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Posts posted by Bluenose5

  1. have to say I started following the Dragons as the WIN stadium is best I have been to for atmosphere, and Wendel Salior is a legend! Shame about Gasnier leaving, was a fantastic player! Probably between him, Benji Marshall or Toadd Carney for the best player I have seen live.

    Is a shame you weren't over here when Andrew Johns was playing because he was arguably the greatest ever rugby league player. In all honesty there isnt too much atmosphere at sports games here compared to Europe.

    Big Wendell, Gasnier and Benji are all good players but Slater, C.Smith, Ingles and Cronk are all better ;):P

  2. Sad to hear about Alexei :(

    We won our first match at the Bell Centre this season in a SO against Boston :) after blowing a 3-0 1st period lead.

    Virtual Insanity will be happy his team beat Detroit in OT today, good win.

    Nice photos kyle*, in the third photo it looks like the big scoreboard over the ice is on fire with the smoke coming from it :lol:

  3. If they ever pick Symonds again they should play him at 6 and Watson at 7.

    Symonds should be back in the Australian squad soon enough, he's playing for QLD Bulls at the moment in the One -Day Cup, been doing alright aswell apparently.

  4. Have caught a bit of the Grand Final during the interminable repeats on Setanta and it looked like your lads got a bit of a doing, record defeat was it? :o

    I do enjoy the NRL stuff on Setanta, but with all the repeats and the time difference it's a bit much to properly follow. I think my girlfriend would also leave me if I started inflicting rugby league as well as football on her :lol:

    Scotland have a league team in the World Cup this year, starts later this month.

    Yes its the worst we have played in like 3 years but were missing our influential captain Cameron Smith through suspension when he shouldnt have been suspended in the first place <_< Anyway we gave them a doing in the final the previous season and during the season aswell so they got to beat us sometime.

    If Scotland were playing any of their matches in Melbourne I would have went to it but thankfully our only game here is probably one of the best matches so I will be going to the Australia vs England game.

    I understand Scotland have managed to persuade some decent Aussie to play for them at Rugby League World Cup.

    Michael Robinson appeared to be about to be selected for the Aussie squad, but to everyone surprise he wasn't selected and he has now chosen to play for Scotland. :o

    Cracking top from Scotland, mind you at £45 just for the top it should be...

    Its the fact that we have Israel Folau who is a better winger than him in our squad that he's not in there so not big surprise plus also 'The Wolfman' David Williams aswell in our squad too.

    Nice Scotland jersey by the way.

  5. Rinky's obviously happy with his team, but will Bluenose be happy tonight, after the Rugby League final up in Sydney? His team, Melbourne Storm are playing Manly in case anyone's interested...

    Dont get me started <_<

    The NRL along with the whole of NSW & QLD will be happy with the result. I could rant all day about the NRL and their judiciary system and the way they run things but I wont. Anyway we had a good season and to go to 3 grand finals straight is a fair effort and I think we will be back determined to make it 4 straight finals next season :)

    Well done to Manly by the way.

    Cant wait for the Rugby League WC, will be getting tickets for the Australia vs England game :D C'mon Aussies!

    Watched an International Rules Football game at Croke Park a few years ago, was a blood bath in all honesty, with both teams/players just giving each other hell for leather. As a sporting occasion it was dire and I wouldn't spend money watching it again.

    The two codes of Gaelic & Australian Football are often thought to be very similar and many would argue that any player from each code could play in the others, yet when they combine, it becomes nothing more than a physical battle.

    A few ex-Gaelic players have come to play in the Australian Rules Football over here in the past few seasons. I agree with what you say about the physical battle when its combined, not too much skill.

  6. Do you think Price can be consistent enough to take the Habs deep into the playoffs Bluenose? A great keeper no doubt but he started to crack a bit in the playoffs. Guy obviously has all the faith in the world in him, let's hope it works out for my second team, especially since Carey's a Vancouver boy.

    No doubting he is a great keeper, his second main season in the NHL will be harder and prove just how good he can become. As you said he didn't have a good playoffs but im sure he would have learnt a fair bit from the experience and I think he can be consistent enough. Guy certainly has his favourites and Price is one of them, would be good to see Halak get more of a go during the season.

    We got beat by Minnesota 3-0 at the Bell Centre :(

    We won 4-3 in OT :)

    Thought you's might have ;)

    Could be a big season for the Flames I think.

  7. I would happily take getting humped off the Canucks 6-1 as long as we hump the Oilers 4-0 in every game we play :):D

    Flames getting beat by the Oilers 3-2 at the moment, I think you guys will turn it around though in the 3rd period.

    Looks like another cruddy season for the Leafs.

    Long may it continue :P;)

    You guys put up a decent fight though against Detroit couple of days ago.

    But its when the season starts when it counts, hopefully Habs can go one better in the playoffs than we did last season.

  8. Got my foot fitted and my Nike+ runners last week with attachment. Wee-bairn I was the same as you as I did my running with my indoor footy boots but with a proper pair of runners its much comfier and less pressure on your legs and also your times will go down a fair bit because of it.

  9. Looks like im going to get the Nike+ shoe. Went to the Nike shop and they told me they dont sell the attachment seperatly :( so only way I am able to get it is if i purchase the shoe which looked decent so will have to save up and do that.

  10. Asics are my favourite running shoes.
    If you are going to get some running shoes it is a good idea to go to a proper running shop (plenty of them about) and they can tell what kind of shoe would be best for your. I need a slightly structured shoe because I run on the outside of my foot and then it rolls slightly. Mine are also Asics (just finished with a pair of nike)

    The nike + has been excellent for me - I have found it has given me extra motivation and means that you can monitor your progress alot better. Combine it with a decent training programme and it really can help. You dont have to go for the ipod version and they now do a sportband watch but I like training with music

    My PT said Asics are a really good running shoe so might have a look at them.

    Cheers diamonds2002, are you able to get like the iPod attachment without the Nike+ shoe and attach it to the laces on an Asics shoe for example? The whole iPod thing is the real drawcard for me for the Nike+.

  11. I do lots of running and have been running in my indoor football shoes for a few years which are flat soled, I was thinking in finally getting an actual decent pair of running shoes. I was thinking in getting the Nike+, what are they like if anyone got them? What other shoes you recommend?

  12. Looking forward to the new season starting :)

    I agree with CupidStunt and think the NYR will have a good season, but you can never right off the Pens as much as everyone says they will drop off this season.

    As for the Habs well I hope we can go one step further than we did in the playoffs last season especially as its the clubs centenial celebrations but it wont be easy. Hopefully we can do better against Ottawa aswell this season.

  13. Of course, I'm not saying the Pens are the first team to have a bandwagon support, but they have an extremely annoying one. Boring arena, boring crowd, annoying fans from those who I have met.

    I heard that the Pens are moving from the Mellon Arena to a newly built one basically across the road as Mellon arena is the oldest in the league. Will it be next season they move to it or the season after?

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