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Posts posted by Maxsta

  1. The UTTT.

    Sorry Max, I value your opinion and all that, but I'll have to defer to the knight of the realm here, oldco Rangers used the EBT scheme to sign players they could otherwise not afford.

    Sorry here's the full quote from Andrew Thornhill, the lawyer representing the Murray Group,

    “Because the whole point of the remuneration trust was it enabled the club to take on players that it otherwise couldn’t afforded (sic) to pay if it had to pay the grossed up wage.

    “This was Sir David Murray’s way of putting it. It was a way of getting hold of players you otherwise couldn’t afford.

    “So the last thing the club would do is say to a player: now, if you don’t like having remuneration trust we will pay you gross instead. It just couldn’t afford to do it. It wasn’t an option.”

    They recruited players they otherwise couldn’t afford.

    Yeah i fully understand why my viewpoint is in the minority, just think though how much money Murray had and how much he spunked on Rangers, do you not find it plausible that without EBT's he still would've overspent and signed players that were detrimental to the balance sheet but still manageable. Before whyte we were managing our debt, it was a huge amount and without the EBT's it still would've been huge, maybe different faces but i don't think that without EBT's Murray would have been more responsible financially, living within our means and signing "shitey" players.

  2. A guy on a fitba forum should have no impact on your life whatsoever. Minorly(is that even a word) or not. :lol:

    Well reading an opinion you find horrid can even on a minor scale affect your emotions. I must clarify i'm not bothered in the slightest, in the same way it shouldn't bother anyone if i dislike someone, be it an online moniker or real life acquaintance.

    I saw the red line and thought f**k it even if it's not a word it very well could be. I kinda like it made up or not.

  3. “This was Sir David Murray’s way of putting it. It was a way of getting hold of players you otherwise couldn’t afford.

    “So the last thing the club would do is say to a player: now, if you don’t like having remuneration trust we will pay you gross instead. It just couldn’t afford to do it. It wasn’t an option.”


    Where's that quote from? It's not like we could've made cuts in other areas to sign players. It's a mispread inaccuracy that we literally wouldn't have had the players we had without EBT's which other clubs also used.

  4. Seconded. The "traditions" were bad enough, but the cheating, lying, and law-breaking - combined with appealing to the worst of those "traditional" fans - would, and as we are seeing, have turned decent people away from this clusterfuck.

    As for youngsy's pish about "One thing that you are doing is turning your back on a club that has given you so many good times over the years you followed them. ", words fail me. A club which cheated the whole game, including their own fans, who believed they were competing on the same terms as the other clubs. Deep down, they know that those trophies were dishonestly gained. Just as, deep down, they know that rangers committed a long and very messy suicide.

    You have bodies in your back garden don't you?

  5. Song and dance? Aye right. I'm responding to the daft pish been posted by you and others regarding the choice I've made.

    1. Been around here longer than you pal and 2. your first line gives credence to the notion of Rangers fans that is held by the majority of other clubs' support - that we're they are all thick morons - so well done you. Not offended btw. 3. As for respect, as long as I have it from my family, friends and my lass, I don't give a fk.

    1. Point is?

    2. Care to elaborate how my first line does so?


  6. Just in case you missed it due to having your nose buried in 'Accountancy for Dummies' Max, this is an internet forum where freedom to post is a given (pretty much). You need to stop trying to be the class wideboy and chill a little, especially as your own posts aren't exactly bodicerippers.


    Wait are you sticking up for the fake Rangers fan? I'm flabbergasted. I can't wait to beat Hibs next season btw.

  7. So me being totally hacked off and disillusioned with all the pish at Rangers, I decide to say enough's enough and give my support to a team, which will actually be my local team by the time that they play their next game, makes me a pathetic cretin. Whereas you are? Aye you just go off and spend your season ticket money, glory hunting over 200mls away.

    All this pish that you can never change allegiance from one football club to another, kind of flies in the face of the ''support your local team, don't be a glory hunter'' ethos. I gave plenty to Rangers but the wool has been lifted from my eyes and I'm moving on. I love football and I'm not turning my back on my club ''because the going got tough'' or ''the club's going through a sticky patch''. It's a complete basket case and I found it more and more embarrassing trying to defend it. Sure the owners, past and present have been responsible for a lot of it but there have been other major contributions.

    Stand up and take a bow, the legend that is - Super Ally. What an absolute prat of a man and a total liability as a manager. Where the club is today and where it has been for the last 2x seasons, has plenty to do with his ineptitude and yet he is still revered by the masses. His pronouncements to the press and rallying calls to the support, are almost always a cringe fest.

    Which brings us to:-

    The support, with all it's various factions and spokespersons, even those represented on here - including to my shame, me - have been quite ridiculous in their/our sabre-rattling arrogance.

    Like I said, changing clubs, a big decision certainly but pathetic and cretinous? I don't think so. If we're treated badly by our employer, we change jobs, if our marriage/relationship has broken down, we divorce/move on. Rangers just doesn't work for me anymore. Maybe I've just grown up.

    It's pathetic, the way you've came on here to metaphorically suck dick and denounce Rangers to the glee of the BRALT dwellers paint you out to be a wee cretin.

    If you post things online don't be offended when someone comments. You'll never get respect of the average jambo either btw. It's really cute what you're doing but why don't you skip the drama and just write it in your diary?

  8. I'd say that the thing that's being missed in all this TV-deal nonsense is that it's nobody's fault but Rangers' that they went out of business and had to reapply to the third division. Not the SPL's fault or the SFA's; not Peter Lawell's or any other chairman's, but Rangers' fault.

    You can certainly blame the football authorities for making it clear to potential buyers that they thought the SPL broadcast rights were worthless without Old Firm games, which is pretty much the opposite of what they should be saying in public, and amounts to knocking megabucks off any deal.

    Nonetheless, this is yet another example of the way in which Craig Whytes' stupidity has impacted negatively on everyone else in Scottish football, and the defiance with which their fans have greeted the news speaks volumes about their mentality - they're annoyed

    This is probably worth remembering if they hit the administration buffers again and need more favours.

    Fixed this for you.

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