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  1. They be technically better players, but Eaton does seem to be the only one who can actually play in front of a crowd. I've seen both Eaton and Goodall play live, and Eaton was by far the more impressive match player. Not as solid from the back of the court, but he can actually hold his serve consistantly. If you can do that, you'll at least be challenging in each set. Goodall and Evans, just seem to shrink when you put them out onto the court where people are actually expecting them do something. Eaton at least seems to rise to the challenge. A fairly poor player maybe, but at least he's not scared shitless when he steps onto the court.
  2. Chris Eaton should be our second singles player imo. He's the only one who's shown that he can play under the pressure of the Davis cup and rise to big occasions. I don't know why he's so low in the rankings, there must be a problem there, but at least he has a weapon in his serve, and the mental attitude to play and actually win a match. None of the other higher ranked players have shown any of those traits. At least until Jamie Baker gets back into things, he has a bit of grit and fight about him. Dan Evans is another Bogdanovic, except apparently with less natural talent.
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