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Posts posted by daleboy1969

  1. 20 minutes ago, Goalie Hamish said:


    Problem appears to be that the SJFA have unrealistic expectations as to where they are in the pecking order which will probably lead nowhere. At least the West of Scotland League offers clubs a chance to progress and brings balance to the Pyramid below the Lowland League. It ticks a lot of boxes and the SJFA should be seriously considering it's merits otherwise clubs may just jump ship to it anyway.


    I don't think it's unrealistic for the sjfa to have there say in the future set up off scottish non league football .given they are bigger than all the others put together .after all we allow two clubs in Glasgow to dictate senior football simply because off their size .but your correct that the sjfa leadership aren't up to the job off representing the clubs in the association. The recent it's a holiday oh sorry it's not a holiday around Christmas FIXTURES continues to make the junior game a laughing stock .I believe that like our friends South off the border any clubs climbing should be improving facilities as they go .clubs in our sulerleagues should have floodlights for instance . ( impose a system like the green guide on junior clubs )

  2. I find it blizzard that junior football ( by far the biggest non league body in scotland) should  move HEAVEN and earth to join the minority leagues that are mostly no better than the junior set up .I see senior clubs with inferior facilities and yet junior clubs are constantly slated for a lack of investment in facilities . The greed that has destroyed our big game looks like it will take junior football as it's next victim .

  3. My grandfather played into his late thirties for Bathgate ( boooo) and then became one off the founders off Livingston United .a great big non swearing presbiterian man until a Saturday afternoon when suddenly the parentage off every referee in the east region was called into question .allas the great man died in the early seventies ,but to this day I remember the hundreds off mourners from every club in the east off Scotland and beyond ..think that's how I love our junior game south ...RIP GEORGE (GUTTY) MC CUTCHEON ..A LEGEND

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