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professor challenger

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Posts posted by professor challenger

  1. I don't think there's any way our run of home fixtures could possibly be as poor as last season's in terms of away supports and little as it is we now have additional income from the league sponsorship.

    Think it's reasonable to assume our income will increase and I think substantially in comparison to the season just past.

  2. You really are a bit of a dick, Professor, are you not!! I was at Firhill tonight along with many other jags fans, one of whom, during a random chat at the bar, I found out was Lindau, who was part of a jags regulars 60th birthday celebration in the Aitken Suite and anyone that knew him tonight, knows he is a well known jags regular. Think there are a lot more u should be having a dig at rather than Mr Lindau on the WAT site, but hey ho if u want to , thats your choice. A dig at somebody that appears to have supported the manager through thick or thin appears to be normal on both sites, but let's realise we are in a better position than our club has been in many years! Thousands were were spent tonight hiring the suite and the amount of drink that was swallowed making plenty for the club, when there is little income coming into the club. Honestly if there is a dick or fanny involved here, it's you my friend!!

    Perhaps if this paragon was able to discuss a Thistle win without first having a dig at anyone who doesn't worship the manager I wouldn't be mentioning him.

    That OK?

  3. Dont be nasty professor

    Sorry, its just that those brown nosers with their `I`m a better supporter than anyone who dared to criticise the manager` stuff that really get on my nerves. Just read that Lindau guy`s stuff every time we win a game, you`ll get the idea.

    Anyway, on a more positive note, if Taylor signs as now looks likely is there any chance this could have a positive bearing on Higgy`s decision?

  4. Got to admit I'm one if those who don't really have much faith in Doolan playing the role that the manager wants of his striker in his preferred formation of one up front. Archibald seems to agree given the number of times he starts from the bench and is obviously behind Taylor in team selection.

    By no means a poor players and a hugely valuable member of the squad but sorry, not my first pick. I think it's unfortunate for him that we have Stevenston in the position that I think he'd be ideally suited for.

  5. Macleod deal to Brentford has been done.

    I'd suggest a possible fire sale, but I can't think of to many players worth money and that anyone would sign for the wages these guys are on

    [/qeuote]heard again that Shield is coming to Firhill in the coming weeks. It was to happen in the summer but Thistle bottled it when they realised they had to pick up his entire wage bill.

    If it comes off it must mean that he's,accepting a huge cut in his money as I don't think they are in a better position now than they were in August.

  6. Does anyone actually believe the share issue will raise the full £8M? Even if it does, history suggests the cost of the exercise will eat up 20% of that.

    It's a hell of an expensive way to cement your holdings (i.e. dilute every one else's holdings) in what will always be a loss-making enterprise - a bigger share of a negative profit.

    Assuming the share issue, the STs to date, the PATG and the advertising revenue see them through this season, what do they do next? Another share issue?

    Probably thinking that once the Celtic games are reinstated all their financial problems will be resolved by huge ST sales and a massive increase in sponsorship.

    Failure to get promotion could be the end of them. (On that note, imagine playing them AND the SFA if they only managed a play off place).

  7. You will notice how there are no neutrals on this thread, I think we can both agree that you are either pro-Rangers or you hate them with a passion, which is fair enough.

    You will also notice there are certain posters who do not really get angry, I am talking about guys like AB and MT and my friendly Peterhead fan here, nobody ever accuses them of getting angry because that would be silly, they are calm lads who keep their shit together.

    You on the other hand...well there is a very good reason why people keep taking the piss out of your rage, you may choose to take this on board, I for one hope you do not, I find you highly entertaining just as you are.

    I hate, loathe and despise Rangers (and Celtic) but I regard myself as neutral thanks very much.

  8. So me being totally hacked off and disillusioned with all the pish at Rangers, I decide to say enough's enough and give my support to a team, which will actually be my local team by the time that they play their next game, makes me a pathetic cretin. Whereas you are? Aye you just go off and spend your season ticket money, glory hunting over 200mls away.

