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Everything posted by jock001

  1. In all of history the only time anyone ever won a war on terror was us in malaya and hopefully soon us in NI. Both times it was hearts and minds which changed things. Killing terrorists doesn't work unless you make sure they won't be replaced by new recruits. You can casually dismiss these facts all you want, there's only one way for Israel to win and they aren't even attempting it. They're happy with the status quo.
  2. “It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried.” Winston ChurchillThe same thing applies to partition. It never works but there's no better solution. The South of Ireland generally wanted independence, the North didn't. Nobody got exactly what they wanted but it was still the best solution.
  3. Let me try and explain it in a way you can understand: There's only one way to win a war on terror, seperate the terrorists from their recruitment pool. Just killing terrorists doesn't work. More will pop up and replace them. You can either commit genocide so there's no pool for the terrorists to recruit from or you can try a hearts and minds campaign so the terrorists can no longer justify their existence. Israel hasn't attempted either of these in palestine. They are content to keep an entire country as a concentration camp, just because it's less effort than actually trying for peace. The terrorists they are fighting today are their own creation.
  4. Strange how any mention of the only way to win a war on terror is completely irrelevant but a post about muslims in another country being bad is 'new's and relevant. It's almost as if there are certain facts you'd lke to pretend didn't exist. Can we say 'willful ignorance'?
  5. Did you have a point? The existence of muslim terrorists justfies Israel in killing as many kids as they want?
  6. The fact that there is only one possible way to win a war on terror is nonsense and irrelevant to Israels war on terror? You haven't really thought this one through, have you? Lets try a simple question: If a man kills 5 kids in an attack which spreads terror throughout a civillian population, what is the more important aspect of that incident for you? A) The numer and type of deaths. B) What the man was wearing at the time. It does seem you define how bad something is by whether it was done by someone in uniform or not. That can't really be true can it?
  7. Whats wrong with comparing one appartheid regime to another? What's wrong with comparing one war on terror with another? Other than making you uncomfortable I mean. The fact is, there is only one way to win a war on terror, seperate the terrorists from their recruitment pool. At no stage in the entire history of the country has Israel attempted to do this. It's easier for them to just oppress an entire people.
  8. How about national service and them giving you a gun to go point at some people being dependant on being jewish? Could you imagine what would have happened in NI if the british army had actually been made up of only protestants and unionists? NI which was also appartheid, just not officially.
  9. Just out of interest: In your entire history of posting on this website, have you once made a serious comment on a serious subject? Seems to me you just sit there waiting to take irrelevant cheap shots at people posting what they think and at the same time never post your own thoughts because they are far more worthy of ridicule. If you haven't, have you ever made a serious comment on a non serious thread? Maybe you talked about football one time?
  10. I was just thinking I may have a fetish for girl on girl sidekicks. Buffy the vampire slayer, xena the warrior princess and madame vastra, they've all been sex symbols of some description and I find them all less hot than their sidekicks.
  11. You evil barsteward. I wanted to be all mock offended but I made the mistake of actually listening to the clip.
  12. So within an hour we went from a stadium in serious disrepair to a European elite category stadium? Wow, that's either some pretty swift repair work or you are just making stuff up as you go along. I wonder which.........................................
  13. It's just the polis being dicks as usual. We all know how much they REALLY care about the safety of football fans.
  14. Do you think that if you were forced to live under the conditions the palestinians are, you might want to fight back against the people responsible? There are plenty of people in Palestine who literally want to wipe Israel off the map. The vast majority have been motivated into this way of thinking by Israel themselves, not Hamas or the PLO or anyone else. Israel breeds all its own terrorism.
  15. So do I. We can dream though, right? Imagine a world where every win feels like an achievement.
  16. `Can it be true? After decades of waiting is there really a second team who can challenge us?
  17. Jews aren't safe in any other country in the world? Or to put it another way: The Hamas rocket attacks Israel is using to justify its actions aren't really a threat at all and the people in Israel are safer than anywhere else they could possibly be.
  18. If? You mean before supporting his words you didn't bother to find out what they were?
  19. That's a very good question. I have no emotional ties to soda stream or coca cola but I do to rangers. I'd certainly protest it.
  20. I wouldn't mind this sort of list for Russia too, given what they are doing in the Ukraine. Sadly though Russia seems to have geared its economy to not having any actual brands and only selling stuff to other companies rather than to people.
  21. Why would anyone? Yeah, because everyone knows human beings are only characateurs and nobody ever formed a complex opinion on everything. The prospect of indepenence really does bring out the worst in some people.
  22. The IDF are making a big noise about losing some troops because Hamas booby trapped the walls inside a hospital. They haven't quite worked out that while booby trapping a hospital is fecking evil, it's a complete waste of time unless the IDF decide they want to storm that hospital with infantry.
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