, i don't care what anyone thinks, for the SOSFL chairman and committee to see their champions demoralized each year like this is highly embarrassing or they should be


  9. 9 hours ago, Jordi1977 said:

    The South of Scotland League is a long established league and as such they do deserve some respect. From what I can see, they have always gone about their business in the right way and with the big influx of clubs changing codes, haven’t looked to stand in anyone's way of progress.

    100% Agree above. I personally think the SOSFL is needed and is justified being at their level for the moment but think the standard is low in football terms having watched quite a few and when you see the playoff results and majority of SSC results it does show the league to be a lower level than a tier 6 league.

    Unfortunately, that's now caught everyone's eye a bit due to the almost guaranteed chance of a licensed East and South winner... but no guarantee of a licensed West winner. And putting the South in direct competition for a playoff that does mean something.   

    Agree with this but as you say the Pyramid in the way it is shaped now is ultimately the pyramid is only 3 years old and when you look at the difference of the lowland league when its first inception with their teams to now, its way different, the league progressing and teams leaving up and down to find their level.  I thought the Lowland league was the hardest its ever been in quality but when you not consider that Broxburn have joined and Edinburgh Uni have been relegated, net season it will be the hardest league and Broxburn are not in the Lowland to be relegated, it will be another old face leaving the Lowland League

    The pyramid in it's current full form... ie all regions being a part of it... is only 3 years old (covid got in the way). So it will evolve over time and it's levels will change. But I think the change for the SofSL is not lowering it's ranking, but giving it a fixed boundary between it and the west... and moving that north - give them an influx of more clubs.

    I think they were slightly forgotten about/shafted at WofSL inception and maybe guilty themselves of staying too quiet. But surely the answer was... add in Ayrshire clubs - definitely South Ayrshire, possibly also East Ayrshire. That gives the league about 15-20 more clubs (including those in D&G that play elsewhere) - this likely gives them scope for 3 divisions where all can find their level and possibly opens up a larger playing pool for clubs to draw from. It would help with the lack of competition the better South teams have by giving them stronger sides (and that lack of competition was very evident in the Broxburn v Dalbeattie plsyoff). This would also help the WofSL by breaking up the Junior "cartel" a bit and give Pollok/Clydebank, etc more chance of winning their league to qualify for a play-off.

    To be honest i get where you are coming from but i believe that will not happen, there was a big fuss, although not official that some clubs fans stating they don't want their clubs to be licensed as they would be promoted and miss out on local derbies.  I do not believe there is one Ayrshire club who would want to join the SOS league for many reason, travelling being one of them.

    Arranging the West and South pyramid properly at the West inception is a huge missed opportunity by the SFA and whoever else was involved. It's left the South a bit hung out to dry and looked down upon and due to an influx of amateurs and boys clubs in a rapid timescale, left the West a closed shop.

    I still think something can be done but it has to be mutual benefit to both leagues and the rest, EOSFL and LL

    Maybe after the West gets itself a couple of licensed winners and promotions, it might be looked at again... especially if less committed West pyramid sides start to see the benefit... but more likely everything will stay as it is for another 50-100 years and this same debate will swing around every couple of seasons!

    Well that is what the pyramid is for, to give every team a chance to progress if they want too and for the pyramid to continue even when we are all dead and burned in 100 years.  Obviously thats the main thinking but there's always barriers in our pyramid until we get it right.



  10. On 30/05/2024 at 22:37, It's Me said:

    If you set the pyramid in Scotland today I agree it would look different. But nothing will change so we may as well accept it and move on. 

    Trying to put this into words so its understood the way its intended, but feck me, that's hard

    Sorry the pyramid will grow and adapt to improve.  There are obviously people, clubs  individuals who are only thinking of their clubs or to try and gain power or make money for themselves.  I'm not just talking about the Lowland or SOS.
    As you said, if the pyramid was started today it would look different. Agreed, if we all learned from the mistakes of today - Yes 100%.
    SOSFL is at tier 6, are they a league whose top division should be at the level of tier 6, without a shadow of  doubt they are not. Are they justified to being at tier 6 at the moment, yes they are, as they were one of the first.

    SOSFL in regards to the other tier 6 leagues, reminds me of youth football, their champions go into playoffs and recorded defeats of  7 . 0,  8 . 1 (14 . 2 aggregate), are what is expected and I don't even see any SOSFL tier 6 club winning  a playoff to be promoted to tier 5, this tells me that the league should be lower down a level. Honestly for a tier 6 champion these scores should not be happening. So if and when the a restructure happens it should all be agreed mutually by everyone,  they should never be forced, it should be mutual agreement where they go and even then it has to be viable as this opens up a big can of worms but I believe there will be a solution some day that most people in the four leagues it effects will be happy with.