    All this pish that you can never change allegiance from one football club to another, kind of flies in the face of the ''support your local team, don't be a glory hunter'' ethos. I gave plenty to Rangers but the wool has been lifted from my eyes and I'm moving on. I love football and I'm not turning my back on my club ''because the going got tough'' or ''the club's going through a sticky patch''. It's a complete basket case and I found it more and more embarrassing trying to defend it. Sure the owners, past and present have been responsible for a lot of it but there have been other major contributions.

    Stand up and take a bow, the legend that is - Super Ally. What an absolute prat of a man and a total liability as a manager. Where the club is today and where it has been for the last 2x seasons, has plenty to do with his ineptitude and yet he is still revered by the masses. His pronouncements to the press and rallying calls to the support, are almost always a cringe fest.

    Which brings us to:-

    The support, with all it's various factions and spokespersons, even those represented on here - including to my shame, me - have been quite ridiculous in their/our sabre-rattling arrogance.

    Like I said, changing clubs, a big decision certainly but pathetic and cretinous? I don't think so. If we're treated badly by our employer, we change jobs, if our marriage/relationship has broken down, we divorce/move on. Rangers just doesn't work for me anymore. Maybe I've just grown up.

    Sorry. A most reasonable and lucid post and certainly not the contribution of a cretin but you can't, just can't, change your allegiance where your team is concerned.

    Many become disillusioned and drift away (how many Thistle fans can testify to this)but your team is YOUR team.

    For good or bad It's not something you can change like underwear or wives.

  9. As things stand at the moment I am not going back. I am certainly not going back to Ibrox on a regular basis or anything like it. I am absolutely disgusted with those who have renewed and tbh i don't want to share the same stadium as them. They are welcome to the club. I know one supporter who renewed and keeps saying it doesn't matter if Green and Whyte make money or get the stadium because if it wasn't for them there would be no Rangers.

    I may go to the odd away game but right now i just feel empty and completely fed up with the whole sorry fiasco. Was talking about it earlier to a well known Rangers supporter who like me hasn't missed a game at Ibrox in years..Once i have missed that first one and broken the run it will be much easier to find other things to fill my time.

    When this has all played out i cant see it really changing the way i feel. It will never be the same again...I always felt part of the support and part of the 'Rangers Family' but no more. I ll miss it of course to start with but i am sure i ll carry on with my life regardless. My missus is about to graduate as a Midwife and i had said i ll move anywhere as long as it is no further than two hours drive from Ibrox..I think it is safe to say we can move anywhere in the country now..I believe North Yorkshire is nice this time of year.

    No knee jerk reaction...Wont be changing my mind...Just a life long Rangers supporter who has been completely worn down by the whole sorry saga.

    Considered Firhill?

    Glasgow' s oldest professional club and we accept all major credit cards.

  10. Reality bites!!

    Old mate on Mull has had a ST at Greyskull for years. Doesn't attend too many games but buys it out of brand loyalty.

    Contacted by email to inform that automatic ST renewal was no longer available and that only cash or cheque were suitable payment methods. He does'nt have a cheque book and phoned them up to ask how he could get payment to them. He was told that he would have to visit the the ticket office despite it being a round trip of 280 miles and a return ferry trip.

    Apparently they were very nice and very apologetic but insisted their hands were tied.

    For the first time in years he's not renewing. They've managed to lose a customer who was more than willing to pay for their product. Utter madness

  11. Genuine question to fans of clubs in the SPFL out there, apart from Celtic fans. Are you enjoying your season more? Less? Or no difference without rangers?

    It's easy for me to say I'm loving it as my team (Dons) are doing well so perhaps other fans can share their thoughts.

    Armageddon talk, as you all know, was a feckin nonsense but I'd be really interested to know if even the fans of teams who are having a poor season prefer the top league now with no rangers?

    Been great so far. Been to every game and the only day outs I haven't enjoyed have been the Celtic games. Not even going to go to the next one.

    Know from long experience that it would be the same with Sevco. So glad they just ain't in our league.

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