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Posts posted by daleboy1969

  1. Simple solution to pyramid 

    Juniors are juniors ,lowland league are lowland league ,highland league are highland league .all 3 produce their best club for playoff against bottom senior club .winner takes the prize .easy east,west north playoff with junior champions to get junior club for playoff .dont care how the others get one ,any clubs falling back down from seniors go into wherever they came from .

    However this is scotland and we need to get the slide rule out to work things out .

  2. 20 minutes ago, AlanCamelonfan said:

    Well why did they all vote for the pyramid? Their is no where for Kilsyth to go unless they get wrsjfa into the pyramid and yes they will then be seniors.

    In regards to the other 3 thats fair enough

    Junior clubs voted to take junior football into the pyramid to allow the best junior clubs to progress , this season has proved that junior football was better quality than senior at tear 6 . Next seasons 100% ex junior eos top league ( conference or whatever its called) proves this . How many clubs are of the quality required to compete in the lowland league or higher will be seen in the next few seasons .also expect more movement on sfa membership criteria over the next couple of seasons . Seated areas must be included for movement above tear 5 . Im sure this will be met with the usual verbal backlash .

    Its my opinion and no amount of banshee squeeling will change it .


  3. 4 minutes ago, AlanCamelonfan said:

    But that change was never going to come and wasn't going too until we all moved. The general feeling at our club is its a vast improvement. As I said on the other forum the teams that have prospered are those that have embraced it. A lot of the complaints have centred around the transitional season but that was required. I agree though we should have all merged in but for me the merger should happen away from the Juniors. I loved the Juniors but the organisation was poor. Our season wasn't wrecked when the Gretna SOuth Challenge cup 3rd round tie was put off it was held off until the next cupdate where look at the Junior cup causing chaos. These 4 ties that will be off tomorrow 2 of which were off last week are starting to cause havoc. That is the difference

    I dont disagree with the chaos caused by the junior cup postponements but again easily sorted .no more replays and clubs playing floodlit games . All top junior league clubs should have floodlights . Facilities have stagnated in scotland because the authorities never bothered forcing changes . 

  4. 13 minutes ago, G4Mac said:

    I'm not sure I follow..... But I'll attempt to buy into the conversation. 

    I never said anything about it not being democratic, out of interest what is the democratic process that has been involved in keeping someone in their 'paid' post for 20 years or so, unchallenged?

    I'm all for democracy, but be careful what you ask for, democracy can work for you or against you, just look at the brexit mess we are in (please no one start a brexit debate, this was just an example on my part). 

    In terms of moving to an association I know nothing about, I can assure you, my club did not do this. They looked into what was on offer from the sjfa and what was on offer from the eosfl. The club weighed up the pros and cons of both, the potential of both set ups and put it to a committee vote for yay or nay...... That was a well thought out, balanced, informed and democratic process...... Not a lemming jump into the dark or a hesitant remain just because we were used to something and were scared of change..... 

    But by all means continue to utilise one or two isolated examples to try and further the narrative you are currently attempting to sell. Particularly, that the east clubs abandoned ship, into the dark, without thinking and they are worse off for it........i though, would disagree with that thought process. 

    That may have been the case with your club .but the late scramble was a case off keeping up with the joneses .and the 2 clubs that returned certainly done so to avoid travelling long distances every second week . Anyway thats all in the past and thats where it should stay .the continued badgering of junior clubs to follow is now a bit teadious .let history show who chose the correct path . 

  5. 21 minutes ago, AlanCamelonfan said:

    Surely you know guys at Broxburn and Blackburn that you could talk to about the EOSFL. Theirs nothing to be scared of. I was skeptical at first aswell but its been like a restart for us. Its a strong league. We know our fixtures at the start of the season for most of the year and its just the final ones to get added in. Plenty of cups to play in and test yourself against good teams from the Lowland League.  If its not for you thats fine just have to see what happens

    I know guys at linlithgow and boness . Not completelly overwhelmed with the experience . I prefer change from within without panic or foot stamping tantrums when compromise is required . I would suggest that in a few seasons the best teams in the LL will be the ex east junior clubs . My point being outwith east kilbride and spartans the east superleague was and i say WAS  better than  the lowland league .full intigration of the junior system into the pyramid was the answer with a pathway for the best clubs right to the top if they were capable . These clubs would have always been junior and in the ideal world would have still been able to compete in the scottish junior cup . Allas this was lost 

  6. 3 minutes ago, G4Mac said:

    I wouldn't be comfortable with certain individuals from the current sjfa running anything in the future pyramid set up.

    I do not feel that would be appropriate, for me, these people (not everyone) have mismanaged every aspect of junior football for a considerable period of time and are in this for self preservation.

    I'd rather new faces, new ideas, new ideologies coupled with a healthy vision  for driving the whole pyramid forward as opposed to being stuck in the past and jeapordising the memberships future. 

    Its democratic ..just needs a proposal . A bit of lobby work and who knows ....alternativelly just leave and join another set up you know nothing about ....i prefer the democratic route myself ..a bit old fashioned that way .

  7. 36 minutes ago, Kilbowie Benches said:

    Aww diddums are you struggling to come up with decent responses now?