    I will say, i don't care what anyone thinks, for the SOSFL chairman and committee to see their champions demoralized each year like this is highly embarrassing or they should be

  11. I believe the WOSFL AGM is on Saturday(Glensmad👍) at Broadwood. Main content of that day is to vote in a chairman

    As far as I'm lead to believe its only two, Matt Bamford to continue as chairman or other nominee Alex McDowall (Glensmad 👍)

    Apart from the chairman issue, if you had something you wanted addressed at the meeting that you believe would improve the WOSFL, what would it be ?

  12. Ok!   Edinburgh City had a bad year in Div 1, relegation and points deductions and even if no points deductions they would have been relegated.
    So now, back down to division 2.   What I'm interested to know from supporters, have City reached their level and will yo yo up n down between the two divisions or stay div 2 or do you think they will keep spiraling down divisions?

    This is definitely what makes a great pyramid, seeing teams progress and or fail with promotion and relegation and see how they fair over the years through their good times and bad times.

    Hopefully this bronze crap is sorted and Edinburgh just stay where they are to fight the new season trying to do well in division 2

  13. 20 hours ago, archieb said:

    If it's the match I'm thinking of it's going back s bit to 2016, Wednesday June 15th, Central League Cup Final vs Greenock.

    Played after we'd lost the Junior Cup Final against Beith.

    Pollok won 7-1.

    Sorry Archie, I was mistaken, it wasn't a final, it was a league match I was informed it was a league match between Cambuslang and Kilwinning. in the premier league at the end of last season and the pitch was in a horrendous state.  I also remember watching Pollok at Cambuslang, sure it was the same season earlier and the pitch looked OK

    My bad

  14. 4 hours ago, TM1947 said:

    Rumour has it Tony McInally getting approached he has some connections with Bellshill. Unless he’s looking for something bigger the management team might be save enough

    You do know the management signed on for an extra year extension a few months ago so with this in mind lolol where does the rumour come from?, especially as the management signed an extension

    I cant be bothered searching for it on the third division forum but were you the guy who said the management were gonna be sacked if they don't get promoted, I read it even though they signed an extra year but didn't reply as just wanted to let it flow.

    If you dislike the team and want to shit stir, gonna shit stir with something more plausible, it might get a few of us interested 👍

  15. 7 minutes ago, FairWeatherFan said:

    They didn't, they voted 9-7 at the time on rejecting increased relegation. A couple of those 9 then tried to block future votes until the SPFL changed.

    Since then there's been a fair amount of turnover. There's nothing to stop the LL proposing changes to the Tier 6 promotion


    No agreed, i do think this will eventually be changed.  Sure it was civil service strollers who initiated it but don't know who seconded it

  16. Just now, Zanetti said:

    Why should the SPFL be the ones to open their door first?

    I don't give a shit who does it first, both are the same,  just like the chairmen of the SPFL and SFA, looking after themselves and more than happy to feck Scottish Football.  Every club voted against relegation when in the SPFL2,  Brechin, Berwick Rangers, Cowdenbeath, Albion Rovers, East Stirlingshire and not one of them will be back for a while due to lesser chance of promotion.


    Anyways enough of my rambling,   
    I think the game down in Stranraer will be a cracker.  I did have EK favoutire month  before the Playoff but I haven't a clue now.  Good luck to both teams on the day 

  17. 3 minutes ago, Zanetti said:

    The Lowland League has 18 teams with 3 divisions in the tier below, yet only 1 side gets relegated from it. I think they should have a good look in the mirror first if they want to complain about fairness.

    I hate the Lowland league and their self interest but posts like this should do their research before opening their mouth. The Lowland league voted not to open up relegated from the Lowland, (which I'm against), until the SPFL2 open up relegation.   It's the same crap from both leagues, any team relegated from the SPFL2, do not come back.  Any team relegated from the Lowland league do not come back.   There is a reason why teams relegated from both leagues have never came back.

    The self interest teams don't get it.  Get relegation sorted and this will give you  a greater chance of coming back, if not, you just end up like the previous, not good enough to come back which is Fact but in the future the level between the SPFL2 and Lowland will level out, could be this season, next season, 5 season, whatever but it will happen I suppose

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