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  1. Of course he can have a say, but there’s a time and a place. Barely out the door and saying stuff like this is basically airing the clubs dirty laundry in public. Also displays a quite stunning lack of self awareness. How many of the disastrous managerial appointments did he oversee in the last few years?
  2. You get a rough impression of the state Meadow are in off the park when you have the recently retired Chairman publicly blasting the team on Saturday and not too subtly calling for managerial change on the clubs own FB page. And when fans jump on him for his crass comments, the former chairman not only doesn’t apologise, he doubles down! This from the chap who was at the helm when Ben was appointed to the hot seat as well. Dysfunctional doesn’t quite cover Medda at the moment it would seem.
  3. Wouldn’t surprise me at all if Gall wrote that ‘tribute’ himself. Can at least see him standing over one of Darvel’s army of ‘media’ team dictating it. The guy bought success, massaged his own ego by putting himself front and centre at every opportunity and treated a lot of people and clubs like dirt along the way. I doubt many in the game outside of Darvel will miss him. Classless, obnoxious to the end.
  4. I would say the difference now is the hunger in young players. Not enough passion shown for me. A real lack of natural leaders coming through.
  5. ‘Offered’ and the committee accepted. So jumped before they were pushed then. The committee were happy to let them go no questions asked. As good as a sacking.
  6. Looking back they made a huge error sacking Spence and Latta for far less. Think there is still a misguided belief behind the scenes that Meadow should be winning honours on a regular basis.
  7. Just saw the result there. Having seen Meadow earlier in the season I have to say it doesn’t surprise me. The quality of player they have brought in seems to be way below the standard required. I’d be very worried if I were a Medda fan now. Yes it’s a friendly, yes it’s ultimately nothing more than bragging rights, but I wonder at just what level this Medda team is realistically sitting at. The recruitment appears to be dreadful. But yes, you cannot keep sacking managers as medda have done. Who would want to take on that job now? I honestly believe there’s a real danger Meadow will drop another division this year.
  8. The guy McDowall is working an agenda and it’s as clear as day. He is an absolute dinosaur and determined to throw a wrecking ball at the wosfl and anything else to preserve his precious SJFA blazer. Thank god he failed in his election bid but it may only be a matter of time till he gets his way, no doubt aided and abetted from like minded folks on the wosfl committee and at various Wosfl clubs.
  9. One thing I will say about JG is what you see is what you get. His famous ‘Unlucky Talbot’ summed him up. Arrogant, classless, lacking basic intelligence, etc. Not that he cares a jot MK on the other hand is very careful to present a persistent mr nice guy act that many people fall for. Occasionally the mask falls. But he is, in my opinion, someone who is worth a watching. Long term, the pair of them and how they worked together could prove to be the downfall of Darvel. I hope I am wrong.
  10. The pyramid was absolutely mentioned. A simple Google search will show you that.
  11. Martin Ferry was an extremely bad managerial appointment by Meadow. Got the gig because of his past ties with the club, despite his extremely patchy (and that’s being kind) managerial record. The club is still paying the price for that particular mistake imo.
  12. Said this about McKenzie in June And so it has come to pass… the signing policy is all over the place at Darvel and Oliver has to take responsibility.
  13. Think it’s more the severe and speedy nature of the club’s fall on the pitch more than anything. They joined the pyramid in strong shape, shot themselves in the foot with the sacking of Strain and a string of poor managerial appointments thereafter. Bad decisions have got them where they are and they now find themselves at serious risk of being also-rans in a very competitive first division. Getting back up to the Premier (where I personally think they belong) any time soon will not be easy. As for owning their own ground, aren’t the Buffs tenants of Kilwinning Sports Club? I could be wrong there but that was my impression. Will hold my hands up if that’s not the case.
  14. Seemed like a fairly reasonable few questions to me tbf and the first response was measured.
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