    TO BE FAIR .YOU NEED TO AGREE WITH THIS INDIVIDUAL .HE IS A FONT OFF ALL KNOWLEDGE IN LOWER LEAGUE SCOTTISH FOOTBALL . and despite a lack of local games the attendances at blackburn have increased this season . Bucking the trend .. also a complete whiz at constitutions .a true nobleman of non league football ,only a matter of time before we see him at the helm in hampden .

  8. 1 hour ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

    You might want to put down your copy of ‘How to social media like the Donald’ because you’ve fcuking nailed it.

    This is the junior forum ..if you dont like junior football .write yir dung on the EOS or lowdown league forum  .i dont read the old firm forum as i cant stomach there bile ...its easy .now CHEERIO 

  9. 12 hours ago, Black & Red Socks said:

    What? What a complete failure to make your case.


    Time and time again you’ve been asked to build an argument for what you espouse and, time and time again, you’ve been entirely unable to do so.....what you do seem capable of is proving that those entrenched in their undying love for a dying grade of football have learnt nothing from previous refusals to move with the times.


    If you don’t regret the error of your ways then those who have to follow and pick up the pieces of your folly undoubtedly will......and the more you and your like howl aimlessly at the dying light then the more it will be a thankless task for the more enlightened that I hope will follow you.

    I wont entertain the idiotic bunch .lets see how many of the HUGE  clubs too big for the grade last season  are in the REAL senior leagues ten years from now .THE FACT IS YOUR NOT BETTER THAN COWDENBEATH,ALBION ROVERS ,CLYDE ETC ....YOUR DELUDED .....last years move was a side step , certainly not a move forward as will be proved in coming seasons . 

  10. On 03/01/2019 at 15:21, Vollyman said:

    I have seen snow in Armadale,Bathgate and Whitburn and games off travel 8 miles away and there is no snow in Linlithgow Bo’ness or Falkirk area and games are on.Yes it is a small country but weather can differ 20 miles away.

    All EOS clubs will receive grants for undersoil heating for next season .along with huge parachute payments for clubs in tear 6.1 next season . ( chairman moi decided tear 7 not acceptable for big senior clubs) happy new year SUPERSTARS .#juniorsfurme

  11. On 22/11/2018 at 20:59, AlanCamelonfan said:

    May be because he's not in the SFA and clinging onto the past in another organisation that he isnt mentioned 

    Aye daft lochee .a stick on to be playing in the so called BIG scottish cup next year while the majority of the clubs that left the juniors will not ..Defo a complete bunch of idiots at lochee united . ... INSPIRED ...

  12. 18 hours ago, Ginaro said:

    Not being funny, but would these ever get used for midweek games if you're staying Junior? Especially now with the reduced number of league matches.

    The thought is having the option to play midweek games is better than not having the option .simple thought process really . Modern lighting solutions makes the burden off floodlighting less on smaller clubs . IMO floodlit grounds should have been a must for superleague junior clubs ,allas this will no longer be the case in the east .

  13. 20 hours ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

    Was there as much as that, I thought maybe 100 or so. Great game though. What's with the portacabins and sectioned off parts of the far terrace, is there work planned?

    Eta, forgot about the pies, best I've had in ages.

    Official attendace 155 . Portacabins will be new toilets .ladies, gentz , disabled and new meeting room . Work starts next week on new enclosure roof . Terracing to east and south to be repaired over time . Also looking at floodlighting options over next year or so . Pitch has been undergowing remedial works for 2 years and starting to look the part . 

  14. More than 150 at armadale for moved fixture .  There life outside the superleague . West lothians clubs can buck thd trend .the EOS attendances are no higher than previous seasons as junior so the punters are hardly clambering to be part of the big journey . Lets see how the ex juniors favour in climbing leagues this season .(after all they had outgrown junior football and felt they could go mid scottish fooyball league ) lets see how it works out . 

  15. 21 hours ago, G4Mac said:

    Yes daleboy it was a serious question. I realise that some of the posts were tongue in cheek and were jest, but some were aimed at being a dig at Spartans for not carrying a huge support.

    Now whilst I believe clubs require a support to function, if they can function with a support of 71 or 17 why does that matter to anyone else other than the club.... There appears to be those amongst us that believe having a massive following is far better than playing at a higher level or that the fact they carry a larger support than others that they hold more weight as a club than their peers. 

    I just hate the argument of 'we have more fans attending games than you therefore we can freely mock you for the size if your support'.

    Just a personal opinion though and one comment i've seen continuously about the size of a teams support that i've never really felt I understood in terms of its relevance. 

    Fair enough . I thought spartans would carry a decent support at home . Defo a non league success story .

  16. 4 hours ago, LongTimeLurker said:

    May have been to sort out pecking order for new league set up . Any truth in the rumour that panama are joining the EOS league .

  17. 52 minutes ago, 8MileBU said:

    Khufu having an utter ‘mare on here for weeks now.

    Good that he has daleboy1969 endorsing his posts though.

    You need to get out boness a bit more .stalking on p& b bit sad really . Plenty new places to go next year .hopefully they will welcome you chaps . 

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