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Man of Aran

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Everything posted by Man of Aran

  1. Frank Finally got round to seeing this and loved it. Proper laugh-out-loud funny at times and Fassbender is excellent. 9/10
  2. Is Tom Hardy not gay? I don't think it's lipstick he'd be ruining...
  3. Comments include: "Shocking! " "This is rly scaery x" and "For all the idiots saying this isn't true...Go educate yourselves! Seriously. I learned this when I was still a child...and I use it every so often (mostly because it amuses me)."
  4. Trying to use a touch screen phone outside when it's raining. I'm a seething mess right now.
  5. "message to Natalie Fitzpatrick.If our British humour and traditions offend you, please feel free to leave." Dressing up like Big Momma from Big Momma's house = British traditions
  6. Some right seething messes on tonight complaining about Tesco sending home an employee who was dressed up as 'Big Momma' for Hallowe'en
  7. My feed is full of shite like this. Working in the media industry, I'm facebook friends with a fair few actor/model/creative types who spout this pseudo-inspirational garbage on a daily basis, quite often super imposed on a photo of themselves. Not quite sure if it's insecurity or they actually believe they are doing a divine service but they are vain, self-indulgent, narcissistic c***s.
  8. She DECIDED not to put the pictures up? At what point would even considering posting that on Facebook cross your mind?
  9. Thought it was an obvious piss take at first but after some careful research it turns out I went to school with this poet laureate of Dumbarton. Vaguely remember her not making it past first year.
  10. If you're not already a member of your local buy/sell group then I suggest you join now. Some absolute gold to be found.
  11. I have witnessed at least two females 'receiving' Mothers Day cards from their dug today. f**k right off.
  12. Fully grown men who still post relentlessly about their awful band as if they are 17 and anyone actually cares. Fair play they're doing something they enjoy and maybe I'm just bitter and cynical but gie it a rest eh?
  13. Went out with a girl for years who was adamant that her kids were going to be called Alfie and Riley (can't remember if that was a boy or a girl). Fair to say I was shiteing it.
  14. Aye right. This is place is a hotbed for patter thieves.
  15. I just hit 300 likes for a status I put the other day. I don't even have 300 friends. This changes everything. Away to pack in my job and become a full time Lad Bible w****r
  16. Shamefully, I'm a bit of an X-Men geek but yeah it's utter garbage. Small saving grace was Liev Schrieber playing a pretty good Sabretooth. I think I read that this film was kind of shoehorned in quickly because the studios decided they needed an origins film before they made The Wolverine (which was also garbage incidentally).
  17. Change of tactics seeing as Angela has got shite patter
  18. I'm a serial right swiper. Just sent 'Go karting?' to 60-odd matches. Ball's in their court now.
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