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Posts posted by silver

  1. Sadly Dereks third spell didnt work out, I really hoped he would revive our fortunes, but sadly it wasnt meant to be. I have a lot of time for the fella, and whenever I spoke to him I found him to be approachable, chatty and friendly. It was the same with his Dad. I wonder how many people who have derided him ever took the opportunity to actually speak to him, but instead just piled on him in a frenzy after his interviews. Yes the 100x better comment perhaps shouldnt have been said, but the repeated digs at him reflected worse on those who repeated the comment more than Derek himself in my opinion. Its funny how after the last 6 games his record as a manger at this club was swiftly forgotten by so many.

    Ask yourself this, without him would we ever have had our clubs name engraved on this this trophy and got out of the old 1st Division when we did?

    Thanks for the memories Derek, good luck with what you do next


  2. On 26/01/2024 at 15:28, Pete the Jakey said:

    Or we could watch his interviews first hand from behind the sofa hoping he doesn't make a complete arse of it.  

    You see I dont think he makes an 'arse' of his interviews. I think they are brilliant. His '100x better' remark in hindsight may have been regrettable, but other than that if what he says gets folk wound up, then thats their problem. He speaks honestly which I find refreshing, and I reckon there is method in what he says. I heard a well respected pundit on the radio today say as much as well.

  3. On 26/01/2024 at 13:53, forkboy said:

    Can you do us a solid then? Let me know when it's appropriate to be sceptical about stuff like falling right back into the old Adams habit of completely changing the squad every 6 months, driven by a transfer policy that reeks of "throwing a whole lot of shit at the wall & seeing if any of it'll stick". Tah

    Explain the difference in signing players on a transfer policy that in your opinion reeks of  "throwing a whole lot of shit at the wall & seeing if any of it'll stick' to one that signs players on long term deals who in my opinion have underperformed, underachieved, are inconsistent and frankly gone nowhere?


  4. In the absence of information some folk just fill the void with wild speculation. They become armchair experts and denounce DA and want him removed. Sad really. However if they just sat back and showed some patience, got their thinking cap on and thought about the situation they may, just may, realise DA perhpas knows what he is doing and let him get on with his job.

  5. 45 minutes ago, Savage Henry said:

    I honestly don’t hear him throwing players under the bus.  

    Nor me. The team is inconsistent, doesnt score enough and underperform and they were like that long before DA arrived. Now we hear some may not be giving 100%. Dont hear any ire being directed at those. If any have downed tools then I would be the first to dip my hand in my pocket to help pay their taxi fare out of Dingwall.

    For me haters are always going to hate and the absolute pile on I have seen and read on various social media channels is laughable. Its like folk are queuing up to listen to his post match talks with pitchforks and then foaming at the mouth when he speaks his mind. I personally back the man to the hilt, not through blind loyalty, but because I judge him on his past record here and in England.

    Judge the man when he has his own players in.

  6. 12 minutes ago, Pete the Jakey said:

    By my reckoning since arriving Derek has:

    1. Alienated the players with a car crash interview.

    2. Punted Turner and Samuel.

    3. Benched our keeper and all round good guy for no reason.

    4. Brought in some dud loans.

    5. Alienated the fans and chairman with another car crash interview.

    This experiment is over, I cannot see a way back for him.

    Point 4 Far too early in my opinion to say the loans are duds.

    Point 2 Neither were doing anything. I liked Alex Samual. Lots of effort, but 1 goal? I will be keeping a sharp eye on Turner, he has a chance at Raith and it will be interesting to see if he can do anything. My guess is he has found his level there.

    Point 3 My guess is he gave the new keeper a chance as maybe he has to have a certain amount of minutes to play as part of his loan deal. Far better to use him today than during a league game. Laidlaw will be back for the next game I reckon.

    Point 5 You are never going to keep all the fans happy. I certainly dont feel alienated!  As for the chairman, has he alienated him? Perhaps you know something I dont.

    As for the players. I would be out there to prove him wrong.

  7. Just now, StoneThrowAway said:

    The scary thing is I can now say I felt more confident with MM than DA based on current showing. 

    We all knew he would come in and be a total walloper but f**k me he is exceeding expectations. 

    The league position he left us in makes me think different. No axe to grind with MM, and I wish him well, but we were going nowhere under him sadly.

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